So.... Tonight I tried to kill myself via hanging.... do you know of a better way to go? I used a belt for a robe...

So.... Tonight I tried to kill myself via hanging.... do you know of a better way to go? I used a belt for a robe, tied a knot in it and closed the door with the knot on the outside of the door. I had already made the noose part, but I did not make the belt short enough so this forced me to stand on my feet and lean into the rope. It was working.... I felt dizzy like I was about to pass out and then I did, It wasn't until I started coughing something up that I snapped out of it and removed the belt.

So what are some more fool proof ways? I do not have access to a gun or anything like that. How would you go out if this was you?

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fag wait until 82222222

maybe use an actual fucking rope instead

This was working well though..... I just gave myself an out by leaning into it instead of being able to actually hang.

I have also thought about exit bags.... However I don't know where to get the materials really. The bag and tubing is easy... but pure helium and nitrogen are kind of hard to get in my area.

Just buy argon from a welding supplier. Does the same thing. You don't need to use helium, just an inert gas.

Dont they weld with pure helium? If so cant be so hard right

I know, but there are not really welding companies near me. I looked, i could get stuff from airgas, but it is going to look rather strange delivering argon or nitrogen to a house. I don't want to tip anyone off.

Theres plenty of fentanyl floating around out there. I have a stash for when I'm ready to go.

Mmmm those trips are a sign user.

share some? it doesn't take much to kill you honestly!

Take out insurance on yourself. Name someone you actually care about or a charity you like or a scholarship. Then wait out the time needed to suicide ( like 6-12
Months for most). Then get drunk n walk in front of a bus.

You’ll be remembered well by the people you name as beneficiaries and they’ll get a cash settlement from the bus. Also you traumatize your fam with your disgusting bloated corpse

Not won't, I get welding supplies delivered to my house a lot, I do a lot of fun metal working projects from my garage and workshop. Just get some wire and other cheap consumables if you want to hide it.

See its meant to be!

Take acid

You don't want to die, you had a chance and backed out.
No one who seriously wants to die asks how.

It does take quite a bit if you have a tolerance and how much the shit is cut. I'm gonna get another few bags in the next weeks just to make sure.

Well... what if I have 250k policy and work has a 60k policy on me? Neither of which have a suicide rule out. Sooo I've set sort of.


Don't do it

But the trips have spoken 4 him. His fate is sealed.

dude, I patiently allowed myself to pass out. Like leaned into it and watched a pleasant youtube video while I was passing out. I only got out of it because I starting coughing up something.

I do not have a tolerance... I don't do any drugs really honestly soo I'd OD rather quickly and on a very small amount.

Don't do it dude. I know you might hear this a lot, but please just don't do it. It's not worth it

Theres your problem man. Go get blasted and maybe you'll have a change of heart.

get a garden hose and vent the exhaust into your car cabin. Seal all the air gaps with duct tape. You'll be gone in a few minutes quick and painless and in your sleep. Wear a diaper so you dont shit yourself when you die.

Attached: cool jeusus guy.png (206x245, 14.08K)

Exactly you didn't want to die or you would have let it happen.

So.... i recently had a medical episode where my vision may be permanently blurry. I live in an area with no public transit and my current job won't keep me. Soo I have no real future, I'm on FMLA right now just counting down the days til my leave runs out and then I have no way to get to work or ever have a job again really. My whole life is basically gone already. So please don't tell me how to feel or what to do.

You literally need to hang without holding the rope around your neck and kicking the chair from underneath you, it will kill you. Leaning against the rope is amateur hour, your human instinct for when your throat hurts is to get out of the situation, if you did what I said before with a proper rope there's no way of helping yourself when you begin to drift off into the abyss. Trust me, I suicided twice and got reincarnated as a buffalo both times

Yeah if you’re gonna do it, do it in a way that is ambiguous so that people left behind aren’t made to feel miserable for years wondering how they could have helped you. Assuming of course that you care about them lol. If you are gonna go out and want post death trolling, make a scholarship in your name where the kids have to compete for it by writing about some bs topic like the shaking power of Jesus or their experiences being bullied, or what they’ve done to help an immigrant or talk about death in a family. Those little fuckers will have to do that shit for money and love/hate your ass

Why not take some painkillers, watch your movie and just cut some artery (carotis or arm or leg arteries). You should pass out rather fast and bleed to death.

This no longer works with modern cars.... they do not produce enough carbon monoxide to complete things. I have already looked into it on numerous sites geared toward suicide.

too messy and painful even with pain killers tbh.

