Why do liberals hate America?

Why do liberals hate America?

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they are degenerates because straight white men oppressed them

Not an argument


The left tends to side with the weak and the downtrodden. America is the opposite. Pretty simple.

witnessed jew overlords


they want power and control. they lie and get people to believe they are helping lower and middle class when in reality they are just exercising control over them. nothing really changes no matter who gets elected. same shit whether demo or repub. but they want us to believe that this time will be different..... just vote for me and I'll make everything better. same shit comes from both parties.

They’re taught to

People have it so good that they are bored. They have too much free time and they occupy it by self affirming on social media with others doing the same.

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They don’t, they just don’t have benchmarks for success or measures of performance so
They make up boogeymen

Example: systemic racism keeps blacks down. “Ok who’s perpetrating it?” “Everybody.” “Everybody? How do we fix it? What if blacks stop having kids out of wedlock and having shit tier family values.” “Omg even though it’s 70% single mother rate this is racist!”

No plan for fixing anything just cry about the problem and scream racist at people who identify root causes.

Ok she’s protesting and exercising her 1st amendment right. She is unintentionally saying thank you to America

Also, she doesn’t list what’s wrong or how to fix it... just some overarching “America sucks” commentary because she doesn’t know.

I feel strongly that this is a big part of it. Without resistance, people become nosy neighbors and busy bodies.

What is there to like?

Not even in top 5 for education.

Not even on top 5 for GDP per capita.

Higher homicide rate than every other developed country.

People can’t afford healthcare. Get cancer = go into debt or die.

15th in standard of living.

Most pollution per capita out of any Western country.

Want me to go on?

1. A dude wearing a dress doesn't make a "she".

2. Show me a conservative burning a flag after Obama won.

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Yeah, exclude nigger inner cities and recalculate your formula

Also show the social mobility rates here vs the rest of the developed world.

You know we let everyone take that test... not just the ones going to college like they do in Europe... you don’t think it’s odd the US has the best universities per capita but the other numbers fall out so bad?

It’s because of niggers.

Forgot to mention racism as a reason America is worse than almost every EU country.

Thanks for reminding me!

>Not even in top 5 for education.
Education is complete shit. Thx government.
>Not even on top 5 for GDP per capita.
>Higher homicide rate than every other developed country.
>People can’t afford healthcare.
>standard of living
A bullshit stat
>Most pollution per capita
Need source. This is highly variable depending on what is classed as pollution.

I actually thought it was a woman.

You’re equating flag love to love of country. You should stop doing this.

You also forgot to answer any of my questions that ruin your argument. Weird I thought you’d do that and find out that you’re not correct and not just call me names.

Top 5 for amount of people educated, not quality of education.

7th highest GDP per capita that’s correct.

That’s not false at all. According to Indexmundi, the US is 55th in the world. Only ones with more are undeveloped countries.

Also not false. Healthcare in the US is BY FAR the most expensive in all the Western countries. People pay extreme amounts for healthcare. It’s a fact.

How is that a bullshit stat? I’d like to hear your reasoning.

Pollution as in waste going into landfills, not recyclable materials, emissions etc.
(Source is CNBC 26 Nov 2019)

I’m not calling you names. What you said is racist... plain and simple.

Why would I not include inner cities are they not part of the US?

Social mobility rates in US are only slightly higher than Finland and Switzerland...

The US objectively doesn’t have the best universities per capita lol. Find one source that says that.

Libs annoy me for the most part but I will answer you question with this.
They have a different standard for eir country than you.
If you think they hate America than you're misunderstanding them. Basically , you're acting like a liberal


US is 27th btw. Not sure what the point of lying is.

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I want to bang that chick

>Top 5 for amount of people educated, not quality of education.
Isn't that the same thing?
>That’s not false at all. According to Indexmundi
Then I would say indexmundi is full of shit. We have less homocide than most of Europe.
>Healthcare in the US is BY FAR the most expensive in all the Western countries
Yes, false. Most other countries can't even buy the care we get. Yeah, crony insurance and gov't mandates have made things much worse, but at least I can get an MRI if I need one.
>How is that a bullshit stat?
Because they're subjective. They start out with resources and jobs, but then they trail on with these happiness scores and number of vacation days and satisfaction of local diners and shit.
>Pollution as in waste going into landfills
This isn't a problem. Wast goes into the landfill. wtf?
>not recyclable materials
Nothing is recyclable except metals.
You're retarded if you think CO2 is a pollutant, and all our PMs have fallen dramatically. Most US forests exceed EPA limits.

Only a libtard would care about per capita statistics. It's a worthless stat that only measures the number of worthless PoC's you have in your country. Wait 20 years for the retarded social welfare programs in the EU to grow minority populations to similar levels to the US then tell me how wonderful their countries are.


Why can't autistic trumptards come up with any more interesting bait than this?

When anyone uses the terms liberal or conservative, that's the go ahead to tune out.

You post this same inane shit all the time, then complain when others post a load of porn. Fucking use your imagination and come up with better.

liberal: "America needs to improve"

conservative: "That means you hate America!!"

>"America needs to improve"
This usually means taking more money and making things worse. Libs have never improved anything, just higher taxes and bigger government. As a Conservative (not a Republican), yes, I'd say they hate America.

when was the last recession, which party got us into it and which party got us out of it?

What is with this obsession on microscopic government? Like sure, you don't want actual socialism, but what is so heinous about having a state healthcare system, for example?

