I wish I had been a slut in college...

I wish I had been a slut in college. When I was 19 I was full twink mode and could've gotten so much cock but I didn't start liking dick until I was older and now I fantasize about being a little fag slut and driving dudes crazy.
Can anyone else relate or am I alone in this feel?
Pic unrelated but also twink thread

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What tipped you off, the part where I was talking about wanting dick?

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My twink ass

forgot pic

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Can relate.

Hard same, OP. Back in high school and college, I was skinny and slightly feminine. By some miracle I managed to fuck three different girls out of my league, but I never took the leap and let any guys fuck me or use my mouth.

Now I'm 33, which is pretty much 80 by today's standards. Plus I'm chubby.

I wish I'd twinked out and been a little slut too. ;__;

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I was so into girls I never noticed the boys then. I don't regret the first part and still like women but the internet has shown me the appeal of guys 18-25 whomst would never give me the time of day now. I realized too late, I kinda want some cock now.

If the guys in the porn I was exposed to looked more like OP pic instead of Ron Jeremy and Peter North, I might have known.

Exactly. If I could go back I'd be a little e-thot. Stripping for dudes to stroke their big cocks to, showing off my hole and making them lose control and nut. Fuck.

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If porn was more focused on young horny boys and not jaded gross older men I'd probably have ended up gay instead of bi

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Yeah. There was one moment when I felt a rush... there was this French movie my dad had. Everyone in it looked barely 18 including the guys. This girl was taking turns blowing two guys, no contact between the guys, until after they facialized her she rubbed the tips of their dicks together which I thought was unheard of in porn. My heart pounded when I saw it. I wasn't homophobic at all as applied to others but I seriously never thought I had any gay tendencies before that moment.

can't relate. currently a slutty twink

I'm a twink but too scared/nervous to hook up with men, will probably find myself in your shoes op.

Post nudes then faggot


We all have regrets, but they're not worth obsessing over. Unless I miss my guess, you have a substantial portion of your life still in front of you, and there are lots of ways to enjoy yourself. Keep yourself in good physical shape and the young boys (particularly those with daddy issues) will still find you attractive, and you'll get all the young cock you wished you had in college. Plus, sex just keeps getting better as you get older. I'm a very fit 68, and I spent last night with a college boy who couldn't keep his hands (and also his mouth and ass) off me. You can do at least as well.

>Plus, sex just keeps getting better as you get older.
..and then out of fucking nowhere, impotence.

here's my ass fuck you

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Dude take advantage while you're pretty. Trust me.

Fuck that's fat, how many cocks have been in that?

enough of them. wanna make it one more?

Keep posting, I want to bust a nut

sure why not

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Good boy. How big can you take?

>tfw 25 and somehow still in twink mode
Being a skellington pays off.
But sadly me fucking around online raised my standards pretty high. So I have only some experience fucking femboys in their ass, and zero experience in getting dicked by said femboys. Just none worthy yet.
And I legit wish I was more of a gay slut. I've got a nice big dick and got quite some expensive offers to just get blown by thirsty faggots, but there is no money in this world that would keep me hard enough to facefuck some married loser.

could definitely handle you dw

>nice big dick
I think you know what you need to do user

Show me how you stuff your asshole

I fucking need a source
I know most of the other pics are from twinks and gaybrosgonewind but I've never seen this one before and it's got me absolute fucking diamons pleaaaase

Here, just redownloaded this from /soc/

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>nice big dick

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You homos never look in the mirror. You always main and complain and obsess and critique other men’s looks while ignoring your nasty self. You know LGBTQ men are such a small percentage of the population. I don’t know why you think so many guys would just fuck your loose poopy ass. You act like you’re hot shit and always talking about what others can do for you, not you for them

Reality is Gay bottoms twinks traps etc are all shitty leftovers. Real men want women first. Real women are best

Typical Faggot pedophile you know pedophiles are factually mostly fags themselves , you’re gross

Women are better than fags

marriage material

you seem pretty upset, need me to suck your cock user?

>You always main and complain and obsess and critique other men’s looks while ignoring your nasty self.
Nope. It's just that I was fine fucking girls at the time, but wish I had branched out some when I was younger. I don't think you read my post, have fun being mad though lol.

But what do you have to offer? Probably nothing. Most you fags use camera tricks like thisYou critique cocks yet only have a nasty poopy asshole to offer . Probably shit face and body

>got a 18 year old boy to come over the other day
>just enjoy rubbing his extremely tight stomach
god its so much fun to just play iwth his body

user I'm 6'5 with a 7,5 inch dick.
If you're a size queen for horse cocks basically only seen in porn, then that's not my problem.

Thank you bby.

> get a load of this guy, cam
Hate's gunna eat you 'live, boy.

leave my ass out of this, you're still gunna jerk off to it anyway. bet you saved it, you sick closeted fuck

I can relate. Now I just have to fuck twinks

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I can relate. At 18 I was 5-10, 130 lbs, swimmer body. I was sorta bi, but really only wanted girls. Now I’m old, fat, boomer and realize I could have had so much fun with guys back then. Now I bottom for other older guys and fantasize that I’m 15 years old getting fucked.

I love ruining twinks

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Damn, pic related?

Look mate, I won't pretend and lie that I have a horse sized dick when I obviously don't. And there's obviously many dudes, even other twinks, with much bigger dicks than mine.
But if you think I don't actually have a big dick, then lay off the porn for a while.

5’10 too big that ain’t feminine. It’s big for women but they got feminine soft features unlike men. Women got pussy, tits, natural beauty, better hair, soft skin etc.

You fantasize about being 15? Fucking pedophile WTF sis up with pediphilia in the LGBTQ community

this is the only person that got me to cum while wearing a condom. normally I can't feel anything but god damn he got me going. What is it about these tight little bodies that drive men so wild? I love just playing with the fat on his stomach (or lack thereof), just pulling it to see how little there is and watchign his body swing back into place when i let go. can kiss that navel for days.

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I had the opposite experience, I'm cute as fuck so I did lots of crazy things and now im burnt out and afraid of the world because so many people took advantage of my naivety - trust is gone

You're not missing much. The experiences I value more than these are plentiful, like swimming naked in a lake with other hippies and ducks, or participating in ritual or drum circles

sex is great and all but don't meme yourself into this "sex has an age limit" thing.

I am 5’9 and mog you. Your dick looks short as fuck and thin at that. Stop selling and trying to impress bro you’d be bouncing on my 10 inch bitch boy

Shut up and post sluts.

Any good stories?

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I think most all men who will fuck a bottom do it because it’s so easy. Fucking a fat ass bottom is the easiest thing in the world. Cum and dump the worthless fags. Women are more pure though

>is a manlet
Well that explains everything.

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Its only a matter of time before they add a P to LQBT and change the B from Bi to Beast(iality).

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>Can anyone else relate or am I alone in this feel?
The amount of bitches and boys I could have fucked... I know man.

Just make sure you don't make the same mistake now, live your life, because everybody will die alone.

Asians with that semi-curly/bushy hair are so cute.

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lmao women are not pure they are completely the opposite, imagine fucking a blow up doll with fake tits, ass, hair, nails, and an excessive amount of makeup can't fucking relate

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