>character orders a straight whiskey
>sips it like it's water
>doesn't need a chaser
Character orders a straight whiskey
>bottle of "whiskey" has froth and bubbles in it
Are they really too lazy to wait a few minutes so it doesn't blatantly look like ice tea
I used to do that before I became a full blown alcoholic, now I just want to get drunk as quickly as possible.
>character orders a 13oz glass of session IPA with notes of wild grape vines and cardamom
>it isn't fair trade
>Character has anal sex
>Doesn't gag and pass out from the smell of shit
Do Americans really...?
Never understood chasers. Take a small sip and swallow then breathe out. No burn or coughing. If I wanted to add something else to the drink I would just get it already mixed.
One of my few pet peeves with films. Hate it when some chick is drinking vodka or something straight from the bottle like it's nothing. You'd have to be the biggest alcoholic piece of shit to be able to drink shit straight from the bottle or big mouthfuls from a glass with no reaction
wtf is a chaser
>character is knocked out
>other character gives him alcohol to wake him up
exact opposite for me, started needing chasers after becoming an alcoholic
my classic was 1lt of cheap vodka and some mints and water, around five shots of vodka then a couple drinks of water and licked the mint for around ten seconds
absolutely hides the flavour of vodka
>You'd have to be the biggest alcoholic piece of shit to be able to drink shit straight from the bottle or big mouthfuls from a glass with no reaction
or just be an adult who drinks regularly and it isn't overly sensitive to the taste of alcohol like a child
I do the same exact thing. Water is the best vodka extinguisher. And I only started using chasers once I became a complete drunk.
>character orders a shot
>doesnt pinch his nose while chugging it
No I mean I used to sip it without a chaser before becoming a drunk. Now I down half a plastic cup of Jack at a time and chase it with grapefruit juice or whatever is on hand
Best shot to order is well gin. Half the time the bartender is so curious/disgusted that you'll get it free. Bonus, it's delicious.
>Never understood chasers
Do you not also eat an entire cake/cookie with no milk?
>licked the mint for around ten seconds
what the fuck kind of mint do you lick?
I chase everything with Diet Coke, sue me you uppity niggers
>drinking regularly
Alcoholics are not adults and having a chemical dependency is not a personality or a substitute for maturity.
If I'm drinking liquor it's not bottom shelf shit. And I'm not pounding it down. I don't see the reason for a chaser when you can just order it mixed as a cocktail. Why do you need to pound a shot down and burn your throat and then take a swig of something else when you can get a drink that tastes good and actually enjoy it? Just order a fucking cuba libre or and other liquor x coke drink.
fisherman's friend
that makes absolutely no sense
ESL here. What does chaser mean?
lolwhat gintonic is like one of the most popular drinks, but nice try larper. Have fun feeling like you ingested a christmas tree
>order it mixed
>Implying I would go outside and drink in a bar around other human beings
I am a functioning alcoholic and drink every day. I have a decent job and interact with people all day. Then when I get home I drink. Not a big deal
>If I'm drinking liquor it's not bottom shelf shit.
You're just a paypig simp who is a victim of liquor company advertising. There's no meaningful difference between bottom shelf swill and a $100 bottle of Gay Goose. Only dipshit hipsters like you think top shelf liquor is better than the cheap stuff that based chads like me drink.
I do, how is that weird?
Most well adjusted adults drink regularly. The only adults who don't drink are alcoholics who had to quit, religious weirdos and manchildren who only drink soda.
Something people drink after hard liquor, like juice or Coke or whatever.
>ESL here. What does chaser mean?
After you drink liquor you finish (chase) by masturbating using an unusual lube. I like cheap vodka/Asian girl period blood but that's just me.
>needing to be in a bar to put liquor into a glass of coke
Seriously I'm an alcoholic who drinks every single day and even I think chasers are retarded. Most of my drinks are 50/50 liquor and soda water
A less strong (usually non-alcholic) drink you drink after taking a shot of strong liqueur.
It's essentially a mixer but you don't actually mix them.
Its something you drink to after drinking alcohol to get the taste out of your mouth. It chases the alcohol down your throat.
I love reddit so goddam much
You're not a hardcore alcoholic like me and that other guy. When you drink literally 2 liters of vodka a day you have to chase or you'll vom.
It makes perfect sense
Nice projection. I don't spend more than $20 per bottle. "bottom shelf" comes in plastic jugs and tastes vile. Meanwhile Even Williams which is like $16 a bottle actually tastes good straight.
