Why the fuck are people panicking over the coronavirus if it's not really going to kill them?

Why the fuck are people panicking over the coronavirus if it's not really going to kill them?

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Mainstream media has a choke hold over the majority of the public and spreads fear and chaos in order to keep people glued to the screen

People are just uneducated to bag of dicks that's why

You faggots can say what you will but for me it's about my older family, a lot of them are 60+ so there's a good chance at least 1 of them is going to die

Im not retarded I'm young and healthy, likely the only thing that happens to me is flu symptoms.

This virus is a gift from the universe to help rid this planet of the cancerous boomer generation

its the opposite here in Germany. They are saying its just a flu 24/7.
We are acctually fucked, this stuff will kill 30-90% of the world population.

And how exactly is a virus with a 3.6% fatality rate going to kill 30-90% of the world population

It is a flu.

Don't mind Timmy... He's actually retarded.

its not 3.6% user.
start with /cvg/.
reinfections, aerosol, antibody dependent enhancement (although I didnt see a source for that yet).

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wow such a difference. Not like it changes on a daiily basis.

Completely normal procedure for flu nothing to see here people

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I meant its way higher... never mind. I am not some prophet to take people out of the cave.

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Dont you remember your local hazmat team fumigating your office every flu season?

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It's not, but I can kill millions

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It killed my bum.
Now I have nowhere to sit.

Uncertainly is contaigious

cite a source then retard because it doesn't get much more official than WHO

This can't be real

nigger do you even know how viruses work?

Ok now I'm scared.

only old people

its a massive underestimation due to bureaucracy delays false information spread to keep face etc.
The quarantene in Wuhan was supposed to end before February and its still going. They keep saying its nothing to calm people down.

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With advanced statistics.

yes faggot I have acctually red more information on this then I should have learned for my fucking physics exam.
read here jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2762452

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Ok dude, you're special and have secret knowledge that nobody else has. Look how special you are. You must be a genius! Is that what you wanted to hear?

There's no doubt in hell that China is lying through their teeth about official numbers

Let's hope so.
Fuckin kek

Kek love the butterfly net thing they put over his head.

its not secret the papers, the videos and the quarantene information is free to view for everyone.
The "secret" info I have is quite minor. In the german city of Koblenz, there were 50 patients at the time they reported 1. This was 2 weeks ago.

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It's mildly worse than a regular flu!!!!


The issue with it isn't that it's stronger than a flu, it's that it spreads far easier and is slightly longer lasting, specifically you can have it and be spreading it during a 5 day incubation period where you don't even show 1 symtom yet.

The fatality rate isn't that much higher than normal flu, the 1918 flu ended up having over 2% fatality rates. The issue is that a 3% rate that applies to every person on the planet would be far worse than a 3% rate that most people avoid. Coronavirus spreads extremely easily, they fumigate and do extreme shit in China because it's already spread so fast.

the regular flu also doesn't need this degree of caution because flu shots exist and if you can't afford to get sick you just get the shot. There's no Coronavirus shot, so they try to prevent the spread in other ways.

"the fatality rate was 14.8% in people 80 or older, likely reflecting the presence of other diseases, a weaker immune system, or simply worse overall health. By contrast, the fatality rate was 1.3% in 50-somethings, 0.4% in 40-somethings, and 0.2% in people 10 to 39."

10 to 15% are in serious condition. It speads easy so if you aren't slowing it down you run out of intensiv care and mortality is about 10 to 15%.

It won't kill most people, but it is very likely to kill vulnerable older people. It makes perfect sense for the average person to fear for their grandparents or parents.

Can you link an article that spreads fear and chaos?

It's hopeless. People want to believe this is the next Black Plague and they will react as though it is. It's readily apparent just how primitive our species actually is. Kind of embarrassing.

>It's hopeless. People want to believe this is the next Black Plague and they will react as though it is. It's readily apparent just how primitive our species actually is. Kind of embarrassing.

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because they arent idiot trump supporters?

