does it suprise you that coronavirus is a problem in america now because the party that doesnt believe in vaccinating their kids and believes in praying it away is running the goverment?
Does it suprise you that coronavirus is a problem in america now because the party that doesnt believe in vaccinating...
No, it is not a surprise
you're an idiot
fake news
I mean, it’s also a problem in South Korea and France where all that is supported. So what’s your point?
aww,did i hurt the wittle trump supporting snowflakes feelings? at least i can pronounce the words huge and big that makes me smarter then donald dumbass
yeah,because south korea and france has a higher education level then cleetus and his trump hat does
they should take the same straw-man tactics the democrats do: guns bad, ban guns
>ban guns
meanwhile,after 8 years of a democrat took a republican to actually pass gun control
is there anything more uninformed then a trump supporter?
OP, are you oblivious to the fact that there is no vaccine against said virus?
>i'm (A) murricano (B) trump supporter
whenever there's a shooting in usa, democrat supporters always whines about guns and republican supporters always whine about the constitution. that's all i hear whenever the gun debate pops up
even if there was,you retards wouldnt take it
i hope trump supporters are the ones who suffer the most with rednecks didnt get the hint when you lost house majority,now take your banjo and your methlabs and get the fuck out of the republican party,snowflakes
so your admitting to being a trump supporter? thanks for further proving my point on how uneducated trump voters are
>party that doesn't believe in vaccinating kids.
Literally one of the two states that require strictly vaccinations is the most conservative state. Mississippi.
>being this much of a brainlet on how viruses work
If I am vaccinated for polio I can still get coronavirus...because I have not been vaccinated for coronavirus, genius.
But there’s been more infection and deaths in both countries than in the Us itself so far. What’s your point?
>i hope trump supporters are the ones who suffer the most
>take your banjo and your methlabs and get the fuck out of the republican party,snowflakes
You're either trolling or truly dumb
Pick one or the other
>he doesn't understand the implication arrow
summer starts early this year... that or you're a 9gag-troll
That guy is fucking retarded. He does this literally all day everyday. Same literal nonsense about Trump and Trump supporters, almost all of which makes no fucking sense. Watch in a few hours hes gonna make another thread just like this. Dude makes no effort to at least be somewhat entertaining.
is there corona virus-yes. Is it a pandemic? No, that part is a media driven hoax.
I think the US is up to 19 deaths.
not at all
It won’t surprise me if it gets worse because of the incompetence of this current administration. Maybe not for exactly the reasons you stated, but certainly because from the top down they care more about trying to dictate their own interests than being honest, educated and working in the interest of the nation.
In how many days?
>In how many days?
19 fatalities total from corona virus. However long it has been a known threat. source-CDC.
Probably 2-3 wks? TBH I do not know.
As opposed to the party that wants open borders to let every infected person in the world in without even checking them?
Yeah, I can do fringe hyperbole too.
>19 fatalities total
I forgot-in the US.
It suppises me the left wing retards who called trump a racist for trying to get a travel ban on Asia are now blaming trump for the virus that started because a bunch of commie retards don’t know how to not eat weird shit
>president is an anti-vaxxer
>hospital visits cost thousands of dollars
>anti-worker labor laws discourage sick days
Yeah, I'm thinking the US might be in a bit of a pickle.
they will do anything to try to bring Trump down. I look for them to get more desperate.
We had Sen Schumer threaten two SCOTUS justices. A first in my life.
Why the fuck you bringing Trump into this? It’s spreading across the whole world.
post antibodies
If Obama did an Asia travel ban, they’d call him smart.
not really, no.
They were gonna blame Trump no matter what he did. He could find the cure today and they would still fucking complain.
pray for him, then.
OP is a faggot
abortions don't kill babies, babies kill babies.
It’s funny because it’s true.
Majority of infected smucks are in Democrat controlled districts. Anti-vaxers are fucked.
>When you're about to be eaten, but you feel under the weather
I have a hard time believing his belief is more than surface level in order to even attempt to run for president in jesusland.
What a weird fan fic.
He doesn’t pander to Muslims so that’s basically enough.
Majority of anti-vaxtards are right wing christians who think the Earth is flat.
