What kind of starship would you want?
I wanna cruise around in this space winnebago myself.
What kind of starship would you want?
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one that has the bridge protected in the interior of the ship for starters. it's a fucking spaceship and it has sensors, it doesn't need to be manned by people looking out a windshield.
Ah, but this little thing doesn't need to go into combat. I just want a personal one to get me around some peaceful planets, perhaps with advanced sensors that sense the tightest most slightly smelly space pussy within, say, a few light years.
No question about it.
USS Voyager.
It's like the Enterprise except faster, has better holodecks, and more armaments. I would have the computer dial back the ambitiousness of the ECM and make it build holoemitters in sick bay. Then I'd install them all over the ship. You could be dictator of Earth easily with a ship like that. You could issue your commands and say that every day the top 100 richest people on Earth will be killed until your plans have been fulfilled. Shit would get done quick. And I bet the VOY computer could calculate who is the richest without a problem. Hacking into every computer system on Earth should be easy for it.
And I would invite people I like to spend the day with me. Always in the holodeck though, that way nobody ever truly finds out what the ship is like.
There's room for you aboard user
I always though the blockade runner from Star Wars was a seriously nice looking spaceship. Looks fast, big enough to walk around in but won’t need a crew of 100s. Even has a few weapons of space niggers try to jack me when I head through space Detroit
I’m cruising in the Defiant. It’s the perfect mix of firepower and stanky pussy sensors.
I would go for the Delta flyer myself. A little more security and firepower.
something about the earth destroyers is just gnarly as fuck, though i'd need a fuck off big crew
but this or miranda class
Where the hell do you think you’re going. What about our baby! You never think about me Miles... I’m going to pout for this entire episode.
So you're the captain or ranking officer on this Intrepid class starship?
There's a lot of responsibility and effort involved in making things run smoothly for such a large craft. Provisions and energy needs for your monitoring mission alone would need a fair amount of attention on your part my friend.
Runabout = Just me and perhaps three to five tight smellied space pussy ladies, just doin our thing.
shut the FUCK UP
My favorite too.
For me, it's The XGP 15A-II, aka The Outlaw Star
If you want security and firepower use the Defiant. The Delta Flyer is a glorified F1 car.
Na, if you just sit in orbit whatever Dilithium flakes you have left in the tank should last for the rest of my life. Remember this thing moves at warp 9.975. Watching Earth and running holodecks should be practically free.
Don't want to sound like a normie but goddamn does this look based.
Regular maintenance of systems would require more than just you and smelly space pussy ladies.
Unless you just kept entire decks empty and without life support
That’s my man. Give me that dirty Irish dick.
I'd be happy with the Roci
Thinking about it, I entirely agree. A Runabout is about the perfect size and can be crewed by one.
Second place, this thing. Similar size. Still maintained with wrenches. Although I'd rather keep the engineer around.
Can work with just a few crew
Wont be asked to go into battles
Has EMH doctor for all those alien STDs
Need to install holodecks
Need to install holo emitters everywhere
Need to store extra dilithium crystals
I already said I would put holo emitters everywhere and have the ambition of the ECH dialed down. If they can mine an asteroid they can sit on their hands and do fuck all while one person lives onboard. The ship is designed to be self-cleaning anyway. How much maintanence can VOY need if it's just in orbit replicating one meal a day and Omega Loli Pleasure Palace runs on the holodeck? Or a couple transports a day if I want the real thing.
Are we not going to talk about this user wanting a fucking imperial destroyer?
I'd rather just travel by wormhole than by ship
Pure hubris this user has.
The Fuckin Phalanx, son
in star trek they always make the science vessels relatively underpowered....but then they always say they're sending science vessels to unexplored areas and then they need rescuing. they should just pimp them the fuck out so they can look after themselves out in the cold depths of space. the equinox was cool though. aesthetic af.
defiant would be my boi too. small, manageable and fucking hard as fuck. small quarters but could be quite comfy as long as not too many people on board at once.