Or are they?

china’s insane quarantines & workflow disruptions as a result of the virus puts a huge damper on supply lines. everything going out of china is significantly slowed so production across the world is slowed as well. more of an economic fear for me personally, i’m pretty healthy.

I'm not talking about print media. It's the TV media outlets that are literally talking nonstop about this virus without even mentioning that the majority of people who contract it not only survive but hardly even feel symptoms. You really think people would be ordering packs of face masks that are marked up by like 800% if they knew what the fatality rate is? It's vital information that's being purposefully withheld to keep folks watching.

what a dumb response. it’s a consistent pattern of fear mongering not one specific article. it’s the selection of what’s shown and published and the language used to describe it on a consistent basis.

lethality is somewhere between 1 and 3%. it closer to 3 only counting registered cases but since not everyone infected is tested it's probably closer to 1%.

but "not really going to kill" is a nice way to say "you'll be left with a reduced lung capacity for the rest of your life with a chance of about 15%"

yes for most people it's no big dead. in 10-15% of cases, in all age groups, the virus triggers an overreaction of the immune system which will than attack healthy lung cells as well and in some cases even in other organs. you'll be left with a "honeycomb lung" if you survive.
if your immune response is suppressed in hospital you are suceptible to secondary infections. another not so nice way to die.

here is why reducing spread is so important:
people in the risk groups (preexisting conditions, older folks) are really at risk of dying here. they need all of us to not spread the virus and with every day that you don't spread you are literally saving lives because you buy time for pharma companies to finish trials for the cure.
experts guess a cure could be ready by may but it's just a cure, not a vaccine, that will take well into 2021.

all of this information is available at who.int, go read up on the daily situation reports.

Doesn't matter, I'll take any source.
>20% need hospitalization
>5% need artificial respiration for weeks
Where did they say that in any medium?

What's shown and published is always the mild side, not the actually dangerous (see above). I've seen exactly one article saying that this is treated with hiv drugs, nine mentioned the extensive medical care necessary to help people with severe cases survive. None mentioned the weird facts still under investigation (4 our of 5 spoke proteins are hiv-like, aerosol capabilities, hiding in gut bacteria for possible reinfection by yourself, cytokine storms,...).

because the apocalypse is fun, Nimrod

>While the range of symptoms for the two viruses is similar, the fraction with severe disease appears to be different. For COVID-19, data to date suggest that 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe infection, requiring oxygen and 5% are critical infections, requiring ventilation. These fractions of severe and critical infection would be higher than what is observed for influenza infection.


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trainspotting on now

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>WHO is a mainstream medium
Go on, ridicule yourself even more.


One year after SARS infection, people have permanently damaged lungs. Which mainstream medium mentioned this?

>Which mainstream medium mentioned this?

they even mention it for corona, just one google search away:

I sure enjoy my weekly subscription of WHO, delivered directly to my door!

You literally just cannot accept that you are wrong here huh? WHO is not a mainstream media organization. Have you been getting your local/world news from the WHO website and their daily news broadcasts? Oh wait, yeah they don't do that.
WHO is an international entity dedicated to public health and safety. When's the last time that FOX news or CNN coordinated an international response to some kind of situation instead of just asking a group of 6 idiots what their take on the situation is?

Because parts of the HIV were put I to it by the Chinese war machine. It can lay dormant in you for 10 years, all that time you're a carrier, then it hits you.

>nat geo
Surely all Americans read it and that's why they are scared.

Look, people aren't scared because mass-media tell them to.

Are you irl retarded? You lowlives claimed mainstream media was fear-mongering. You still didn't supply a single source to back up that claim. WHO is, as I've said before, not a mainstream medium, hence detrimental to your narrative. Now fuck off of the internet.

>I sure enjoy my weekly subscription of WHO, delivered directly to my door!
What's that supposed to mean? Yes, I'm right, therefore I'm an idiot?

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Here you obviously need to look at this.

It's stock market manipulation. That's all.

kek, okay I'm too slow to notice I'm arguing with literal retards here. Bye then.

Hahahahahahaha ha