Why shouldn't women be allowed to vote?

Why shouldn't women be allowed to vote?

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they cant be trusted to make rational decisions. it's like they were born without the ability to use reason.

They don't have to sign up for the draft and risk their lives for the continuation of the country like men do.

Well if my toaster, refrigerator, and microwave can't cast a ballot, then neither should my dishwasher

Incels should all be rounded up and sterilised. They're a danger to secular rational society.

they should, mohammed
people are dumb in general

They should. However, I think the United States should adopt the Starship Troopers model of suffrage. Too many people either don't vote, or vote in the corrupt because of party loyalty.



They are. Deal with it.

Voting is for nigger faggots.

I'll allow that in exchange for the following groups getting the same treatment
-all believers in any intersectional politics
-all of Antifa
-all of PETA
-all black identitarians
-all Islamic fundamentalists
-white nationalists
-The Proud Boys
-all of BAMN
-Anyone who supports the American Family Association
-Your Mom
I think we might be able to make a big step towards unfucking everything.


men can't vote or get financial aid if they don't apply to selective service.. it's illegal if they don't and can be arrested. should be the same for women.. or no vote, no financial aid for college. fair is fair.

Because bitches are always fuck shit up.
Never heard of Eve in the garden of Eden?

Tell you what. Find me the Garden of Eden, and I will accept that argument. Until then, your argument is retarded.

Spotted the bitch.
Tits or gtfo

You sure you want to see my titty?

Better question, why SHOULD they?

Because they're human beings and equal citizens who are affected just as much as anyone else by the governance of a country.

Gosh that was easy.

Power is power. If you have a system of votes then there are ways to game votes. Take away women's votes and the system used to game votes no longer effects the ways in which they exercise any power that they can muster.

If your goal is for female power to be mustered outside of that axis of control then by all means.

great job posting, incel. your mom must be so proud of you. all women are valued and equal members of society and they should all be allowed to vote if they pay their poll tax.

would you oppose it if they were eligible for the draft?

But they aren't. Almost all countries have extra security nets made specifically to protect women AND they will never be forced to die in wars - they are NOT treated as our equals, therefore they shouldn't be able to vote in any country.

Because they let their emotions do the judgement instead of logic

Is "incel" supposed to be the apogee of insults towards people hating on women? Because if it is then it is a very weak and not very effective way to worked it out, which explains the origin of the insult, women.
Same goes for "Have sex" would insinuate your refusal in participation an in changing men mind towards women.
All-in-all, you are not helping anyone, and actually, pouring gasoline on a live fire.

Logically sound

Niggers are human beings according to scientific consensus, and you wouldn't want them voting.
Try again.

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Oh yeah, eastern values are so great

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Of course they are. The fact that they aren't TREATED equally is another matter entirely.
They are people like anyone else. Some are smart, some are stupid. Some are thoughtful some are narrow-minded an reactionary. They have the same right to guide their country as anyone else in that country.

It seems that your argument really boils down to the fact that women aren't typically soldiers.
Well if your basing right to vote on who is a soldier then we're cutting an awful lot of people out and gender doesn't enter into it. Not that, shooting at other people means you have a good idea of the what's good for the country, obviously.

Try again.

lol you can do better than that, trollolol

>people pissing and shitting on the street is a new concept and didn't exist in ye olden times
sure buddy

False dichotomy

You belong in India

I think that gender is less important than whether someone owns real property. If you aren't able to pay for your own home or land, you don't own a piece of the country, so you shouldn't have any say in it.
That's the problem with democracies, politicians can buy votes through programs that benefit people who don't have their shit together enough to own their own home or land.

>Physically inferior
>Whores at best
>Total COONS
No. I don't like a woman.

>. I don't like a woman.

lol no shit, incel

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i laffed a bit

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I sure as hell am an incel. I insist.

Why do you think male lineage inheritance was a thing?
Fucking progressive.

It shows lol

I'm a faggot

Gotta hope so.


not user but yes please

By that logic, men shouldnt be allowed to vote. If they get more, then they're obviously superior and held in higher reguard, so they should be voting while the men continue to be sent to die.

Or maybe we're just both wrong and both sexes voting is fine, and the smaller and weaker of the species getting some extra protection is fine as well

Because tits jam up the voting machines.

If we sent all the young men AND women out to war there would be more children.

NO more children*

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Men and women were getting sloppy drunk and pissing in the streets as long as there have been streets.

Sounds like a plan guys, I'm on board.

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Incel morons. Fuck you for not caring about equality. Fuck you for sitting in your parents’ house, moaning and crying on the internet about how unfair life is for you. Hurry up and kill yourselves, or you’ll end up just being little bitch slaves to the rest of us anyway. Little crybaby sacks of shit.

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Poo in the loo Pajeet

Sounds like you have us confused with someone actually giving a shit. tumblr is thattaway

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