It's fucked

It's fucked

Bernie isn't going to win the primary

Bernie isn't going to win most of the states that are voting this tuesday, including michican

Bernie is going to get no delegates at all in florida

Joe will win the rest of the primaries because the public has already accepted him as their most viable option

Joe will be nominated at the DNC, and Bernie will endorse him and appear with him at campaign stops

Joe will debate with trump throughout october, and his gaffes and lack of personality will turn swing voters off

Trump will win the general election

In 2024 Bernie will be too old, but someone with his ideas will run, and lose the nomination to an establishment neoliberal

Progressives are doomed from ever becoming President

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bernie seems to be taking it well.

Attached: OiBernie.png (1024x576, 638.51K)

Trump will win again dude stop with the Bernie threads, please

It's almost as if the two parties need to be burned to the ground or something.

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Maoist uprising when?

Multi-track party purges when?

Bernie's going to lose Florida because there's a shit load of Cuban refugees and Jews living there, and he can't stop himself from praising Castro and Palestinian terrorists.

And be replaced by what?

couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people. Or more deserving.

New ones? What else? Parties come and go user, they're not eternal, just ask the Whigs or Bull-Moose party.

Don't forget Biden was on the ropes.
Bernie won't go down without a fight.

the fact that creepy uncle joe is the "best" option says a lot about where the democratic party is right now.

America is too far gone, their system is already completely rigged in favour of the extremely wealthy, no amount of "elections" will change anything

should have pushed a more popular message.

The majority of Americans want what Bernie is offering, they're just too easily swayed by the media to realise or care, elections aren't about policy they're about my team vs you're team

FUCK OFF TO >>>Yas Forums

No? You think the pornposters are gonna fuck off to the porn boards? Just hide the thread like you tuck your dick when looking in the mirror.

I disagree. Confirmation bias.

That's the problem with reformism

>Progressives are doomed from ever becoming President
:O you mean people with batshit insane ideas cant come to power in a free society?

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It's pretty immature but strikingly accurate. Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich, every US election.



this is what people with cum for brains actually think lmao

Bernie is a fucking fraud and most people over 25 see right through it. Not that sleepy Joe is any better. But at least he doesn't pretend to be some champion for "working" people.

I suppose being 28 with duel degrees in gender studies and feminist literature... along with $200,000 in student debt, and being unable to get hired anywhere because NO ONE will pay you 6 figures to pour coffee... and your parents constantly complaining that your room in the basement smells bad........

Yeah, I guess you might be feeling America is not very free.

>The majority of Americans want what Bernie is offering
Lol no the fuck they do not. He would be winning if they did.

Look on the bright side- once Bernie endorses creepy uncle Joe, he'll get that 4th house and all your hard work for him will have paid off.

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Good. Trump deserves the W anyways


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Yeah... such honesty...

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He is 100% a fraud. Dude complains about capitalism day and night, as he owns 3 fucking houses and has millions of dollars to his name. Could he have done that in Cuba? How about Vietnam? Yet that retard praises Cuba because they taught people how to read, as if it wasn't a way to fucking indocirate people. Shit is so ridiculous and yet people actually vote for this asshole.

Medicare for all and free education is ridiculously popular across the entire political spectrum

this says nothing, why'd you post this?

Bernie is a shit candidate. We are watching a replay of 016.
Propaganda soundbites better suited to the 1930's.
No lucid answer as to paying for everything promised. More propaganda soundbites.

Inevitable outcome.

It say what's obvious to adults. He complained about millionaires until he became one, then complained about billionaires from then on.

Recently i've been enjoying all the supercuts of biden being an imbecile.

I almost feel bad for Bernie and his supporters =, fucked again by a woman (Warren this time) and the DNC brass.

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He looks like the Penguin. When did Bernie turn into a Batman villain?

They're doin' the jew slur thingy. ?

When you phrase them as positive generalities, yes. But when you start asking about specific elements, support plummets.

He isn't honest, he is a con artist. His supporter's brains are too fogged with marijuana, truvada, and phytoestrogens to see it. If you look at the numbers, his idiot supporters also forgot to go out and vote. His supporters feel that their time is better spent on line crying about Trump than voting or working on the campaign. The far left has learned absolutely nothing from 2016.

