Is it bad I feel zero remorse for having an affair with a married mom?
Is it bad I feel zero remorse for having an affair with a married mom?
no, use them good, details pls
Is this the married mom?
nah, she is cheating, you are just a guy fucking a slut
Where do I begin? Her husband’s an asshole with zero motivation for life, has a dead end job in some design firm and makes her feel worthless. He’s controlling, made them buy a house in the country away from others. She stays at home with the kids, is never allowed to go on girls nights or travel. He controls all finances and role responsibility.
Anyway, I would hate when they would come to friends group outings since he’s such a downer, but was drawn to her. I would notice a glance, the stare that was a little too long. We have things in common, we enjoy similar things. But anytime I tried to talk to her one on one, betafag husband would make sure to be close by.
The sense of control was the one thing I knew made her crazy. It drove her away from him anyway.
And by the way, she is a bit of a slut. I’m okay with that.
So how'd the first sex happen/go? Or anything physical before that.
Same story over and over. Just don't fall on it user.
If she really hated her husband, she'd divorce him. You're basically raping her.
Post nudes!
Nope. I've done it a couple of times. It's the best situation for everyone. She gets the sex that shes been missing out on, and you get to fuck a chick who wont be all clingy and needy. The best married chick I ever fucked was married to a fire fighter so he was gone overnight all the time. She'd have her older kid watch the younger ones and meet me at the bar before coming back to my place. Fucked like a demon.
You should tell the husband. If I would fuck a married woman, I'd expose her for my own amusement. There's no future with a slut like that anyway.
Do her titties still have milk???
Oh man, that would drive me insane.
In the end you're still fucking a girl that's fucking another guy of which you are in the dark regarding hygiene.
I wouldn't do that.
>he's such an asshole and doesn't let me party every weekend now that I'm 40 and frivolously spend his money that I don't contribute to at all god at least you get me user...
You should pump a kid in her, make her husband raise it and you get all the milk.
>doesn't let me travel and go on girls nights
Damn apparently with good reason
no. you gotta impregnate females. period
no, i think everyone is gettign what they need
as you get older you realise sex and sexuality vs "morals" is kind of a grey area. I say as long as noone is getting hurt then its fine......tkae care tho and no regrets if it ends, it should have a natural lifecycle
Someone will get hurt in the end, this kind of shit never works out. But if Op wouldn't fuck her, someone else definitely would.
im pretty sure if you constantly hold someone down theyll break eventually
Are you going to post the nudes?
Finally the right question
Yeah but you only know half the story. Is he really holding her down, or is she just a self centered narcissistic cunt. I met a LOT more of the latter than the former in college. Just a thought.
i have a huge crush on my coworker. 44, petite blonde milf with a fat ass. married with a kid. how do i go about nailing her?
You don't, stay incel.
lol why would you? its her being the cheating piece of shit, not you. also kudos for fucking a mother, not every user would do that. they also need dick in their life.
This, she may give the husband good reason to resent her. Such as fucking other dudes like you. Sluts will always justify their behavior, it's never their fault.
Lying and eating hot chip.
Not at all. Done this numerous times, starting in '95 & the last instance was a couple years ago.
What's weird is that I was friends with the guy in '95, not close or drinking buddies but his wife & teenage kids socialized at the same place I did, hence how I got to know them. Shortly after I banged his wife (she approached me & it turns out had a habit of doing this), don't recall it being by design or coincidence, but they gradually fell out of my social circle. I do remember a couple instances of hanging out with him after I'd done the deed. It felt a little awkward, knowing what I knew & also knowing that he had no idea, but I played it off just fine.
Most recent instance, never met the guy; don't even know his name. Everything she's told me about him, she can't stand him but can't afford to live on her own so she stays. Also, while I'm not the first guy she's ever cheated with (this is her second husband), I am the only one she's done this with since she's been married to the current guy.
Pussy was less than spectacular in '95 and beyond satisfying recently.
You definitely should
Be a generous man please!
Nobody gets into it with a married chick expecting to be able to have a future with her
Also really good point. Moms can be extremely kinky.
You know that old phrase: "can't rape the willing".
She's clearly willing, hence, no rape. Unless you count her husband's ego, in which case it was bukkake'd by OP & his ol' lady squirted it all off of him.
Of course not, but some fools develop feelings along the way.
I mean... do you see why I’m fine with this now?
life is short, enjoy yourself while you can without hurting others
Well then that's their own damn fault & they have no one to blame for their inevitable disappointment but themselves. Fuck 'em.
Kinda like when you go to take a piss & there's a sign above the toilet that says "warning, toilet water may splash you in the face," you piss & sure enough the toilet water rises up & splashes you in the face.
As you're at the sink, trying desperately to get rid of the stench of piss & urinal cakes, you need to make sure to look back at the sign above the toilet and then realize IT WAS YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT.
>note to self: next time, piss in the sink
Yup. Now post the udders.