Ok boomer,
imagine frantically endlessly creating panicked hysteria, every day of your waking life. Jesus that must fucking suck.
Not really, trump is a dumbfuck
You mean like.. "we gotta build a wall the bad hombres are coming" or "watch out the muslims are gonna blow up again omg" and shit like that?
That’s actually the most retarded non existent connection I’ve ever seen lol
A problem in America? there's like 11 people's that a problem
No I mean like creating fake hysteric threads every fucking day about coronavirus that isn't even lethal, unless you are like 65+ years old with severe respiratory issues in which case no one cares about you Boomer anyways.
Fuckin' A bubba. MAGA
Its not, its literally a dry cough, with some dizziness, and some shortness of breath, at least one of the strains are very minor. Unless you are like 90 years old.
I’m so sick of you fucking libtards spreading fake news. He’s handling this situation better than any other president could do.
What party exactly is it that doesn't believe in vaccines? Of my few hundred friends I can think of maybe 2 tops who are anti vax. I didn't realize vaccines were affiliated with one party over the other. Are we attaching anything and everything to a specific party now? We, the right, no longer believe in working hard so anyone who doesn't work hard must be a Republican
>A problem in America? there's like 11 people's that a problem
Implying bad hombres haven't been flooding in. Also go ahead and believe that taking away guns from law abiding citizens will stop gun violence. Fucking leftist moroons
There is literally no point in arguing with a liberal dude, Liberalism is a mental disorder. They have absolutely no validity in their argument, the only thing they can do is insult your syntax of language or just insult you as a person.
You will lose IQ trying to reason with a libtard, don't even bother.
Bunch of fucking tin foil hat wearing, Midwest living Losers with nothing to fucking to do but smoke bunk ass weed and vote trump that won’t even legalize their shitty ass weed
Their higher education level makes them more likely to get a virus? Interesting perspective, baiterman. At least try a little. Use a little imagination.
user, that is well stated.
You dumbass fuctard. Your friends, the Chinese, engineered this shit while Obama was president. Who gave them the security in the knowledge that they could get away with it?
Who tf are you even arguing with bro? I live in the Midwest and there's plenty to do. Hit a backroad with a 40, ride 4 wheelers, yada yada yada. Sorry I don't live in the city where there's a much higher likelihood of being mugged and shot.
Are you aware that Trump said the virus is just a hoax made up by the Dems to make him look bad? Sure seems like a huge problem over nothing...
Shitty ass weed shitty ass state, California isn’t even city all over stupid inbred fuck KEK
>pray the gay away
>pray for virus to end
>pray for school shootings to stop
>pray for market to recover
>no actual policy to do anything about these problems
How's that magical thinking working out for you burgers?
I didn't even vote for Trump, nor do I like him. But these are complete facts, Libs are a complete subhuman degenerate disgrace to humanity.
the land of fruits and nuts-
While trump was president he invested in and supported the outsourced production of test kits we need to save lives.
I never said cali wasn't a state.
Uh no
Even if the party did believe in it, it wouldnt matter. They dont have a vaccination for it yet.
yeah, more bullshit.
>Literally one of the two states that require strictly vaccinations is the most conservative state. Mississippi.
And yet you would ignore states like Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, and the rest of the South that have vaccine exemptions for religious beliefs?
Isn't it a problem in every country now?
Also, i've been a republican pretty much my entire adult life, and I've been an atheist since long before that, and think people who don't vaccinate are retards. And to top it off, as an infant I had a bad reaction to a vaccine that required medical intervention, i still support vaccination and know my case was a 1 in a million.
Also, it's just as many libtard soccer mom types who think vaccines cause autism and shit like that.
>doesnt believe in vaccinating their kids and believes in praying it away
What's wrong with that?
Imagine living in some fucking hick inbred infested midwestern tweaked out state with nothing to fucking to do so everyone just tweaks it.. and being someone in that state where anti-vax info from Karen’s Facebook is the actual law in your state KEK fuck living w all those cucks
>What party exactly is it that doesn't believe in vaccines?
I agree it's wrong to say that one party in particular endorses one type of ideology over an other, but you have to admit anti-vaccine is largely drawn towards the Republican party.