Prove you are an oldfag

Prove you are an oldfag

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Soup Yas Forums

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>Forget Pokemon GO
>Pokemon Go-to-the-Polls

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Goronchev is a fucking phaggot.


i came from the stileproject

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Aww shieet we in HILDAWG CUNTRY NAO!

I'm not falling for that again.

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zoomer boy bad

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This is what got me B&

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Now I've got your IP.

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Yeah 'cause I've still got the same IP I did back in 2011.
Fucking retard.

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banned for bestiality countless times

fuck you mods


Go ahead and give it a shot downy-mc-downs.
The consequences will never be the same.

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gtfo newfag

newfags can't triforce


neither can you dipshit

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This sniper ain't shi-

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But who was phone?

I've seen people triforce recently, but I know alt+255 doesn't work for spaces anymore. It makes me wonder what special character they're using that doesn't display and acts like a space.

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fuckin newb. behold:

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Mods are asleep, post sinks.

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I posted the very first "dubs" (000000011).

Also, Rusty the Cat--Nevar Forget.

I used to use AOL back when they charged BY THE HOUR. Is that old and faggy enough?




 D     D

I'm thinking about buying weed, but i'm not sure.

i remember moot


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pics or didnt happen

Why does a gorilla always frown? Cause in a million years it will be a nigger.

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giga puddi



Does this have to do with the amount of spaces used to start?

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Its awesome wizard powers and thrust vectoring

hey guys have you heard of candlejack? i hear he comes an

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Based. Yas Forums has never been my homeboard, and I'm still a newfag, but at least I'm not a fucking cancer fag. I think in 1776 + 244 new fags deserve some credit.

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 ▲hitler did nothing wrong ▲

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can has cheezburgers??

So close.

op forgot to noko

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this guy is on a whole new level.

puddi puddi

OK, I have been on this site since 2008 and I haven't seen pic related for a long time, who the hell is he?

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Brian Peppers

>been on this site since
But can't do a reverse image search.

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I can just didnt feel like it

You're missing the chocolate rain caption.


Who the fuck doesn’t know about Brian Peepers?

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This thread is crescent fresh

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I sometimes miss the quads threads where you had to kill giga nigga and mecha osama.

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Bring back Snacks.