Rekt thread, lets make it good without nigger shit (animal gore)

Rekt thread, lets make it good without nigger shit (animal gore)

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>without nigger shit
>posts nigger shit
>mfw no face

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>without nigger shit

posts nigger shit

Attached: 1570885634381.webm (400x224, 1.37M)

Attached: 1571412120082.webm (690x354, 1.71M)

Requesting that one where a doggo is thrown from a bridge

I wonder why it is that dogs hate niggers so vehemently. It must be innate to want to kill and butcher niggers.

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he took one step towards someone and didn't seem to be in an aggressive stance but big angry black man wanted to hurt someone to feel like a man so he knocked him out???

Shit like this is why black people get a bad name, they aren't helping themselves.

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Oh the irony

If I was a monkey I would throw shit and old fags staring at me too

>public school

OP says no nigger shit... first post is a nigger


>all the niggers attacking after white dude get the upper hand
I hate niggers so badly.

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same with this one

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Super loyal best friend to white people who don't abuse them or eat them *hint hint*

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Why did that Indian racistly lock her in after she culturally enriched his store?



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Damn you fags are so one note....
Same shit over and over saying the same shit over and over.

oh my FUCK, thats real?? Always thought it looked a bit fake.

'Nother thread of many kek's at niggers being niggers

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because you're retarded, right

I dont think that's the first time that dude's had a gun pointed at him.

because you're a nigger, right

Just shoot them already.
Self defense claim is already on camera

Attached: 1581459601029.jpg (450x452, 107.54K)

We don't want ghetto kids here

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Surely he would be at death's door....

This dude is based. BEGONE THOT

I heard he didn't survive long after the surgery.
Too much negative space.

I wonder what he was doing in the first place though..did he jump? fall?

Attached: 1582073389429.jpg (450x666, 276.28K)


This should have a warning of some kind. Not to many people can handle something like this

Possibly doesn't want that drunk slut having him prosecuted afterwards.

Attached: 1531929817747.jpg (260x194, 10.05K)

>Just shoot them already.
Because that's racist

checked that guy needs a beer