I asked a hijabi exchange study out on a day today...

I asked a hijabi exchange study out on a day today, but now I'm wondering if I should actually go on a date with her or not. Will her family come here to fucking stone me if I fuck her?

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Do it

Retard its 2020 they cant do shit. smash that puss.

I'm not sure if I'm gonna get any pussy from her. She literally had her first sip of alcohol today. Also she's from Dubai and they're really conservative there.

No if anything they'll just kill her

arabs deserve no love you stupid fuck what have you done



love? lmao. smash and let her loose


You probably will, just get her to drink more. She’ll pass out pretty quickly. Just don’t forget pics for your Yas Forumsros

So if the worst case scenario is her family ending your more than likely tragic existence, is it really a problem? I mean you’re asking for dating advice on Yas Forums, honestly your life isn’t as stellar as you’d envisioned it as a starry eyed child.

I can't just smash and dash this one. She is in the same class as my best friend and you know how crazy Arabs are.


It’s not a smash and dash, just get her drunk enough to pass out and not remember it the next day. It’s really not that hard bro.

Even if she does remember she’ll be too scared of getting killed anyway like said. They’ll stone her not you.

She’s in your country lol you’ll be fine. Worst thing for you is someone else convincing her she got raped

>no cute muslim feets

fuck you op

I'm not really into drunk semi-consensual sex though. She also seems really cool. I won't marry her, but being together until she goes back to the UAE doesn't sound like a bad idea to me.

Well I mean I was suggesting literal rape but okay.

She probably won’t date you though I can tell you that much

Why not?

you got it wrong bro... the guy doesn't get stoned the girl does.

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Honestly, she probably just doesn’t like you that way. Women are weird sometimes but couple that with her being an Arab in a new country it won’t be a good mix.

She’s most likely not into the whole being together until she goes back as a concept as well.

Honestly your best chance of getting Pussy is getting her drunk. Even if I’m wrong and she does date you, she’s probably not gonna fuck

The vibe between the two of us is pretty good and I'm usually good in guessing how much girls are into me. I feel like her acceptance of trying out a thing that is both new and a sin like alcohol makes me feel like she wants to try more. Also she basically invited herself over to my place by asking if she could see my vinyl collection.

Make lots of terrorist jokes, they love that.

Get her drunk and smash. Dont forget pics and videos for your \b\ros. If you live in America don't worry. Gerry a gun and fuck their shit up if they get uppity. And don't worry if she has family. Durkas are all bark and no bite unless they're in large groups. You can easily take out one or two by yourself.

Fair enough, I’m not gonna lie I want you to get your dick wet with this chick. Just trying to be realistic about how to go about it.
You got kik?

What makes you idiots think she drinks? Most durka durkas don't.

says the idiots who's only knowledge of them comes from donny's twitter account

Thanks, my man. Never had non-white pussy before so I'm pretty excited about it. Don't have kik, but will probably make a greentext on monday.

Damn, I won’t really be checking Yas Forums much so do you have anything else I can message you on?

just rape her, it's their culture

Give them a goat and two chickens, you'll be fine

A hijabi off tinder basically told me to come fuck her but im out of town for a while. Tips? she is from america im pretty sure and also has a picture on her profile without it on so im pretty sure shes pretty americanized

Post her pics faggot

Fuck her when you’re back lol

tfw no innocent Hijabi gf to corrupt

Have a good time with her. It will be fun.
Show her you have class. It will guarantee a 2nd date.

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Somalis are sloots so you could fuck her easily

Anal sex is possibly a loophole. They may at some point check if the hymen is intact, but no one cares if her asshole is virgin.

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They will tell you theyll stone you if they find out you fucked her and not marry her. They have a "you bang it you bought it" policy

the cool thing is that it really doesnt matter tho, their women always get the short end of the stick lol so do what you want


>gf is arab, family is muslim tho shes not
>went to school in dearborn
>told me how kids routinely were caught assfucking in or behind their HS because vaginas were off limits.

like. assfucking next to the dumpster lol


All Kek

this whole thread has a ''cool story bro'' vibe.

That's what I really wanted in high school, to fuck the Palestinian girl in the ass during free period.

Had a Moroccan girl in my high school who only gave ass. Took off the headscarf and became a roastie in college though.

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she has nigger hair,no thanks

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How can you say no to this body?

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It is 2020, but her mudskin family full of idiots are still living in 1320. They have these savage ideals they still uphold.

Just because society is moving forward doesn't mean people are as well.

trump supporters be like

>hurr durr,muslims are bad.thats what donald trump told me!

id rather build a wall around hillbilly trumpville then build a wall on the southern border.lets keep the ignorant trump supporters out

quick! Meme about Bernie and then don't go vote for him in the primaries! That'll cause the change you faggots are virtue-signaling about!

But no one cares what you think so...

That's actually how Middle-Eastern women-hair look like without their head-garb(mostly from the Maghreb region).


I do.

so do more people than dont



shes hot asf, she got an insta or facebook?


nah, they'll prob just honor rape and honor kill her or some ass backwards, stone age muslim shit.

looks nigress. no thanks.

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Hajibi at work does the full head & neck cover. And wears tight pants or skirt to show off her phar butt every day.

She can sit on my face any day.