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He could still win. He'll likely get most or all of Warrens delegates so far & that puts him about even with Biden.

legal spacing?

I'll give him one thing, he's a lot more entertaining than Hillary

he's still a chance I think. Delegates is what counts.

lol shoop

You need to reach the final stage of acceptance. It will never happen.

Bernie has a house in Vermont (home)
a house in DC (work)
and a cabin in the woods that he and his family share. But keep thinking he's part of the elite.

Oh god yes. The primary is so much less insufferable because hillary isn't running. It's merely terribly bleak.

Lies! Slander and lies!

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>Trump will win again
that's what OP just said, moron.

And, when he endorses Biden, he'll get a 4th!

But seriously, how many "average working men" have 2 homes, let alone 3? How do you people keep deluding yourselves into believing he's just like you?

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The United States was never a democracy. It is a federated republic.

His numbers are bullshit and answers are not answers.
You can sell gold for a dime an ounce as long as you stay sold out.

Too bad Bernie's plans for both are shit.

What, you don't own a summer camp on a private piece of land overlooking the coast? What are you some kinda poorfag?
Also I am once again asking for your donations.
I want a boat.

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How does that even work? Do Warren's delegates just become unpledged now that she's out?
Either way, Bloomberg and Mayo Pete collectively have more delegates than Warren, so

Flys 1st class.

He's state representative for Vermont. His wife lives in Vermont. He needs a home in Vermont.

He represents the United States and spends a lot of time in Congress and dealing with the president's BS. He needs a home there too.

If you had his job, you'd do the same damn thing.

> Don't tell this guy that the US already does K-12 free education.

> Topic change: detected
> Citation: none provided

>If you had his job, you'd do the same damn thing.
Do what... bend over for Hillary and get a 3rd home?
>Also, nice reddit spacing, fag

Watching the DNC primary this time around with all the voice-votes and coinflips and shit has got me thinking, do we need some sort of federal oversight for the way the parties run these things? We don't really get viable options for President outside of these two private institutions who make whatever rules they want on who they pick, it's not even just the DNC either, anyone who was around before Trump should remember sad Ron Paul. Since these are the institutions picking our candidates, do they need stricter rules they have to follow, and enforcement of those rules?

Or is it better that they just do whatever?

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This thread is Russian propaganda. Anything to make people angry at the American political system. Just stay calm, vote for the politicians you prefer (or hate less), and try to convince others to side with you with calm, friendly arguments. That is how best to steer the system in a direction you want.

Getting angry - both at other Americans and at the system itself - is exactly what the Russian fucking filth want, so don't give it to them. If you're going to be angry at anything, be angry at the Russian crime state.

zoomer pls go

Bernie should run as a 3rd party and show the establishment what will happen next time they want to f around.

You bernie bros don't get it. You do not provide answers, you try to impose your will and turn nasty when called on it.

You suck, big and loud.

You shills should learn2greentext before you post on Yas Forums.

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"Everyone one who disagrees with me is a literal Russian agent" -A Child's Guide To Dealing With Hillary Clinton

What on earth does Hillary have to do with anything. Bernie and Hillary are not friends. Stop trolling.

> Reddit spacing
I hit [Enter] twice. Try it sometime.

please please please let Bernie run as an independent.

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Really... Odd how after getting the nomination stolen from him, Bernie went on to endorse her... and suddenly get a 3rd house.

>muh Russia
user, you're probably smarter than this if you managed to button your fly this morning without seeking assistance.
>vote for the politicians you prefer (or hate less), and try to convince others to side with you with calm, friendly arguments
Yeah, that's what we were doing before you stormed in yelling about Russia, relax guy.

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>a federated republi

Learn to pronounce
(of a country or organization) set up as a single centralized unit within which each state or division keeps some internal autonomy.
"a federated state consisting of 15 union republics"

>When did schools stop teaching this?