Keep going
Fine Milf Ass! Tits?
Let's play Role Reversal.
Do you think there are any women out there who feel remorse for having an affair with a married man?
The answer, of course, is Yes. But it doesn't stop them from fucking him.
In a nutshell, go for it. Understand that you're putting her in an emotionally (and perhaps physically) dangerous position. Make sure you're clean - you don't want to give her something that will bring the affair out in the open. Think about the end game - how will she handle it if you break it off with her?
And most of all, take photos. You'll want them for memories once she has moved on.
>woman sucks the life out of him
>is paranoid and "controlling" but this woman is sending you nudes. hes been putting up with her being a whore for decades now
always two sides to the story. have your fun user, but i pity the guy who married a whore. he didnt make her that way due to mistreatment.
This. Had an affair with a 38 year old elementary school teacher with 3 kids who was an absolute beast in the sack.
No joke if you fuck a married wife youre just as worthless as the cheating slut and you both deserve to die.
If he makes her unhappy she should leave him. You shouldn't help someone cheat. All three of you sound like you deserve your lives.
oh, youll get what you deserve, do not worry about that
Yes it is bad. The hell with the woman, it's the kid you are really fucking over. Don't feed me any "They were probably going to split anyway" rationalizations. You bear 50% responsibility for ruining that kid's family.
Fuck you OP.
Many hurt people in this thread. I also feel bad for the husband, he might be oblivious to her behavior and deserves to not waste his life on a cumbag like his wife.
And op wouldn't be spending his time with trash people and learning to accept betrayal. It's for op's own good he should avoid this situation. The husband and wife are not his concern.
That's fine and good as long as you consider OP's life currently consists of getting laid by a woman he's not responsible for. If you're saying he "deserves" that, I can't say I disagree with you.
OP needs to post more pics of his slut, like now. Also this guy Dafuq, is Daylight Savings causing multiple trips or something?
Straight up. Divorce is legal. Bitch is a best a morally weak person.
C'mon OP, we need more pics of your lady friend
So let's see the full frontal with face. Gotta see that mom bod in all its glory
wasting his life with a corrupted whore rather than building a relationship of love that is mutually uplifting. You and op will both live as you will but you deserve the outcome.
>omg three the same numbers in a row woooow
3 year old
>She stays at home with the kids, is never allowed to go on girls nights or travel.
But it's okay to go out with you? Hm...
Anyway, congrats. Desperate sex is best sex.
If any of this is true.
>wasting his life
"Wasting" is a subjective term, precisely like how the Reich Wing fascists like to throw the term "degenerate" around to describe any activity they disapprove of, as if they have any authority to condescend to anyone.
This is all you need to concern yourself with: if OP is happy in his current situation, which for all intents and purposes it sounds like he is, then he's not wasting a god damn thing. But you know who IS wasting something?
You. Your time. Shove your moral douchebaggery up your ass & shit it out your nostril. Nobody cares about whether you approve of what OP or anyone else does if it doesn't meet with your approval. Who the fuck do you think you are, anyway?
>corrupted whore
Ah, another judgmental, misogynistic missive by a confirmed incel. How's that decades-long Daily Sperm Buildup treatin' ya? When's the last time a chick told you to go fuck yourself because you're socially awkward, have no confidence and look like the bottom end of a pig's tail?
>a relationship of love that is mutually uplifting
Ah, mystery solved. With all the misogyny, judgmental comments & attempts at moralistic insults, you've just self-identified as either a) a Christfag, b) a Reich-wing nutjob or c) both. In either case, you are clearly delusional if you think such a thing is possible in this day and age. It's like Bigfoot & baby pigeons: No such animal exists but we trip over ourselves trying to rationalize how it COULD be possible.
>you deserve the outcome
OP's outcome results in much-needed nuts being dropped on a willing slut's face, spread all over her ass or splashed inside her snatch. Both OP and the recipient of his liquid lust are happy with the arrangement. So again, I can't disagree with you; they DO deserve it.
No that shit is really good. I’m proud of you bro
More fucking nudes. Show your cock in her and her asshole exposed from behind
Sounds like the husbands understands her well. She’ll suck and fuck any monkey that wonder over to her part of the jungle. It’s your call. This world is just a rotting corpse of the image of splendor we sprang from, so there is zero point of mentioning things like God’s judgement. You don’t believe in judgement. Honor is something you think is a reward in a vidya game. So what can anyone say to you? Do it if you want.
My wife cheated about 8 years ago. Some guy took advantage of her when she was going through post-partum depression. We got passed it and I have three heathy white boys. Once they are men, I’m going to kill the guy that fucked her. I’m going to kill home with a little blowtorch. It will take weeks. I already bought my family our fun summer cabin for this purpose. It will be done, it has to be done, because my boys must be shown that honor is more important to me than the comfortable life. Evil must be confronted. They will look back at their wonderful childhood and know that I put my vengeance on hold for decades, sacrificed to give them that.
Such angst