Rate thread

Rate thread

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10/10 would smash wew

oh thx :3

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I also enjoy the views you have given us so far. Im just a small tit fan in general tho


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Should be a 10/10 really cute face amazing eyes looks like a nice body but in my opinion I’m not into tattoos on girls and it’s such a shame you done that to yourself so will be an 8/10 from me sorry

Gimme ur socials uwú.

9/11? why so edgy?

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@DovahkiinFerret i need more

Good enough to fap to later............

Curious about seeing the rest of you before rating, especially if it's like this pose...

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9/10 would love to see more.

Love the eyes and the "elbows up!" pose. Just shows off that slender body in such an enticing way.

Would really like to see these same photos from a pre-ink time period.


2/10 til you show dick

I wonder what it would cost to fuck her

probably a few burgers from McDonald's tbh

Girls with tattoos can be cute, unlike what some anons say. I don't even mind the shallow pop culture tattoos if they are placed right, but these just look bad. Bad as in, bad placement, and not well done. Very amateur looking.

So, meh, 6/10? She's not fat but face and body are super average. Without the shitty tattoos maybe 7/10 when she's made up.

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My god, your eyes... not even joking, some of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.
Your body's great, too. Love the tats!

Shes got cool eyes. Would love to see that Zelda tattoo when it's finished. 6/10 right now. Show the backside and between the legs for a reevaluation. Full body also appreciated.

Would smash all day, only stopping for a quick bite and to hydrate.

it's obviously some larper you fucking retard

Would choke while ramming her

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Without tattoos 9/10. With tattoos 0/10.

lose the ink, shave the pits and we can talk

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Once she looked good. Now she looks like trash with all those shit painted on her. Like a 8 year old who played with crayons. Could be easily a 8-9/10 without all those paint, but now it's more like 2/10

Kinda cute

I give her an HPV/10

> Oh im such a bad girl, let's get this demon painted on me. And oh I like books. And I like computer games. And Zelda. And I like nature and I want to be mysterious so let's get some weird looking symbols. Im so cute so let's tattoo face too.
What she thinks

> She needs attention and has some serious mental problems. She is probably an slut with no dignity since she posts her fucked up body online.
What I see

got a weakness for this kind of girls

They got antibiotics for that, Yas Forumsro


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Wait, is this fake?


She also does TikTok shit.

I see what you're saying, but the "demon" is Lucy (voiced by Eric Andre) from Disenchanted, Matt Groening's latest show.

Timestamp or fuck off. There are rules in life you know

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3/10, disgusting tattoos, skin and hair ruin an otherwise ok looking woman

You played dnd once in your life bitch be honest. Would have mindblowing sex with then never talk to again/10.

7/10, rated without knowledge of her personality

This bitch looks like that one MMA fighter that got her ass beat six ways to Sunday by Fallon Fox.

Really?, Sauce please

Jesus, the shit tattoos.

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She is from chile, a Pinochet fan, she love white dicks, only fucks german-chilean guys.

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i have a dream to rescue white trash girls like this from their white trash families in their white trash towns.

Then 0/10 because she doesnt fuck Americans.

Do it bro. Have fun getting your life fucked up by them.

0/self respect

pretty eyes, that's about the only nice thing I can say about this train wreck

stop pretending

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You are literally perfect to me, an absolute goddess. I'd live for you

I'd like to know what you get out of pretending to be this girl on Yas Forums of all places

I mean she fuck whites men, and those are the whitest in Chile, a white American would fascinate her

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