>Medicare for all and free education is ridiculously popular across the entire political spectrum
So again, if it's so fucking popular why is Bernie losing? And you retards need to stop calling this bullshit "free". It's not free to anyone who actually works for a living and pays their own bills. I'm seriously getting sick of this bullshit. Fags like you going out there voting for more bullshit that I'm going to end up having to fucking pay for, as the democrats just jack up everybody's fucking taxes and continue to expand the government and more "programs". Why don't you move to fucking Cuba or China if you wanna live in a nanny state so badly?

it's a democratic republic, so yeah.. it's a democracy.

he's been a senator for what, 40yrs?
six figure income + the book he wrote
+ his wife has a PhD & makes $$$

real estate is always a good investment

most of his co workers have a lot more

Attached: Bernie.Do.Better.jpg (720x496, 47.62K)

>his idiot supporters also forgot to go out and vote
Exactly, these fucking people have been crying daily about Trump for 4 fucking years. But when it's time to put their money where their mouth is they don't even bother to vote. Then don't fucking complain if you're not gonna fucking vote.

>Joe will debate with trump throughout october, and his gaffes and lack of personality will turn swing voters off.
The media has been covering for Biden, concealing the fact that he has early-onset dementia. Biden has to debate Bernie next Sunday, and a lot of voters who haven’t paid close attention to the primaries will be shocked at how Biden doesn’t have control over his mental faculties.
Mark my words, people will be shocked and horrified that the DNC and the Biden campaign tried to hide this from the public.

No... the word "democracy" is not in either the declaration of independence or in the constitution. We are a federated republic. Look it up. Do some research before making an assface out of yourself at every turn.

well, we told ya so.

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This user has valid points, too bad no one cares. Commence shitposting.

$575,000 lake front home. Yeah, "he's one of us!"

It is on every website too. I realize Yas Forums was never good but it really took a dive in 2016 when the electionfags got here. I used to have a mechanical keyboard facebook page with about 25k followers. I had to get rid of it because of TDS. There are people who absolutely cannot shut the fuck up about Trump for 5 minutes.

That's a really good thing. He's a fucking communist. Fuck him, and fuck his loser followers.

You know that bernie supporters are mean narrative? I honestly feel like the worst supporters in my experience were the hillary clinton supporters during the 2016 primary.

They had basically taken the cue that because hillary clinton treats people that way, that it's good and desirable for them to act that way to everyone too. And whereas in the right circumstances, i could see hillary clinton kicking ass like that being amusing, for her supporters to basically treat every non-supporter democrat like they're ugly immoral morons, and if they don't LEARN how to be a proper person, wise up and realize of their own accord that supporting her despite it being against all of your interests is the ONLY right way to think, then you can go fuck yourself, they don't need you.

Most fucking arrogant pricks i've ever met in my life. Trump is like buddhist monk compared to their arrogance.

But other than them, all the various supporters have seemed pretty much fine to me. You got a couple super assholes on either, and of course a lot more bigots on the republican side, but trump supporters, warren supporters, biden supporters, fuckin' everybody has been what i'd call REASONABLY obnoxious given the circumstances.

Accidentally deleted my post. As the guy above me said, he's been making 6 figures for decades and you give him shit for having a nice cabin.

ur mom is fuggin fedurated feggit gtfo kæk

Yeah, a nice "cabin". 4 bedrooms, expansive kitchen, enclosed patio, $575,000... a true man of the people. Odd how he's buying homes when he could be donating that money to help students, or people with medical debt...
>He's one of us!

God wills it

That's what I'm saying. I'm sorry but if all you're gonna do is cry and whine about Trump but you don't even vote to begin with, you really should just shut the fuck up. People who don't vote have ZERO right to complain about anything. And there are a lot of them out there. I've seen people who complain every year about taxes going up but they fucking vote democrat or worse, they don't vote at all. So don't fucking say anything because you're part of the problem.

Nice gets m8. God wills it

>>But when it's time to put their money where their mouth is they don't even bother to vote
>tfw pro-legalization, state decriminalized last year, not a single stoner friend actually voted
It makes me legitimately angry when people would rather bitch endlessly than take twenty minutes to go fucking vote.

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I cannot wait to watch these Bernie v Biden debates, although I suspect 2016 tactic the DNC used against Bernie; They will give Biden the questions before the debate as with Hillary.

Ya know, I really don't think so.

Dude I'm Danish, in our constitution Denmark is described as a constitutional monarchy, not a democracy, but we vote and have an elected parliament and are therefore a democracy; just like you guys. You vote, you have elections, your leaders are democratically elected; M.O.O.N: that spells democracy.