What’s your drink of choice tonight? Straight up for me room temperature.
What’s your drink of choice tonight? Straight up for me room temperature
Penis-flavored seltzer water. Straight up. Room temperature.
Bowl of gravy auuuugh yeah folks
A cup of watered down coffee, it's morning here. Straight up. Not room temperature.
some disaronno lol
A belgian dubbel of my own creation
good stuff, haven't had any in a while though. Drink it straight?
Coca cola. The glass bottle hecho en mexinco kind though.
Buttermilk. Straight up. Room temperature.
ice cold absinthe, as always. i'm a man of habits
Shots of Red stag
green russian
Elijah Craig single barrell
In coffee.
I was up all night bsing with an old frend. So i'm up all night drinking now.
same here
No alcohol tonight but I’m gonna hot rail a fat line of ice and play with my dick and try to do homo stuff.
Bottoms up!
Corona time
nah american. the only other beer i like more is sam adams
Great choice, user. Mexifag here
Have you tried the dark corona?
I could drink this every day.
Bulleit is good cheap bourbon but there's so many better ones out there for just a little extra cash. Eagle Rare is my everyday drinker. Anything from Buffalo Trace distillery is good shit as well.
“Straight up” is cooled over ice.
This is bait. Fuck off.
Club soda. *Belch*
Never heard of "straight up" till now. Though I have my whiskey neat (straight).
Not op but, but with bourbon drinkers since true bourbon is called "Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey" ordering straight or straight up is different areas is the same as ordering it neat. Bartenders will usually ask you if you mean neat.
Milk, straight up, room temperature.
100% pure alcohol injected directly into my left eye. Straight up. Room temperature.
I wish I could find Eagle Rare every day.
Bourbon over ice. Ginger ale. Twist of orange for a bare hint of citrus.
What a coincidence!
100% pure alcohol injected directly into my right eye. Straight up. Room temperature.
I have a few stores that I've specially requested it from, one of them usually has it. Occasionally they are all out. It's hard to get good bourbon out here in Hawaii sometimes.
user, get out of the well and try a top shelf bourbon.
>Watershed top shelf
You must be drunk. That swill isn't even worth it's $40 price tag.
Me too. It's morning here
I live in KY and it's still almost impossible to find.
Outside of the bourbon belt good bourbon isn't hard to find. You folks in Kentucky know the good stuff. The rest of the country hasn't caught on.
Suckin back some whiteclaws you pretentious faggots
Not pretentious just full blown alcoholic I'd have to pound 24 whiteclaws to get drunk. Once you start going hair on your chest you might understand.
Cool I didnt ask
but you did
Go ahead and drink shit meant for college girls while the real men drink real alcohol faggot.
I said you were a pretentious idiot for having pride in your choice of vice. The irony of your pride in bring a degenerate is even worse. Go on, tell me your sob story and how your 'disease' isnt a choice
Ah Yas Forums - you never change.
What about Roughrider bourbon? Is it better than my bulleit?
Real men spend money on overpriced alcohol with fancy labels and good marketing strategy. Got it. I'll have to ask my dad about that one
But it is a choice. I chose to drink and I like to drink quality booze because I can afford it because I actually have a good career. I'm not one of those faggots that blame shit on my drinking because it doesn't affect anything in my life except a little extra savings I might be able to put away.
OP here absinthe is alos another oen of my favoruties but by itself room temperature. It seems more powerful that way. The licorice taste it so divine and intoxicating while the blend opens my eyes to the strange aroma that fills my throat and nose.
On a scale of 1-10 how much of your identity is tied to being an alcoholic and/or your choice of bourbon
Beer with jägermeister in it :D
Haven't tried it but being made in NY probably doesn't help it's cause. Try a bottle of regular Buffalo Trace and compare it to your Bulleit, similar price but you might like it better.
>Go ahead and sit in a chair, while real men sit on nails! In a fire!
>Things of different quality should have the same price.
Is somebody upset Bernie isn't going to win?
Yes, you too can spout idiocy like this user.
Just fill in the blanks in this easy-to-use template.
Go ahead and meant for while real men .
Easy peasy, hours of fun on the 4chans!
Honestly, I’m feeling like shit & dealing with the flu (or who the fuck knows what), so I’m putting back a concoction of hot water, honey, lime juice, cayenne & a hefty measure of black rum. Not my usual drink of choice, but it helps.
Grape chu-hi
1 or 2, it isn't a big part of it at all. I like bourbon, I probably drink too much of it when I'm not working but it's how I like to relax. Doesn't really affect me at all.