The Raza seems practical. Pretty powerful, and the android that comes with the ship is incredibly compliant, competent, and attractive.
It holds it's own in battle, and comes with a blink drive. The android does everything. I could fight off you fuckers and just tool around the few closest solar systems.
Danube class runabouts actually have swapable modules for the rear half.
I have this pretty peaceful idea where there's a rollbar on mine equipped with enhanced sensors (to detect any threats within quite a remarkable distance) and a holodeck and advanced fusion reactor (for the extra energy needs of running a holodeck most of the time) in the swapable module.
I can just program the back of my winnebago to whatever I want and not worry about more than one deck worth of starship.
Let the user have their nightmare. Thousands of crew needed, lightspeed at the cost of an entire planet's economy, turning radius the size of a fucking planet, laser weapons that each have to be manned and fired manually...
Conquer the planet, Earth is best starship
This slipstream pioneer ship.
Larger than a runabout, faster than anything else in starfleet.
Well well well... looks like we have a crew.
Epstein is alive and posts on Yas Forums
Defiants my definitive number 2 choice user. But all the fire power is just a waste for my peaceful slightly wet and willing space pussy search
Outlaw Star
Pretty cool. has android girl interface and a pretty cool computer. very spacious can go through hyper space.
Cowboy Bebop
Large "fishing ship" for space. Pretty spacious. An old clunker. Has hangar and lots of storage. Probably uses a lot of fuel. I just remember Cowboy Bebop being really cozy when they were drifting through space going to their next destination.
Star Wars
>Millennium Falcon
Pretty neat design. Looked better in Solo with the front in tact. Has cargo space. Hidden space. Hyper drive. Kind of a weird design where the cockpit is. If I were flying the Falcon, I'd be sad all the time about how Han is dead though and the fact that Star Wars 7-9 was literally a heaping pile of shit pulled out of someone's ass.
Star Wars
>Naboo Royal Cruiser
Probably the best looking space ship anywhere in any show. Decent amount of space. Not really furnished by default. Could be outfitted with better quarters.
What this guy said.
You had one job but as usual OP is a massive faggot
i would like one of these
a leviathan
Danube-class runabouts come with an NCC number so... Starship?
I'm actually with OP on this one.
La Sirena, after watching a bunch of picard.
Single man crew, warp capable, holosuite and EMH. The captains quarters look pretty bomb.
Plus the thing took on an old warbird and lived to tell the tale. I'm a sucker for the underdog.
>What kind of starship would you want?
A super advanced grappler ship jointly developed by space federation forces and pirates, with an intelligent, friendly if pendantic AI.
>Outlaw Star
Oh damn, I didn't see that you already beat me to it. Good taste, user!
I could sense this coming up.
Everything being crewed by holograms just feels... Cheap?
Yeah I'm one of those people who think self check outs are rubbage
Gotta be a Juggernaut, with have one of those bad ass engineers as my co-pilot me my and my nigga would be dropping that black goo Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15 fucking shit up everywhere we go
Anything Naboo - such sleek and delicious designs.
Damn. Was thinking the same
Oh, you too. Sorry anons, I didn't read the thread first.
>Doesn't get the spaceballs reference...
Seriously how can you not have seen spaceballs?
I like living by myself/with a partner. If I've got something that doubles as a full time residence I'd rather not share it with other dickheads.
I already maintain my house, I figure with the correct training and tools I could maintain a starship to the same standard.
That aside, I agree that the hologram thing is a bit of a copout cast-wise but I love how quirky it is. It's also a good way to get Picard into a ship without having to worry about filling a traditional crew.
That as an awesome cameo.
Actor was the first to get the alien parasite implant in the Alien series in case anybody didn't realize it.
I want to cum on it simply because there's a definite chance I'll have coomed on a part that eventually spends its time wrapped around Phasma's body.
Sleeper Service.
Deterrence fleet
also, Naomi is on the crew
Guessing you’ve never served on a sub then. It fucking sucks, what sort of autism makes you fantasize for garbage?