Why is Yas Forums so gay and cucked now?

Why is Yas Forums so gay and cucked now?

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Because penis lickers from across the world found out they could converge here.

Why are you so gay and cucked now?

It wasn't before you got here. Probably irrelevant.


It really is so fucking cucked. Just blacked,cucked, insta, and celeb threads. Random used to be so much more interesting.


Combination of mass surveillance and sjw culture has cucked the whole internet not just Yas Forums

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sauce? who is she?

swej ehT

Why do you think sex havers and cool people ever posted here? It's always been autistic retards like us OP. Embrace it or fuck off?

Yas Forums has been closeted since the dawn of time and they're all finally coming out, embrace your inner gayness or gtfo

It's the millennials who didn't get pussy and are constantly horny

Beller Dolphine.

I guess the internet isnt as fun anymore, why don't we just find more stuff to do thats ACTUALLY fun like the HWNDU raids of 2016 or the habbo raids. Like there's still little specks of cool stuff going around but It's totally not like good ol' Yas Forums.

Isn't that disappointing.

A moment of silence and a full replay of skadilay for our long beloved Yas Forums becoming a cuck gathering place.

I hope /ourguys/ of the past are out there doing what they love or just being the good ol autistic degenerates they were.

So long Yas Forums.

- Kagenotsuki

That's so true fellow lainanon


The edgey, weird, nonconformist things used to be watching anime, acting dark and brooding, having a dark sense of humor, etc. The anime sort of stuck around but the dark/brooding thing went from being goth or a rivethead to being emo and dudes starting rocking makeup and doing the androgenous shit harder and it was getting a lot less Ozzy and a lot more glam. Also the humor started dying.

Now we've gone full faggot and the nonconformist thing is for dudes to want to be chicks, and now even suburban white boys can bring their boyfriend Tyrone home to rebel against daddy. Also the humor is dead.

Aka the demographic of Yas Forums since the beginning

also your iq is dead

...said user, bouncing atop their dragon dildo while their button-cock barely bobbed in it's little cage. "That will surely show the mean bully a thing or two," xe thought. "When Bernie gets into office and the revolution comes they'll be the first against the wall."

I actually agreed with everything you said, but you're still a brainlet

because it's been overrun with Yas Forumstards

Rarely see any random threads like creepypasta threads and what not. All the ylyl end up becoming Yas Forums shit and the rekt threads become niggerhate threads.

it used to be dank, with a touch of cancer
now it's straight cancer

>thinking a Yas Forums tard would make blacked threads
actual tard



hi newfag

because a new generation is discovering and using Yas Forums, these kids (born between 1995-2001) grew up in a society that promoted this behavior

also, reddit boomers, from 2016 election, who were brainwashed at university to be more accepting rather than holding true to their own values and virtues; you know, the university that is 75% white and 60% female, telling them that white men are the scum of the earth

Yas Forums, and thus Yas Forums, has gone from an apolitical-slightly right leaning community to a slightly-to-far leaning left community

not even bastions like /sp/ or /g/ are safe from the faggotry

Because a few people on Yas Forums were Harassing Greg Lansky on twitter so he clapped back by asking his army of BBC worshipping cucks to go on Yas Forums an start making BBC an cuckold threads and here we are today

Yas Forums has always had porn, usually questionable age

what OP (me) is talking about is the IG/FB, literal cuck threads, and "pics you shouldn't share". this is the biggest faggotry on Yas Forums since the 6 months before /soc/ was created

i have been on Yas Forums and Yas Forums for like 10 years now and i can tell you its literally always been this way

lurk more newfag

Yeah in 2007 when we were all dressing as schoolgirls, encouraging each other to stick things up our asses, and raiding Hal Turner and westboro we were apolitical and 'right leaning' lol

Is that really her?

yeah only real men support alpha studs like trump

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lol literally every single Nazi watches cuck porn fanatically I gurantee it.

Now? Its always been a shithole. Stop acting like it was this great thing. It's always been steaming hot garbage. Please. Just stop.

Flooded by democrats from reddit

Because the mods panic and delete threads with young attractive girls, so now it's just fat old cows and socialists.
R.I.P. Old Yas Forums from 2007.

>claims cuckery
>clearly is cucked by bella girl

actual reasons Yas Forums is so fucked now
>raiding banned, you have to join faggy discord servers to even try now
>auto-noko turned on
>mobile website layout activated

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Most of us oldfags moved on, died, got married, have kids, careers etc


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cuz it's full of a new wave of amerifags disgusting bum bandits

sad but true

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Thats what a beta soycuck lefty believes

Wow three in a row! Can you do ten?!? Fucking tryhard.

jews pushing their agenda


because people like you still post in here daily.

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ope time to veer into totally insane retard territory, see you guys later


good fucking question

this site is fucking trash compared to 10 years ago

because non whites and boomers started posting here

discord servers actually troll the website daily

reddit migrators. Explains all the anti-trump shit all over the 1st page too, just like le reddit

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there is nothing wrong with nigger hate threads

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i am okay with the gay part, but i dont like the cuck lifestyle, i wont want somebody coming in between my and my significant other

LGBT is hot & sexy

If you don't think Yas Forums has changed you've clearly only been here for a few summers

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i remember when this board moved so fast you could hardly post

Is it somehow difficult to believe?