Why are liberals blaming the Corona virus on Trump?

Why are liberals blaming the Corona virus on Trump?

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because he dun goofed

Trump invented Coronavirus.


Your mom invented my cock in her asshole

No isn't an answer, retard

Because he says nonsensical shit like still go to work if you have it

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Yes it is, retard

Did he really say that though, or did the fake news say that and you just believe it?

That's a very disrespectful image you're using to represent Trump, OP.

I'm representing your pathetic father, faggot

Are you asking if donny said something retarded and try to blame "fake media" for his short comings? KEK

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lmao post you memes

literally SEETHING.

In other words, you have no proof. The fake news strikes again.

Literally FAGGOT


Right so it's orange man's fault, but China gets a fucking pass. Any reasons you faggots aren't saying anything about your Chinese heroes?

Yes blame china for donnys handling of the coronavirus in the US. Sorry that america first and isolationism didnt help

Trump the braindead retard directly said that people who are infected should go to work anyway. That shocked every doctor in america. But the dumb retarded republicans clapped and none of them corrected him. Trump is too stupid to understand anything "health" related. I mean the faggot eats shitty fast food everyday, like the fat retard he is.

Well the virus came from China so why aren't you fucking retards crying about that? Because your team told you not too?

So if they call out and stay home are you gonna pay their fucking bills? Because last I checked not everyone is a fucking porch monkey like you

And donny shipped sick people here and some of them spread it Also he doesnt even follow the cdc guidelines. Dude is retarded, deal with it

>hurr durr I'm too young to know what PTO is
This site is for 18+ yrs old kid

Corona Virus has a lower death rate than the regular flu. But lets not let this opportunity to blame something on Trump go to waste.

They aren't but all you Americans are so paranoid and shitting on your first amendment that you don't see what is going on, you only believe in fairy tale worlds in your head.

This is why the world laughs at your country, especially when you do the bang the chest shit and pretend you are the most amazing country in the universe.

We laugh hard that poo and pee come out.

So once again, not answering my question. Orange man bad but the Chinese get a fucking pass. You must love that fucking Chinese cock on pride day.

because the administration has been downplaying the threat in order to protect the stock market as long as possible

>Why are liberals blaming the Corona virus on Trump?

because they are delusional, mentally retarded, low IQ and need somebody to blame for all their shortcomings.

The US has a 5% death rate. Higher even than China.


What are you fucking blabbering about?

Once again you are ignoring donny response to the problem.

Then what the fuck are you doing here? KEK

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>Corona Virus has a lower death rate than the regular flu.
we have lower deaths total so far, but not a lower death rate than the flu.

>me do maths

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>American Logic
>Lets take a years worth of Flu deaths and compare it with just short of 3 months of COVID-19 deaths


This is why you clap your hands like trained seals when CNN or Fox tell you shit that isn't true.

Let's compare it to cancer. That way your team can win.

Lets move the goal post

What team, Just said "American Logic" in my last reply, that means I am not American.

Damn you Americans are dumb as fuck.

Can't wait for you to assume I am Jewish, Muslim, Black, Russian, Liberal etc etc etc. That is all you boifats ever do is cry salty hard and just think everyone is the bad guy because they don't think like you.

No wonder you are pathetic and unemployed.

In other words, you're triggered. Do you need a safe space?

The existence of the United States angers you

Why are all of your retarded memes so poorly drawn?

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Imagine trying this hard to troll for donny, kek

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Shut it

You sure told him off, I bet they'll never come back. Tell him to follow his team again

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Bud, you lost. It's time to return to your safe space, known as Nosebook

Yea go to your space place

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>projecting hard
>the American dream


While thats true (currently)
The reason why its so bad is thst it doesnt have symptoms in a lot of cases, and when it does, they're very mild, that's why it's killed so many people already.
(blaming it entirely on trump is stupid tho, buuut, he did try to play it sown and he has said some dumbass shit about it, and the leaders are wierd etc..)

No blaming donny for his lack luster response is completely reasonable... unless you are a retard

Is Donny also to blame for your worthless life?

because if the fruit hangs low, theyre going to grab for it, no matter how unrelated or absurd it may seem.

wow, did not know boomers post on Yas Forums



Pretty sure 90% of Yas Forums are boomers lmao

>be 2020
>Americans cry out "hurr durr coronahoax wont kill me, it only kills old unhealthy people"
>Meanwhile 25% of Americans are pic related
>80% are overweight


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>Be you
>Get aids


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My sons, I send you among wolves like sheep so that you may...


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>Oh man the government messed up this virus stuff. The government is corrupt and stupid
Same person
>The government should control healthcare because its a HeWmAn WrIgHt

You are a strong woman and Jesus is a little bitch...

...you are showing the world what you can do...

...take it a little bit deeper, yea that's right...

....feel that self esteem within the inner corners of your mouth Tiffany? That's just social justice and progress working it's way into to your life, here, let me transfer you over to one of my colleagues...

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why'd you post a picture of yourself?

He did say it. I believe what he said exactly was "people still go to work." Go do your Trump cult bit somewhere else

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(not the same person rn)
The two things you are comparing are completely different, esoecially considering that the person is suggesting for different officials to be in chare

Yea I'm not w these people who say it's his fault it happened. But I will tell you he's done a piss poor job in responding to it

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This cock in my mouth tastes better than prayers...guaranteed. Guaranteed...

Here let get a good taste of this dick and let me season it with the tears of this beta cuck faggot whimpering there in the corner...

...As a woman...

...I want to feel independent, strong, and appreciated, and sucking on this cock before getting a load splattered all over my face helps me achieve that...


Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-07 12-05-30.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)