My bf said I wouldn't post a nude here, so I just won $100. He never said I couldn't take a dark pic :P
My bf said I wouldn't post a nude here, so I just won $100. He never said I couldn't take a dark pic :P
#robo_head here time for some photoshop
Not who you asked for but best i could do on my phone
fair nuff, too bad i only have gimp
Well done user
Does OP win? Cant even see her pussy. Anons help!
OP does not win because she is barely visible in the pic, defeating the purpose of the nude.
This user wins.
Yikes, make it dark again
oh good god you're fucking disgusting
Exactly though, OP won $100 and didn't technically show shit. I guess at least we see her tit and face that she may not realize
Short haired slut, would piss on
Lol disgusting slure
Ew gross I hope OP realizes how disgusting she looks
Can you edit it again but make it even darker so I never have to see this ugly tranny again?
>short hair
>proud of scamming 100 bucks
do not want
win #robo_head
So close. I guess I'm in the minority but this chick looks hot to me
Hot enough to piss on, sure
Can't you change the image exposure?
shave your fuckin' cunt and try again
She’s nothing special but I’d still throw one up her
What the fuck! Stop editing my picture, you do NOT have permission to do that. remove those immediately
Haha I hope your OP because thats comedy gold
posts to Yas Forums, expects to not get fucked with
Remove these 3 pictures, you do not have my permission to post my photo
Kek, welcome to Yas Forums tranny.
Your fucking retarded
Don’t worry about it to much you look like a ex train hopping hobo slut, ain’t no one going to save and repost.
The thread will disappear but will your shame? You’d need to have any to have it go away.
Come on bud
& this bitch , u couldn't fuck this whore now u hurt kid? Lmao
suck a dick dyke
Come on bud what? Bitch ur retarded too kid
proceeds to save thread
Wtf Is this shit?
Why the fuck do you have it saved?
If you’re going to insult someone use the correct spelling you stupid nigger
For real keep posting in shit thread. This whore should be on meth
Hohohohoooo sum 18 yr old white cuck sure has balls on net wooooooooooooo, fuck this whore fuck u kid
You are either underaged or a nigger because you're retarded.
Now don’t get me wrong fuck this whore
But fuck you and your 3rd grade grasp on English all the same.
... shit abandon thread
did it deserve it at least?
It’s possible he’s an underaged nigger
Lmao thanks for entertaining, kid stay in school , goto fucking bed, & learn when your dealing with a higher IQ ACTUAL ADULT
Hohoohooo more white knights that think they grasp a language? Stay in school, it'll take an army to fuck with me
>trips into trips into dubs
I'll check you. Even if nobody else will. I witness you OP.
I bet u notice that, got bed
Same feller there skip I don’t have time to argue, I need to get back to my hot wife and 6 figure job.
Did I mention I have a Maserati?
OP gon b mad lol
You are stupid.
Jesus christ gross
Kek stupid bitch. Shave your disgusting bucket too.
Why are you looking at trannys on chan if your wife is so hot?
I was just bored waiting for my private jet to refuel
I think I found OP's asshole... Look at the braclet and ring
you should shave.
Same bedframe same hair. Thats her
The tattoo would be a better gauge you wetback fuck.
Yeah man same whore
No thanks