Drinking a poison willingly is the most childish thing you can do. Exercise self control, you dope.
Blessed post
I'm lazy as fuck and just want the liquor in my stomach as soon as possible. I down it like it's fucking water and chase it with strong juice because that's the quickest and easiest way to become intoxicated. I also don't drink soda and I'm not about to mix whiskey with fruit juice
Bet you do. Why not go back?
I'm lazy too user. I just pour half a glass full of soda water and then top it with vodka. Goes down like water too
underage females who are trying to get drunk but can't handle a little alcohol burn need something with sugar to rinse the icky taste out of their mouth after a shot.
I don't drink, but am I correct to believe that a chaser is just to help cover up the awful taste of whiskey? Even beer tastes like cat piss, why do people do this to themselves?
Well you can mix vodka with just about anything, not so with whiskey. Again I don't drink soda, and whiskey is the only liquor I like. Not because of taste, but how it makes me feel. Maybe it's in my head but I get a different kind of drunk with other shit, and nothing makes me feel as cozy as middle shelf whiskey does
I'd like to know that, too.
Means you come from a long line of family that were all religious or cucks if you dislike the taste of alcohol
>character does drinks or drugs
Thanks for the reply. Seems like the problem wasn't the word. The concept of ruining the aftertaste of good alkohol with juice was unknown to me.
Do Americans really?
Mixed drinks are better
i watched my dad drink a handle of whiskey every night for 15 years and never once saw him "chase" it with anything other than more whiskey. and you're telling me you can't drink a little vodka without needing a chaser? i think you might just be a sissy boy.
Mixed drinks are so much better than pure alcohol. Only alcoholics disagree
Oh shut the fuck up, you stupid faggot. Mixed drinks are a thing literally everywhere in the world.
>character refuses to drink straight whiskey
>character drinks gay whiskey instead
Sick of this trope.
Being able to drink in moderation is the definition of self control.
>character goes to bar
>doesn't order a blueberry acai Truly
pretty unrealistic
How the fuck do you handle 2 Lts of vodka a day? That must fuck you up even if you are an alcoholic and I can’t even imagine how you handle hangovers everyday.
is it that bad? always wondered
Yes, Americans really.
Your dad's taste buds were obviously damaged by smoking cigarettes or cocks or (most likely) both. That helped him not hurl. I don't smoke and still have a functioning gag reflex because I don't suck cock like your dad.
Clearly, with more vodka.
>Mixed drinks are so much better than pure alcohol. Only alcoholics disagree
t. Woman
In all seriousness though the problem with mixed drinks is all the sugar.
you sound like someone who roleplays as an alcoholic
Vodka is the easiest to drink straight. Shit like absolut tastes like fucking water
Have done anal with a previous gf before. If she has a high fiber diet and uses a "cleanser" there is no smell. We used a strawberry scented lube so it just smelled like strawberry.
Sure mixed drinks, cocktails, etc are good.
But a high quality spirit is best on its own.
not that guy, but eastern-eurofag here, literally no onr, not even my grandpa mixes his drinks
One of the greatest cars Toyota ever built
You keep telling yourself that.
You realize that you can mix drinks yourself, right?
I don't get hungover from clear liquor. I could drink 10 liters of vodka or tequila or rum a day and be fine.
I also drink all through the day and night. I put my vodka in a Sprite bottle at work. Nobody has ever figured it out. They just think I love me some Sprite.
fuck off. that stuff is vile, i need to plug my nose too before taking a sip
Based and correctpilled. HAIR O' THE DAWG WHAT BIT YE.
uh... why did you have to specify a chick?
t. Based Russian
Or, you just not be such a giant pussy. Good lord bro, I knew chicks in high school that were like 17 years old that didn't flinch drinking right from the bottle.
>used to do shots all the time to get drunk quick
>quickly got bored of the clubbing scene with normies and havent gone out or drank in years now
Only black and spic chicks and white strippers drink 80 proof plus straight. The poster you are criticizing is 100% right.
What the hell is a chaser?
You semi-Asiatic subhumans can hold your liquor, I'll give you that.
People who drink whisky with a chaser need to be slipped bleach instead.
>80 plus proof straight
So the bare minimum?
Drink 10l tonight and video record it bro. Shut the fuck up.
>What do you have on tap?
