now that the chinese market is gonna drop you gotta invest in the new hype, the yeen market, you won't regret investing in Jasiri
Now that the chinese market is gonna drop you gotta invest in the new hype, the yeen market...
Other urls found in this thread:
agreed, those who say otherwise will regret forever
That's true!
My day is OK! Just relaxing after washing the clothes.
How are you?
Hey! What happened with the last thread? I wrote a lengthy post just for it getting lost because the thread didn't exist anymore when I tried to send it.
¡Hola Scratte! What plans do you have for today? -J
thanks for the validation
i'm alright, didn't feel done too much the past few days because of the extension, kind of disappointed with that, but now that its nearly done i can finally give it a rest and move onto more important stuff
>Hey! What happened with the last thread? I wrote a lengthy post just for it getting lost because the thread didn't exist anymore when I tried to send it.
honestly don't know, for a second i thought i was banned, but that wasn't the case, guess there was a spurt of new threads so mine was thrown out
>i thought i was banned
I too throught that, what a relief that it is not the case!
How are you? We did not get around to play yesterday! What a shame. -J
That's a nice image.
>¡Hola Scratte! What plans do you have for today? -J
Hi there J. Planning to spend my spare time with you guys.
Forgotten image.
>How are you?
i'm alright, haven't done anything worth mentioning
We did not get around to play yesterday! What a shame. -J
yeah, to be fair i haven't even booted the game yet, but atleast i'll have some time to play and get accustomed to it for the next time we plan to play
thanks, lori!
>Hi there J. Planning to spend my spare time with you guys.
awesome, hopefully more friends will join, day has been pretty quiet up to now
>Planning to spend my spare time with you guys.
Sweet! How about the three of us play a bit right now? -J
>Sweet! How about the three of us play a bit right now? -J
i don't mind starting it up, i haven't got any practice in, should we still try? , maybe i can dash through the tutorial real quick?
I just cant get enough of this hyena
>maybe i can dash through the tutorial real quick?
lol no. The tutorial takes quite a bit of time to go through. You decide, anyway. -J
the more you visit the more hyena fix you need, and its never enough
>The tutorial takes quite a bit of time to go through. You decide, anyway. -J
alright, lets give it a shot, i'll skim through a youtube video at the very least
sorry for not preparing
scratteboi you got the game?
Sorry for the late post.
I am installing now.
>I just cant get enough of this hyena
Neither do I!
Are you up to playing now, Scratte?
> #
>scratteboi you got the game?
It is free to play this weekend!
>i'll skim through a youtube video at the very least
>sorry for not preparing
Did you watch the video I sent you the other day that explains the basics? -J
alright cool, talk to me on vola and i'll give you my username
volafile org /r/16z3pby2c
>Did you watch the video I sent you the other day that explains the basics? -J
oh shit right, i saved it but forgot to check it up, i'll do it now
>oh shit right, i saved it but forgot to check it up, i'll do it now
cant find it in my youtube history for some reason, mind resending it?
>I am installing now.
Oh, I thought you prepared it beforehand. What connection speed do you have?
>oh shit right, i saved it but forgot to check it up, i'll do it now
Oh. Well it's a good thing you have it installed at least. -J
nevermind, i found it!
>connection speed do you have?
that doesn't matter as hes only installing it, don't think it would take too long
Guys I think it'll take longer for me to get ready. Please start playing without me at the moment if you are ready.
>cant find it in my youtube history for some reason, mind resending it?
rip, alright scratte, come in on vola while you can and i'll add you on ubi
bump, also i've seen a few videos and checked out the controls, so i know everything major there is to know
Don't you worry too much, I only hope the matchmaking makes up for your lack of experience. It it caught you unprepared, amigo. -J
one more bumper?
More! -J
Unfortunately the game is too heavy for my setup. I finally managed to free up some storage space, but the game itself moves very hard. Sorry.
My laptop is an Acer Aspire 5.
oof, sorry man, we got plenty of other games we can play together that are less intensive, we just gotta find the right time
It will be a nice idea to play something that is playable in the browser.
I'll try to find something like that.
yeah that can be sweet, also we can do even local browser games via parsec, so everything is possible
Not a furry but I'd fuck her face until she passes out.
Waifu thread for furfaggots
your dick won't come anywhere near my jasiri, creep
furfaggotry is the future, old man
No it's the past. The past of being a 3rd rate shitposter that is severely unlikeable.
i think i see a compliment in here somewhere
Then you're as delusional as you are unlikeable
That's true.
please unrustle your jimmies man, learn to accept the hyena, anger won't fix anything here, actions will.
>learn to accept autistic shitposting
no thanks I will continue to call you a faggot until you get bored and leave
That is a cute image.
i will continue to come into this thread and do nothing besides give you attention incase you are a troll looking for it!
i don't know user, for someone who can diagnose autism, you seem to be pretty autistic
>That is a cute image.
who fucking talks like this?
a guy who knows what hes talking about, hes the smartiest guy i know, and i know many guys
You are too backward for this society!
you're both fucking retarded this is more autism than I can stomach
Someone who is not backward like you.
you're just slow in the mind
haha you rekt him lol xDD
Socializing online with persons in different places on Earth is autism from your perspective?
this is pretty much illogical thinking
"autists tend to be antisocial, which is why you're here, on this board, socializing with others!"
this is not a role call, user
Hey Scratty! What have I missed? -J
Nothing very special J. Jasiripoaster an I talked a little bit and I told him that my laptop is not good enough for that game. I managed to free space to install the game, but it's not running smoothly. It is very laggy.
How about you try to lower the graphics and resolution quality to a minimum? -J
I tried, but no luck.
Do you know a multiplayer game that can be played in browser and is a nice one?