Is this a father's worst nightmare?

Is this a father's worst nightmare?

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story? I missed this

same wats this about or is OP somehow in the mindset that a father is going to have a stroke knowing his daughter uses her hairbrush to pleasure herself?

Is the implication that she’s watching smut on her phone and sticking the brush up there? If so that’s pretty bad but it’s better than using tyrones meatstick

Have to agree. Better she lock the bathroom door for half an hour than get blacked...

Teens hate niggers

whos the girl? what did i miss?

nothing I think the poster is retarded and thinks girls dont do such things

yeah i dont think a hairbrush necessarily but they all do it im pretty sure about it
i met a muslim girl when i was a teen who'd do that almost every night

Yep I Am TransGender Girl And I DO The Same Thing. So Yes Girls Do it.

Autistic 12 year old detected

>that’s pretty bad

>TransGender Girl

Hey Fuck you Idioit. Id Literally Knock You Out Then Dab On You IDiot. Leave The thread.

Until they get the urge to rebel. Then it’s the ultimate sense of physical independence and rebellion to give their body away. Doesn’t have to be sex, just groped, passed around, or fingered

You'll never be a girl, get mental help

Masturbation is a sin

>Hey Fuck you Idioit. Id Literally Knock You ut Then Dab On You IDiot. Leave The thread.

Mind explaining a bit more? Are you talking about rebelling from white guys, or just become rebel in general and doing sexual stuff with all guys?

I literally pass so well, so I don't really care. The only thing that gives me away is my voice

My ex's reported: hairbrush, vibrating toothbrush, and those vibrating wiggle-writer pens. I've only had one report of "never did, never have, I get pretty horny sometimes but I always find someone before I resort to that". don't see what the big deal is.


Next time you're at Target or Walmart, watch girls shop for hair brushes. They spend more time comparing handles than the brushes.

Now you know why....

and your penis.

>The only thing that gives me away is my voice
congrats you just played yourself faggot

cumbrain get your mind out of the gutter. I'm male and do the same thing because I have thick hair, I'm not gonna be holding a dogshit handle when I can get a premium one

Played myself how? Approached at club everytime multiple times a night then they get surprised when I talk and walk away. I don't get what you're saying retard, I look better than most women


Teens are niggers, you faggot.

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>creeper boomer detected

Hope someone calls the cops on your pedophile ass.

no mate, you're a cuck teens hate niggers. end of story.
They said transgender though, not transsexual m8

You're a dude playing dressup.

Just like in a movie, no matter how good the special effects look, it's still fake, and once the show is over, it's time to leave the theater and go back to real life.

You're a dude in a dress. That's all.

No, losing a wife or child is. Followed by a job, a house, insurance, food, shelter, health etc.

Virgin logic at its finest.

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Mutilating your genitalia doesnt make you a girl. It makes you a fucked up piece of shit

Triggered much, you submissive bottom?

why does that bother you then?

They said transgender though, not transsexual m8

ye id fuck you up nigger lover


>Hope someone calls the cops on your pedophile ass.

Did I say underage? That's where YOU went.

Think a lot about minor girls masturbating? Must be a lot since that's the first thing that popped into your head...

Gay boomer assuming he knows what children think.

My Christ, you're pathetic.

>gives me away is my voice
> they get surprised when I talk and walk away
everyone knows you are a man even you acknowledge it by the way you sound faggot

With what your fat gut or your tired knees? I'd kill you with one look, gramps.

Who watches anyone at a store? Your sad ass apparently.

>lashes out when called out
Sure thing faggot. Seek help.

Gramps? I'm born in the 70's fuckstick. Not even a boomer you dud cunt. I'd knock you out before you could even breath faggot.

It takes one punch from me to go into a coma. Fuckhead.

Never said it did. I just understand that there are only 2 genders, you can't change your by extreme plastic surgery, and that no matter how hard a boy wants to be a girl, wishing won't change biology.

>I have thick hair
That you use a particular handle to brush...

Faggot, you sound weak as fuck and you get triggered so easy. 70s? You're ancient history, you pathetic bitch.

You could never get on my level.

you must have gone to internet tough guy school

Well I never said there was more than two genders, I just like presenting as a girl and I do pass as one

>Who watches anyone at a store?

Oh, you must be that asshole who just walks around bumping into everyone with your shopping cart.

>almost 50
>posts on Yas Forums

No need to roast you. Life did that.

Ancient? Ancient is the fuckin' Pyramids of Egypt you fucking idiot. Sick of dickheads like you trying to start fights from nothing.

Who is this? Your boyfirend? Fucking faggot.

I fucked a tranny once, then I called them a faggot and they cried.

I'll knock you out too for shitting up this good thread with non-sense.

everyone masturbates retard

No, I go to shop because my life isn't sad and empty that I have to "people watch" loser.


>triggered this bad

Keep proving how much of a little bitch you are.

Shut up tranny lover.

Then have fun with it.

I'll admit that a kink is != to a mental illness. harmless fun.*

*Unless it's scat or anything that draws blood ore leave damage.

Quads on such a useless post. WOW

It's Saturday where I am, you third-world poor. I'm having a snacks and triggering faggots like you 'mate'.

Ultimate win post. quads x2. Your words will be immortalized by the Gods.


Yet you're the one whose angry because of your closeted attraction to it.

Keep yelling about it. That'll throw them off the gay trail.

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Sorry, faggot. Forgot to say 'morning'. Still doesn't change the fact that you're in whatever shithole country your worthless parents plopped themselves at.

>shitting up this good thread

Indonesia mate. Where the fuc k are you? Australia? I come there to fuck your women.