Let’s get a Latina thread going
Let’s get a Latina thread going
What's the best part of a Latina? Is it because they're half white?
This bitch Camilla
please, kindly fuck off
Are you the same retard that thinks she’s shopped
lol faggot, not that, shes fucking fat and obese
All you had to say is that you’re low test. That would have got your message across.
ok boomer
The Oreo colored nipples make it difficult to stay hard for me.
Shut up low test little zoomer. Go have sex
Take your pick
>Wavy Dark Hair
>Naturally Tan
>Dresses Well
>Flaunts their Femininity
More of her
For me it’s their dark hair.
The thicker the hair, the higher the sex drive
more cows...please stop
More please!
Holy fuck are you retarded she’s really curvy. You need some Scandinavian stick. leave the thread.
More of her?
What’s it like being attracted to guys?
oh yes
I only have two others right now. These are from her instagram.
need the sauce
you tell me phaggg
god, damn you incels... fucking fat
Projecting so hard faggot
Jaki oppai
bless up. any HC? love latinas with this body
I haven’t found any
need more of this cutie
post what you got. those are some 12/10 juggs