Also, for an outsider, does anyone believe that Sanders is truly a socialist? Compared to like most of the developed world, he's barely left of centre.

How does teaching 5 year old how gay sex work and taking tens of millions of third worlders in the US going to improve anything?

It's more like:
>We need to double taxes on everything that need energy to be produce, for the environment of course. We need to ban this and that. We need more of your money for the flawed plans we have and we refuse to discuss about them.
>As long as India, China and the Saudi Arabia don't try to fight global warming, it's fucked. Let's make a shader in L1 instead, it can be done in one year and cost only 5 billions.

Both. You kiss the left or right side of an ass and think you made are free and in control.

>but what is so heinous about having a state healthcare system, for example?
Finally a good question. In Europe, we determine how much medicaments or health actions cost, and it become the price of said treatment. Then it's covered by a socialized insurance plan.
In the US, you are charged half a million for a stay of one week in the hospitals and thousands for insulin and politicians who are paid by big pharmas want the taxpayer to pay it instead of the guy who had the treatment.

no, not both by any stretch of the imagination

Clinton got us into it, Obama failed at spending his way out of it, and it just kind of recovered by idiots not fucking things up. I won't give Trump credit, he just stopped dumping money into housing programs and stimulus packages into the problem.

Fags and other degenerates are pretty much he only issues republicans and dems are opposed on. You could point Trump to contradict me, but remember the republicans weren't behind Trump even after he won the primaries. They only stay behind because he is carrying the entire party, they still don't support him.

It's a text book case of being angry at ones self

>having a state healthcare system
Why insert a middleman into an existing system? Why add a layer of bureaucracy (and expense)? Why just health insurance and not car or house? Why does the cost keep rising while actual care keeps suffering? Why does it mirror any other company that gets into bed with the government?

It's almost like you know nothing of the US system.

Take any issue, like the fed, the prison cartel, the GMO, the price of healthcare, the military industrial complex, the billions given to Israel, infrastructure, the banking industry, the homeless crisis, the meth epidemic, the rust belt, the dystopians megacorporations, any issue you want apart from bread and circus with no consequence and both the republicans and democrats agree on all of them.

Yeah, so tell me the price of healthcare are reasonable cause I can show you it's not.

Shut the fuck up foreigner

Because the middleman ensures that medication is actually affordable for the person on the street? And how is this any different from having a middleman of money grubbing insurance salesmen? You're basically paying for those who can't afford it through increasing premiums anyway, so surely it would be better not to have those can afford a little being gouged by big pharma?

It's not perfect, I can't see anyone realistically claiming that. But take like the British or the German systems and you have something that works. At least people don't need to make the choice of phoning an ambulance or losing their home.

Besides, if you were to do your own one in the US, who says you'd have to model it on any one system exclusively?

Excuse me, we are more racist in Europe than in the US. Now we are not as racist as the Asians or the blacks in Africa, but it's already a big deal here.

Define reasonable. It's very subjective. About a decade ago, I paid ~$260/mo for a family of four. Then the ACA came along and now I pay ~$600. Fine. The problem is that now there's all these Fed limits on doctors and they have all these quotas and fines for return visits, so now you go in for an illness and you get a 5 minute drive by, some pills thrown at you, and it doesn't fix the problem. Now I'm paying much more and receiving much less.

My youngest was born in 2003. 3 months early at 1lb 10oz. He cost over 2 million. We only paid a couple thousand out of pocket and the care was top notch the entire time. Thank fuck this didn't happen in 2015.

OTOH, I'm able to go in and get a catscan the same day where most other countries have a wait of months.

>the middleman ensures that medication is actually affordable for the person on the street?
By making the prices higher?
>a middleman of money grubbing insurance salesmen
It's different because it's voluntary. You shouldn't be forced to buy insurance. What's wrong with paying out of pocket?
>for those who can't afford it through increasing premiums
Yes, that's how insurance works. It's much cheaper when the market decides what the premiums should be.
>being gouged by big pharma
You should look into how big pharma is operating. It certainly isn't because it's free to do what it wants. It's because they got in bed with the government and now they're able to charge more. Look at Kaiser Permenente before the ACA, how much they pushed the ACA, and how much prices have risen since. They are now protected.

>the British or the German systems and you have something that works
> the choice of phoning an ambulance or losing their home
This is a myth. It is just not that expensive and there are so many programs for poorfags already. Why not ask "Why are ambulances so expensive?" instead of saying "We need to pay the expensive ambulances more".

I find that hard to believe. European women tend to be huge coal burners.

Why are all republicans terrorists?


no u

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>>Why do liberals hate my stupid thoughts and ideas which I'm fascist enough to believe all Americans should have or they're not real americans

Why do you keep posting this thread in the exact same format OP?


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>Why do you keep posting this thread in the exact same format OP?
I'm not, fag. Why are you afraid of questions?

Why are you afraid of questions?
or answer:
Why are all republicans terrorists?

Muslims are antifa are not republicans. There you go, I just answered your bitch ass question. Now you wanna get started on sucking my fucking dick?

You didn't answer the question, retard. learn to read you retard. I asked WHY republicans are terrorists. You seem to be mentally challenged. Stupid.

Yep, all Republicans...

Yes correct they are republicans, at least you got one group correctly. You would still fail high school. But you tried

>National Socialists

And let me guess, you're also going to say republicans owned all the slaves even though they didn't even fucking exist at the time

Still didn't answer....

Why are all republicans terrorists?

If by "America" you mean red hatters in the USA it is self evident. They are all traitors.

this is the correct answer.