Not that guy but 6 months sober, drank 10 years heavy, half of that every day, bad periods ended up in hospistal for 28 days or jail, good period was 1 year sober, good job and wife
Never ever quit, the closest youll come yo the warmth, the personality, the calm that booeze will give your is shooting heroin (veteran in thay too) - but the process is much more of a pain
I have 2.5 years to go before can drink and , got fired twice, got a kid on the way, and i count the days till i can drink again
Never quit, just keep it together
Don't even give me that bullshit. I lived in scandinavia for a year and got drunk with plenty of slav trash. I know how people do it and it's the goddamn same everywhere.
plot twist: i like the taste of alcohol. it doesn't bother me at all. i enjoy everclear. i've drank the heads from a batch of moonshine which is basically solvent, not bad. even the smell of rubbing alcohol makes me salivate. i'd probably drink gasoline if it wouldn't kill me.
>actor drinks "whiskey"
>it's actually a non-alcoholic substitute
It's cultural and generational. Boomers and pruners drink a shit ton because it was the only legal and socially acceptable high they had growing up in most cases.
Most of the zoomers and 90s kids I know don't drink as much if at all and often prefer weed or other things since it's more legal/acceptable now and typically lower-impact in terms of hangovers and addiction risk.
>There's no meaningful difference between bottom shelf swill and a $100 bottle of Gay Goose
This is only true for vodka and some wines. There is absolutely a huge difference between cheap blended shit in a plastic bottle and a high-end Scotch for instance. Ditto cheap gin but you don't need to spend as much as with whiskey to get to an acceptable level of quality there. Mid-tier shit like Tanqeray is perfectly fine to good but the no-name brands just taste like paint thinner and are basically the same thing as cheap vodka.
>They just think I love me some Sprite.
Your sweat would smell like hand-cleaner dude
You get 1 liter, teice s day or ,4 times 0.5l
Yeah hangovers, and withdrawal in 24h, so no way back - obly hospital
You can drink more every day for years anf work as a programmer,. But fuckt thai life
>character orders poison
>I'm le cool I'm drinking a commercial poison product to brood
Drinking culture is the most faggy American Jewish culture ever conceived by Israel.
>Nobody has ever figured it out. They just think I love me some Sprite.
They just don't wanna waste the effort calling you out on your bullshit. If you even sweat a little it smells like rubbing alcohol and constantly using breath fresheners is obvious as fuck.
>t. grew up around several "functioning" alcoholics
Zoom zoom. Put some whiskey stones in the freezer if you can't drink it neat at room temp
Ice tea doesn't have bubbles either the fuck
No,wine gin whiskey, not vodka - at least smell an apple. After eqch shot if cant eat
Whiskey stones are garbage tier. They don't work at all. Stop being lazy and just get a sphere or big cube ice mold if you want it on the rocks. If that melts before you finish your drink, you're being a pussy and probably lying to yourself about liking whiskey.
user, I didn't know what a chaser was until you made me google it.
I've always had my vodka straight.
I bet you think they do real cocaine every time too
humans have been drinking alcohol for 10000 years. nice theory though, retard.
>Drinking culture is the most faggy American Jewish culture ever conceived by Israel.
Do you really think only Americans have a drinking culture?
the secret to hangovers is that drinking more alcohol gets rid of it. that's the dumbest mistake you can make.
This is 10/10 bait.
Perfectly engineered (You) factory.
>The secret to beating a hangover is becoming an alcoholic.
Wow, big-brain time right here.
>character eats nails for breakfast
>doesn't pour milk over them
they know
Reddit's here everyone. Pack it in.
No, there is no difference between the cheap shit and scotch. Its just an inflation of prices
This is our board now, bitch
for the record, as an alcoholic, the alcoholics best friend is cocaine. it lets you drink for longer, makes you more drunk, sobers you when needed, helps with hangovers, and most importantly feels fucking awesome and fucking rules. if you ever wondered what a normie feels like day to day, have 3 beers and do a quarter gram of blow, then go out in public. that is assuming you all aren't light weight faggots
Why are you so scared of death?
No, not at all under normal circumstances. If you do impromptu anal after eating taco bell or something it might stink though.
Some "men" dont have a father who would teach them how to drink without puking among other things
now this is trashy
There's bad expensive scotch and good cheap scotch but I feel bad for you if you think it all tastes the same.