Why not? Everyone of us will die one day. This day is as good as every other day. I think it should be possible to simply buy suicide pills that enable a fast and painless death. Nobody should be forced to live.

I should say with the level of pain meds I currently have access to

I'm all for this honestly, maybe a 3 day waiting period to rule out those who are having a knee jerk reaction to something, but if after 3 days you still want to... You should be able to go to the pharmacy and get what you need!

Too messy? Why do you care?
Why should it be painful?

Well, then get some inert gas.

have fun

Maybe one day in the future this will be a reality. I really hope so.

I doubt that cutting your carotis artery is very painful. Combine painkillers with alcohol.

Thanks man!

its really high on the agony scale honestly. There is a chart somewhere online that goes over how many minutes different things take, how much it hurts and percentage of affectiveness.

sit in your car inside your garage with the engine running. just put the radio on and you wotn even notice.

Plan a day like a picnic by the lake. Go for a swim. Keep swimming. Stay in the water. Keep tryin to keep your head above water. Stop. Problem solved. Probably help if you’ve been drinking a little. Plus if you’re doing that insurance thing from above you’re good

Damn, well the diaper thing is still a good idea.
Maybe he could do a gun to the heart. He could still have an open casket and itd be over relatively quick and painless.

With the hanging though he should just go to Walmart and get some good rope, preferably from the fishing section since the docking rope they keep there is really strong.

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doesnt work.... modern cars do not produce enough of the lethal gas anymore due to emissions standards

so buy an older car

Jump off tall building. Always works.

That is unexpected.
If you donate blood it does not hurt. After a while you will feel unwell and then lose consciousness until you are dead. Does not sound to bad to me.

Aren't there boards for suicide techniques out there?

No shooting range nearby? There you could access a gun and just shoot yourself in the head. However, if you miss or hesitate have fun in the hospital or psychiatric ward.

Bullshit. Some dude in my town last year an hero'd using a 2016 civic.

this is what the suicide boards said *shruggs*

been on a bunch of them... just wanted opinions honestly

If you want painless and easy then od is the way to go. Get really high and go to forever sleep.

Just try again with proper cordage my man. Go to walmart and buy some proper rope.

high fail rate..... not as high as cutting yourself but really high.

get a gun shoot your self in the head...

it was working really well tbh, sucks it didnt work fully

No no, seriously. Get some rope not a belt dude. Tie yourself to a proper anchor point too. If you find a nice serene tree thats tall enough you can use a ladder and climb up to a high limb. Then you can tie the rope to it there. If youre at least 16 ft off the ground itll snap your neck instantly and you wont even choke. Get some docking rope, it should be in the fishing section. It'll tell you the weight its graded to and everything.

Tell that to the tens of thousands that accidentally'd themselves. I watched a guy almost die from one bag Thursday night. Which is little more than a decent line. No tolerance. Fucker was lucky we had narcan.

Right, see he didn't actually die. all you fuckers with narcam take the fun away!

This sounds good, but I think I might just get some charcoal and create my own carbon monoxide hot box. basically dumb a bag of coals and light them, let the tent or whatever small space i am in fill up with gas and poof you're gone. doesn't even need to be all that enclosed... like not air tight. Your body will react to the carbon monoxide more than the little bit of air still in the enclosure.

** dump a bag. I think the lack of oxygen from earlier is affecting me a little,

>tried to kill myself multiple times
>First i took 90 aleve
>make me puke blood the next morning.
>Then I try hanging
>I used my belt and a closet bar
>I managed to pass out but somehow woke up later with the belt still around my neck and the closet bar bent into a V.
>All my clothes were piled on top of my sad sack body.
>Then I tried to hang myself from a door
>The belt snapped as I was in midair.
>Decide hanging wont work
>I drive to a specific intersection (W 33rd & Harvard in East Cleveland) where you can find about 30 black guys hanging around the gas station and bus stop all waiting to sell crack or heroin. I bought a gram of heroin.
>Get home
>Snort full gram
>No feels
>Fuck it was fake
>Buy 20 lb bag of ice
>Fill bathtub with cold water
>Drink fifth of southern comfort and go go to sleep in the tub
>Sleep 6 hours, get pneumonia
>Cut wrists
>Bleeding out in closet
>Tunnel vision
>Everything going black
>Roommate comes home unscheduled
>Ambulance comes
>Never died
>Stopped trying

It gets better OP. Try cigarettes