You have 10 SECONDS to prove you are not an AMERICAN

You have 10 SECONDS to prove you are not an AMERICAN.

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I don't have a staggering misunderstanding of what the word "socialism" means.

Does it mean 0% success rate?!?!

i have free healthcare

I know that Europe is not a country

I don’t have the urge to shoot anything

I’m an ameriburger and i’m proud.

i dont want to have those cocks inside my ass when i look at the .gif you posted

Sprich Deutsch du Hurensohn

The president of my country is truly right wing.

I measure things in metric.

Drinking PG tips.

my washing machine is in bathroom, not in the kitchen

It's the taste!

America is a continent.

Mojo picón

I haven't seen a nigger. chink or streetshitter in years.

I have a foreskin

I have a separate room dedicated to the washing machine so yes, American with big yard, big house and 2 big SUV's that i bought just because of their low gas mileage.

I have free healthcare.

We don't have school-shootings.

We don't have a fucking moron running the country at all times.

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I'm not morbidly obese

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Not built for BBC

I can count to 20 without taking my shoes off first.

Que chingue su madre el América


I can say nigger in public and nobody cares

if i say nigger in public or on the internet i can go to jail


(Beautiful digits btw)

Even if you are middle class, you are Europoor. You will never know what it is like to sit on the porch of your giant single family home that really is big enough for 2 families and gaze out at the long expanse of grass and trees that are all yours. On average in Europe you have your tiny "flat" with no yard at all, not a single blade of grass or tree that you own, narrow congested streets but you likely don't own a car to drive on them anyway.

>inb4 hurr durr world class public transportation, yeah then you have to be on their schedule and ride with the riff raff, you can keep it.

Someone got triggered kek

My healthcare is better than yours and I pay less for it, taxes accounted for.

Yeah you just have to watch out for muzzies in busses and with machetes instead.

You probably do have a moron running the country, but it really doesn't matter who the president/pm/whatever is unless you live in like Venezuela.

Just don't get fat and get shot in those 10 seconds

Is that your way of admitting he's right?

we didn't either when the country was also 90% white.

I'm laughing, hardly triggered. Europe will never be as nice to live in as the USA, you just don't get it. I can jump in my SUV at any moment, drive 2,000 miles with cheap gas and still be in the same USA. My house is huge, i own land, many guns, multiple cars i have much more freedom of speech and no history of sucking the dick of some absolute monarchy.

> my healthcare is better than yours

the absolute best healthcare one can receive in from the united states. i am more than willing for you to post a link to a study telling me that based on 5 factors, 3 or 4 of which are not based on quality of healthcare that says some other country has better, but it would be silly to do.

> I pay less for it, taxes accounted for.

citation needed

My car runs 22km per liter.

Yeah in a typical year i pay around 1% of my gross income for health insurance and copays. Family of 4. Are eurofag income taxes only 1% higher than mine? Lol

Looks like someone has a case of small penis.

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It's slightly less than 6 inches but nobody's ever complained. If you are bigger and that is what you base your self worth on, good for you.

muslims raped my daughter and I dare not complain

How are your rents in san Francisco or new york doing huh? Europe has every benefit the US has. If you seriously believe what you are telling here you dont know shit. Like in the US you can buy cheap land in the countryside and be fucking ripped off in big cities, you can own firearms in certains countries etc. Do I really need to explain that shit lmao

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Thanks for verifying.

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I live in the city with the best medical center in the world, and I don't pay jack shit because I have great insurance that my employer pays for. I pay less than 30% of my income in taxes. So yeah, it's safe to say I am in a better position regarding healthcare than you.

I pay 37,35% over the first € 68.508 and 49,50% over the 14.000 above that. Still make more than the average amerifag.
Life is good in some European countries.

I just started a new job so yes the vacation time is pathetic but goes up quickly. Last job i had 8 weeks off for the year and still made 100k.

Every job in my country (Netherlands) is 5 weeks minimum (by law), and 6 weeks on average (at start of the job).

I work 32 hours a week (4 days) and have 38 vacation days extra.

Okay so I still make more than you and pay less in taxes...

My economy is falling apart

I smell bad

I know what average is, if you want to laugh at my average dick go ahead. I'll chuckle about it later while I'm sitting on the porch of my giant house having a cold one.

I live in the same house as 100 other family members only 2 of us work

The average is actually even lower

The average male human is a fucking dicklet x
(not joking they literally are)

Well, good for you :]
I make 2.5 the average income in my country, so I'm set as well.

Jeez. Compensating much? You are not the only human alive owning a big house dude. Stop mentioning it

I have heard first hand from an electrician where i work who married a British woman. He said standard of living in Britain is simply worse than USA. BTW union electricians here typically make $120-150k, which is more than enough to live like a king in the midwest auto building region.

Haistakaa kaikki vittu.

I understand America is a continent because geography is more than the States of my country and where are they

Yeah you should probably get insurance. If you aren't able then you are weak and should die before you pass on your weak genes.

It is one of the main things that separates Americans from Eurofags. I would not brag about my house to an American. It's not big enough, though to most of them it would be extravagant.

>Implying other people don't have big houses.

All you know about me is that I have a bigger dick, but keep fantasizing about everything else to make you feel better next time a girl looks at your dick and is like "yeah.. that's alright I suppose".

>Looks around house. Nothing made in the Netherlands..

Bagged milk

O fuck yea bud

British != European. We don't see them as Europeans, and most recently they don't the other way around.

Also, if you compare flat money between countries you need to learn a little more about economics and buying power before you continue your assumptions.

He didn't compare flat money...

This country makes money by trading. We delegate the dirty work.