>dying by vomiting blood and shitting in pain
do you know what's better than coke and alcohol? coke, alcohol and heroin at the same time
kys pls
Never understood the appeal of alcohol , do people drink it to forget about their problems? Because it is tradition?
he just said gin not G&T
that would be a weird thing to order
>Damage to the pancreas can reduce the production of enzymes that aid digestion, but patients can access replacement pancreatic enzymes over-the-counter. This patient received them and "had an uneventful recovery."
based modern medicine providing a simple fix for a life time of hard drinking. what a time to be an alcoholic.
literally me
I usually have 3, maybe 4 Jamesons straight up when I go to the bar
it is cozy watching the red sox game and the whiskey is truck lying down making me feel warm inside, might get wings
it's numbing, if you feel cold it warms you, if you feel hot it cools you, anxiety is gone, easy to relax. I'm not alcoholic but I get it.
>Me? Why, I'm a big tough manly man!
>I'll prove it. I pretend to enjoy putrid alcohol because that's what other big tough men say I should do to be manly :D
>I also enjoy hot sauce on my bone-in wings. Psshh, don't tell me you're one of those sissy boys that eats boneless wings
I've never seen people drinking whiskey with a chaser. I have come to believe that I don't really like whiskey after all the times I have tried it with my dad and grandfather when he was alive.
Have I honestly been feeling somewhat inferior to my friends who profess to liking whiskey for the past 10 years, when actually they are a bunch of faggots who need another drink to wash down a little sip of booze?
>Your sweat would smell like hand-cleaner dude
KEK what kind of nigger has a job that involves sweat? That's beyond degenerate. Nobody has any idea about my Sprite/Vodka trick and never will because I'm a master at what I do.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
I’m sure there are some that are like that but having this line of thinking about everyone flat out makes you sound like a faggot projecting your own insecurities man
Because being drunk is better than being sober
why wouldn't you just mix them? whiskey and e.g. coke is pretty nice
You drink because you can't handle reality.
Me? I own reality. I look life right in the face and say "is that all you got?" Why don't you fill your glass up with your tears and drink that, you fucking pussy?
t. Sgt Barnes
Fuck flakes. Fuck fakes.
you had the one ready to go huh
fuck off man I've been awake for 24 hours, I threw up and wretched a lot yesterday, I have a girlfriend as of a couple weeks ago and she didn't text me back last night, guess the fuck what I'm drinking at a breakfast bar near her apartment and at one point around 9:30am I looked out the window and I'm generously saying I'm about 89 percent sure I saw her walking with another guy who had his arm around her. I'm trying to tell myself I'm paranoid from Coke, and I'm drunk, and I'm desperately tired, but I can't shake it and I really think it was her. she texted me shortly after which is odd because she is rarely up that early, and neither am I unless I stay up, like today. So idk what to do. my first instinct was to throw a pint glass across the bar. instead I've stayed drinking and doing blow and ik almost out of money until the 20th. Someone please tell me what to do. I hope to all fuck it wasn't her that I saw My only saving grace is that I went to an after party and did a shot ton of coke with some people and I made out with a girl there so I cheated too, could have gone further but I stopped. regardless I feel violently jealous and upset and there's no way I can sleep before work. think I gotta stick to cocaine, coffee, and liquor today
>TFW can knock back whiskeys in the bar like a real man. But drinking whiskey at home makes me shudder.
heroine is bad for you. hello I've never even done ketamine or meth
>absolutely hides the flavour of vodka
>no one knows im an alcoholic because i licked a mint for 10 seconds
jesus christ mate get help. youre fooling no one but yourself.
What a pussy. Irish whiskey is delicious.
Barnes and his guys drank a lot though. He was talking about weed and how he thought it was degen hippie shit.
He has a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand while he's giving that speech you pleb.
god americans really are gigantic faggots
It's watered down at the bar.
Yes but the content is identical, you stupid fuck.
Seethies on 4channel don’t want to admit it but the whole “DUDE BOOZE LMAO” phenomenon has its roots in the same pathology as soibois and hot sauce. They basically think “dude you’re not a man unless you drink booze lmao” and “whoa I’m just like Don Draper I drink at work haha based and redpilled” but in reality it’s just a crutch and a cope placeholder for actual masculine traits and energy.
It is. But when when watering it down at home, it's still not as nice to drink, even with ice.
>Character complains to you about how having whiskey with ice ruins it
>Character thinks anything but scotch is shit
flavour, not smell
absolutely reek of cheap vodka after doing that, there's no doubt about it
i don't really drink that heavily anymore though and i agree it's for niggers
In a social setting it makes you more extroverted. In a private setting it helps you relax.
You can never drink again, retard
It fucking feels good. It also takes away all inhibitions and calms your nerves.
lol so this is what being an npc is like
Tell that to your liver man, you will be fucked in 20 years.
