This might be my last fucking post before I do something retarded

This might be my last fucking post before I do something retarded.

And I won't Livestream it.

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>before I do something retarded
False since this post is retarded too.

nice bracelet faggot

Just off yourself no need to hurt innocent people you fucked up freak.

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Welp. Guess Ill wait for the news

Nice bracelet, fag.

The Internet Love Machine strikes again!

lol noones innocent pussy, go be a moralfag elsewhere kek

fuck yeah wolf ammo is awesome shit. man what you got like 5000 rounds?

Good Luck!

Be careful not to cut yourself on all that edge user

What you gonna do bracelet boy?

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Please don't use those guns OP. You're gonna fuel the fire for retards to actually think those are more dangerous than any other guns. Can you please use a bomb of some sort or something else. Thank you kindly for changing your operation.

what a faggot,nice bracelet.did you buy that with your soylent bottle

he can't even lift the gun, he's going to be trimming toenails

That's a great collection OP! Wish I had one of those. I've been on the edge that you seem to be for a long time. I'm always pulled back by how it would effect my family. I also have a twin and if I got a lot of media it would effectively ruin his life. He's got too bright of a future for me to do that to him.

You gonna jerk off all over dads guns while wearing your faggy little heart bracelet?

Fucking Mr. McNoodle Arms got a hold of some guns. Quick let's act edgy on edgechan before I accidentally shoot myself.

im kinda calming down. Those weapons dont make me happy. Even if i do it. There are gonna be more problems. I have decided to get rid of them. And even if do it. Yas Forums is gonna get taken down.

What school op?

I dont even drink soy you faggot.

Good luck retard

Nothing will happen.

This guy is right. If you're going to kill 50 people at least do it with a single shot break-barrel. It's just as effective.

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I had plans of a SJW news office.

don’t be a pussy, where? and what time is all I need to know. level out the playing field you fucking coward. the wolf eventualy gets killed by the sheep dog.

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If you are actually op tell where you got the bracelet. I like it.

kys after, no more problems

you got scrawny little bitch arms,i bet they could barely lift that airsoft gun you have

Toe knife works better

Leave coords for where you're leaving your stash. You know, for scientific purposes.

Could you not? We don't need them to have a new 'reason' to take our stuff away.

im OP. but my fucking number stuff wont stop changing

>Yas Forums is gonna get taken down.
If brenton tarrant killing 50 muslims after posting about it on Yas Forums didn't get this place shut down then whatever gay shit you had planned won't even be on the radar

He just goes to hell and gets raped in the ass by nigs for eternity

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Sure. I won't do it. I had to think of the consequences.

Yas Forumsased Yas Forumsracelet user. I was here.

Even better

what time zone are you in?

>Newfag shooter
Go to reddit we don't want this one

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Not even kidding you can ship those to me to hold onto them for you, I'll keep them until you feel better mentally user.

had or have? whens its going to happen and what state? or town even?

My reaction exactly.
Just a 13yo faggot who found daddy's guns (and mommy's bracelet) and wants to act tough.

That s fucking Beta.

>before I do something retarded.
if you know its retarded then why do it? Are you retarded?

Have a gander at this fucking pube beard having, novelty name tape, wearing his uncles IR flag he from Ranger Joes white knight.

43.279230, -105.322287

>my fucking number stuff wont stop changing

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Live stream it pussy. Say some funny shit that wont make you sound completely retarded like "I know what I'm doing is right because donald trump needs to know that HE DID THIS TO ME" Lord it would get the penis going for MSM


op is probably gonna shoot himself with those guns after he see's how bad he's getting roasted in this


do you keep the anal beads around your neck?

Its okay being Retarded isn't that bad

Define Innocence i sayd not that bad!

you really think Yas Forums would go down. What a dumb ass.

Thanks bud!

typical trumptard

>hurr durr,media bad.trump good

and you wonder why you cant even get your own party to support you

Words don't affect me. Action affects me.

no stolen valor here pussy.

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put the bracelt around your cock and post pic and timestamp

this fag almost as bad as OP

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and you look like a national guard wash out gearing up for a big paint ball tourney. Stick that barrel in your bearded cock warmer, you wannabe.

before you do anything crazy follow these simple steps. then have yourself a blast

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dumb ass you think i like him. Youre more delusional than I thought. dont shoot anyone dumb ass.

Lol with those pos mags you’ll be lucky to kill two before the mag fails to feed

are you fucking stupid ?

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im not the guy in the picture lul. just saw that you were mad

Do the world a favor and rope yourself.

Take care bro. If it gets too bad, call a hotline.

40°44'44"N 111°52'26"W
We are actually super close

this user is just as gay as op

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>:but my fucking number stuff wont stop changing"
a big fucking kek from me

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Shoot niggers

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OP please don't, not for the sake of the people you're planning to kill, but because those two AKs look really fucking nice and it'd be a shame to have them destroyed in a future evidence locker cleanup

>you look like a national guard wash out gearing up for a big paint ball tourney. Stick that barrel in your bearded cock warmer, you wannabe.
This was for you. Disability dick rider.


>not livestreaming
Yup checks out

user here, why are you mad? because your mommy doesn’t let you have a gun?

You’re also fucking retarded for having your booger hook on the trigger you cretin.

of course you like him,only trump supporters bring up the sorry that not everybody in the country wants to kiss your presidents ass

at least we know you wont be shooting anyone.because trump supporters are just as anti gun as democrats are

>Trump's own party doesn't support him
>Trump was only found not guilty because the GOP holds the Senate.

Pick one retard

No, I'm mad because you act like throwing on PX bullshit makes you hard.

flash hider in the butthole or gtfo

Cope more if you think I like him haha. You dont think people like me who sees all msm as propaganda. You must be absolutely retarded. You can be in the center and libertarian and not pick trump lul. Cope more thinking life is that black and white.

I'm just patiently waiting to see a failed attempt of a faggot retard who tried to shoot some random-ass place in the news

>user here, why are you mad? because your mommy doesn’t let you have a gun?

and this was for you fucking hating can’t pass the asvab retard

Put up or shut up faggot

na,I killed taliban and I still want more. it’s a sunday so i’m bored looking around this shit hole site trying to piss off little white kids

Bet you won't do shit, puss boy. No wonder why nobody even respects you. Might as well just shoot your cock off, not like you have any balls anyway. Hahaha! Oh boy, What a loser.

Keep larping faggot

whatever you will do, you will be known as bracelet boy if you do.

u wont do shit u lowlife faggot. wont do shit.

Yes. I said i wont do it. I'm not ready for the consequences.... yet

I bet you use phrases like "its a states issue" so you don't have to reveal your double digit iq in public and complained about drone strikes all of a sudden in 2016. Fucking shave

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just swallow a bullet and leave people alone ya pussy

breaking news : so little faggot wearing a gay ass bracelet pulled out an assault riffle in a Denny's. The little fucker was too stupid to switch the safety off and was shot my a MAGA hat wearing patron
