Thoughts on WingsOfRedemption?
Thoughts on WingsOfRedemption?
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ban anyone who starts a thread about me on /b
Ban anyone who isn't cheating on their wife whom has cancer, real tawk
the mixtapes are dope
symphony of a e beggar is my favorite feat dsp
Have you heard Liquid Richard's song: Pu$$y Slayer? Top notch
an anger issue retard that has nothing in life except for making low life content, kek
he bald lol
Did you see he was exposed for hiring escorts while being engaged? It's funny because an actual lawyer exposed him too
Look here , look listen
peak american physic
*Starts whimpering like a dog*
Hope he dies
I'm a 450lb man that can barely walk. My life can't get much worse
Would do the world good
I haven’t seen my penis in over 3 years
Him and LTG dying would be great
Is he even still alive?
Lazy fatfuck that sucked at games
Sure is. In fact, he recently got engaged to a virgin landwhale that he met on Plenty Of Fish in December. However, a person on Reddit (who's an actual lawyer) catfished him for three months. This was going on while Wings was engaged to his fiancé AND while she was in the hospital with toroid cancer. He admitted multiple times on stream that the only reason he's marrying her is for financial gain.
Even more recently, he was exposed by the same lawyer for visiting an escort website called Skip The Game. It's believed that he's been ordering hookers while engaged, too.
He's a filthy piece of shit
Should commit suicide
Still sucks
That's sum deep info daaaam daniel goodshit
Sounds like this man is living
Yeah, you should see the exposed thread. It's fucking hilarious. The lawyer also somehow got in contact with her mother and showed her clips of Wings being an asshole, as well as warning her about what kind of slime ball he really is.
Jesus christ why does he not put himself out of his misery?
All of this crap over a call of duty match.
bullshit storms in a nutshell
go back to the shithole we call reddit
Wow, would've been perfect bro, landwhale n landwhale converge, make a new peninsula, try for info user
Ty* for info, phones be dumb
You should see him on Siege lately. He shouts at his teammates for EVERYTHING. If he dies, he blames his team for not being in the same room as him to protect him. He threw his controller last night because he didn't reach diamond level. Kek.
Lol if he was good he wouldn't need thm8s right?
I fucking hate Reddit, but I use it because I kept getting banned from Facebook. I only go there to look at porn and see what Wings is failing at now.
Yeah, he's fucking terrible though lol. He asked his usual squad how they perform without him a few months ago and his teammate said: "we usually play more relaxed... and win more" and Richard didn't know what to say
Shoutout sean ranklin
Why u hate wings? Cus a million other randoms are better then him
No problem bro. Can't wait to see how it all plays out
He's so entertaining to watch. He gets pissed at absolutely everything. He can't take jokes whatsoever and is probably the most toxic person on Twitch. I dislike him because of how he treats other people.
Really? Dam not a good gamer, just spent a year trying to teach 13yr olds how to play siege, they kinda learned from a no life 30yr old lol
I watched a YouTube video on him couple months ago, made me want to punch fatfuck in face
Ban anyone under 480 pounds, wheel torque
Upped & liked , give this fuck $1000
Watching him motivates you to not turn out like him. I recently went back to my MMA classes and started eating a little better because I didn't want to turn out like him
Lmao nice bro, shouldn't motivate you but hell ya, gotta keep the blood boiling
This man is pathetic. If only he had been slightly less of a complete piece of shit human being he'd have been one of the most successful content creators on the market. Instead he's just fat, mentally ill white trash.
If he had a heart attack tomorrow it would be a mercy for him.
The funny thing about him is his complete lack of self awareness. He doesn't seem to understand that if he stopped responding to trolls, they'd stop trolling him. He also doesn't understand that if he stopped over sharing his personal life, people wouldn't have as many things to troll him with, too.
He's the epitome of what not to be like in life.
He finds videos of cats being killed funny and said that it's okay to jerk off to your sister once
Doods grade A American fuctness, yall just needa stop feeding him, he making money off u trolls
Yeah, great joke buddy. I haven't heard that one before.
I'm not cheating on my wife. But keep on talkin' shit.
Comedian. Aren't you?
If you knew why I was looking that stuff up, you would not be commenting this. Trolls are all the same, low IQ and refuse to believe the evidence that is provided.
You would cry too if this happened to you daily for 2 years straight, going onto three come this November.
You're a toxic little shit.
Yes, I am.
Diamond every season. Keep dreaming that some day you will be good at R6.
Not sure what this is? But I'm against exposing womens nudes. Trust is earned and I've only done that stuff when I was younger.
I can take a face with my mouth open, you'll be shouting me out instead of him when I post.
Yeah, I'd knock you out and put you into a coma with one punch.
Okay if this fatfuck actually responded? LMAO if so fatfuck, solo 2.0 kbd & el not crying to kids fatfuck git gud
Sry drunk, 2.0 kd carrying scrubs like yourself & trolls that think their gods, lmao please, why I got my 2.0 wl carrying
Just to clarify. Its not possible to get a 2.0 W/L on Rainbow unless you're playing at Silver / Gold level. At high level Rainbow (Champion-Diamond) its very hard to keep a W/L & K/D above 1.00
So I'm going to not bother responding to you since you're a low IQ troll.
You do understand troll you just responded to like 3 people in the thread, no cares about this fatfuck of a sorry gamer, & if u are him, sinking to responding to Yas Forums posters, take your 1.okd the fuck outta here
You're not wings, you're just an attention troll.
Wait fuck you might be wings.
He's racing Jim Sterling and Boogie2988 to an early grave. I hope he wins
Low level iq troll? U just trash, look at Spoit, nigga at complaining, 3.0 wl, & yes I'm diamond fatfuck
real tawk guys
Solo fatfuck wooooooo keep riding fatfuck dick which makes no sense pleb
I'm banning anyone trying to give me advice, reel tawk, shout out liquid liquid Richard and Sean ranklin
Shout out to someone who matters, yall trash, truth kid
Lol fatfuck troll too slow to respond
I could, COULD post my youtube & gamertag & get more recognition then wings, at least I don't whine & actually drop good gameplay, fucking hate this guy
I watched a video on Wings from Down the Rabbit Hole because I kept hearing his name and never knew who he was.
It is totally not worth the two hours I spent watching, but it results in two conclusions.
1. He does all of this stuff on purpose and is a lying, manipulative, narcissistic cunt.
2. He is incapable of self-awareness, introspection, and admitting fault and it has destroyed his life.
I honestly have no clue which.
"My name is not sam"
Sam McWolfenstein Richard Samuel Wendy's chili and Banquet meal devourer Jordanjordie, the V6th
Lmao he looks like an egg
So where u at? U sound like u have nice lips
>Throughout his career as a Youtube content creator/Twitch livestreamer, Wings grew a reputation of being a lazy, lying, non-committal, no will-power-having bitch that would constantly whine and complain about everything. Without fail, Richard would complain about how hard his life is whilst concurrently actively refusing to change some of the most simple factors in his life that would make his situation better.
Done with thread, if fatfuck is actually seeing this, kys, make world a better place
It's the second one and how I know is because of the whole marriage deal. He's completely unaware of how much personal information he shares and brags about so many things that he shouldn't talk about on camera.
He's unaware of how his own actions are affecting him. He's fucking retarded
And give the cats to someone who will actually love them and look after them
Wait this guy got cats donated?