Not him but after a night of drinking I put a LOT of cologne, coffee,, avoid people all day and I make sure I have a hand sanitizer nearby so people think it's the source of smell in case they smell something in the first place. It also helps that I don't sweat alot. Works like a charm.
>having whiskey with ice ruins it
It actually does for high-end single malts. On the rocks is only acceptable for bourbon and cheaper blended stuff.
Like cum
Way less than that if he's drinking nightly. I should know. I did it for 8 fucking years and my liver is blown and so are my kidneys. Quit while you can. It's never going to get easier until you're in a hospital or a grave.
Dude you are going to die. And also everybody knows your an alcoholic, you ain’t fooling anybody but yourself.
Do you think Jameson counts?
>I could drink 10 liters of vodka or tequila or rum a day and be fine.
Sure you could
Secret to not being hungover is to stay drunk. Wow you are a genius.
I just mix the cake and milk together in a bowl and eat it like ice cream
>faggot character orders whiskey
>bartender asks, "on the rocks?"
>faggot character says "neat", not "straight up"
Regular Jameson is low-end whiskey only good for mixed drinks and shots.
Their higher-end stuff is different.
If you are doing coke all the time while you are drunk your heart is fucked. You got 5 years max.
You're caught up in the coke mindset. Just stop that's your main problem.
Usually pick up a couple organic energy drinks from Whole Foods to have on hand when I’m drinking to get back in the game
Don’t want to drink Red Bull or Monster
Your life sounds absolutely horrible. I’m sorry dude. I’m glad I’m not you. Jesus how do you not kill yourself?
Probably how long it's been sitting there diluted at your bar too.
Stop jerking yourself off. It's too obvious and why it only got two replies stupid.
>Americans take a show of tequila and suck on a lime after
people actually like alcohol whether your autistic ass believes it or not.
Seek help
You're supposed to squirt the lime juice in your eye buddy
yeah im with this guy. whiskey stones lower the temp by like 1 degree per stone before they;re warmed up.
Coke is a shit-tier drug.
Expensive as fuck, really short high and unless you're getting int straight from the source in Latin America it's gonna be cut to shit with baby laxitives, caffeine, meth or some other shitty research chemicals.
If you wanna go fast just do speed/meth or better yet if you're in Clapistan just fake ADHD and get an Adderall prescription and subsidize your habit. Blow is a complete ripoff.
I would tell you that you need to check yourself into a clinic and get some desperately needed help but I know you'd ignore it. Sometimes you have to go way beyond what most people would call rock bottom to wake up. A month long hospital stay did it for me. I'll never forget the hallucinations from the DT and liver failure I was going through. Never again.
Dude this hell on earth you created for yourself is your own fault. You def are fucking yourself up because you lack the constitution for a quick death and you rather torture yourself. That shit won’t go away until you figure out why the fuck your are doing that shit to yourself.
Fuck, meant to reply to
You responded to the wrong user man. I’m trying to figure out why that guy is torturing himself to death instead of just killing himself quickly. I have gone through my years of addiction to pretty much every drug imaginable. Haven’t touched any of that shit for a long time.
vodka is supposed to be straight.
people kinda do whatever with whiskey though
Why do beaners, micks and Slavs handle their alcohol so good?
Okay was wondering
An addict's ability to lie to themselves is incredible. Everyone can tell you drank dude.
Because a certain level of low-grade alcoholism is acceptable and even kinda expected in their cultures.
That’s part of the whole thing. When I was addicted to heroin I thought nobody had any idea, that has to say something. You live in a fantasy world.
Literally no one smells vodka on me. Doesn't work for literally all the other drinks though.
Most of the day I spend inside my head being tortured by my own thoughts. When I drink enough alcohol it's like I'm finally free.
literally no one on Yas Forums knows what the fuck a 'chaser' is, including me
acquired taste
>Most well-adjusted adults drink regularly
Oh ok. If it's about "fitting in", should I get laid off and get a divorce, too? How
about kidneystones? I guess bad things aren't bad if other people do them, so... I should become addicted to painkillers like everyone else? Obese like everyone else? Drinking isnt cool. It's not not cool either, but I have genuine disrespect for people that brag about drinking to me. Fuck you.
There is absolutely a difference between top and bottom shelf liquor
If you can’t tell the difference between something like Blantons and Makers Mark then I feel extremely sorry for you
I’m a very quiet person even around people I know. When I go to a bar and get buzzed/drunk I can start a conversation with anyone. It’s great