Does Yas Forums think this bikini is too skimpy for pool side at a resort hotel? My girlfriend just bought it for a trip we are going on. She doesn’t think it is
Does Yas Forums think this bikini is too skimpy for pool side at a resort hotel...
Not skimpy enough
I'd have to see it from the first to make a final decision.
All joking aside, do you think that it's too skimpy? It might be good to talk to her about how you feel, and make sure that you both understand where the other person is coming from.
Not at all.
Here is the front
It looks all right to me! Definitely talk to her if you're worried about her exposing too much of herself or something like that. Your feelings are valid too, and I'm sure that she'll be willing to talk about it.
Might be skimpy if we were still in the 90s. Looks pretty normal for today's standards.
This is the other bikini she got. Also way too skimpy in my eyes for hotel pool and bar
Are you sure you’re not getting cucked?
Don't trust that bitch, she's fucking your friends.
I can understand where you're coming from, it doesn't leave a whole lot to the imagination.
Looks like a normal bikini if you go somewhere outside of the family beaches/resorts. That's normal beach bikini for Florida.
if you've got it, flaunt it
it's her choice, plus you're going on the trip together so relax
Your girlfriend is a whore. Congratulations.
It depends on your cultural relativity. I grew up spending summers on the beaches in Greece, where she would be considered quite over-dressed in that bikini.
any pics of her butthole?
That’s what she always says. She likes to flaunt it.
This is another one
What about this one?
Call her fat or make her feel disgusting and ugly. Tell her that her ass is too saggy for it or something. She won't wear it.
I guess that’s a compliment
What about this?
Ok boomer
Better ass shot please
I meant of the bikini but thanks
she is now a Yas Forums celebrity ... time to reveal her face
>She doesn’t think it is
she's just being a girl
she's lyring, she knows exactly how procative it is
that said, every woman does this so no point in feeling angry or anything, just roll with it, there's nothing you can do to change how women work
the worst that happens is the staff tell her to change. if thats what you're worried about.
used to lifeguard at waterpark.
stop being insecure little faggot
keep going
I wouldnt worry about your girlfriends incredibly underwhelming 5/10 mediocre body getting ogled OP
Jesus h fuck. Stop being a pussy. She wears it, people check her out, she feels good about herself and then you get to bang the shit out of her at the end of the day. You keep acting like a beta pussy and she’ll leave your ass. Don’t even bring up what she wears except to compliment her.
Based and a fellow man of culture.
>Corona swimsuit
Yeah, I'm thinking this slut is based.
lol corona
>i'm worried my gf is a nasty slut whore (she is) and don't want her wearing skimpy clothes to the pool
>oh, user wants to check out her ass? here, have nudes
Roll !
got her in other heels?
that could be the best body I have ever seen
That bikini it's too small dude I would ditch it, I don't care what she thinks.
She seems to like people staring at her. BTW, provide more pussy pics, ur girl is tasty.
for those who dont like tits..
damn thats what im talking about
that definitely makes your gf look like a whore
more like this op
got her sucking?
She should dump your incel ass. What, you want here in a fucking burka? Why decent women date and put up with neanderthal incels too unsure of themselves to handle a women is beyond me. Post her email address so I can tell her to dump your sorry ass.
Only cheating whores wear bikinis, bro. Faithful girlfriends would respect you and wear a one piece.
Found the white knight, I'm suprised that you found the time to stop sucking dicks to make that post.
White knight? You must be the fucking fat assed incel in the basement who's fapping to the bikini picks because that's the closest you'll ever come to a woman.
depends on where you go. There are conservative places where that is too skanky. Or you could go to Copacabana, where you might as well be naked since it doesn't matter.
>Guy posts pics of girl he's clearly fucking
>Virgin user calls him an incel
>What is the english language
Also OP you're a faggot.
- If you're with her then let her flaunt, she's yours.
- You already know she's an exhibitionist.
- Why the fuck are you worried about oogling when you gladly show her off nude?
Well I'm fapping...
She wore this in the car late at night as we went for a beer run.
Keep cool anons, OP knows she likes to be exposed. He's also exposing her in another thread:
"Which outfit do I look the best in? Which outfit would be suitable for cocktail waitressing an all guys poker night for my boyfriend and his poker buddies?"
Yes it’s skimpy and so what?
I buy my gf a lot of revealing clothes. Transparent clothes, short skirt and shorts, skimpy bikini, thongs... I love to expose her to other people. I don’t understand you
Saving all of these. And from your other thread, too. Would love to blast a load inside her while you watched
Of course he does. He has a hot ass girlfriend. Nice of him to share
If she likes people looking at her ass, it’s perfect.