Hey liberals. I got a secret for you

Hey liberals. I got a secret for you

You wanna know why we love Trump so much?

It’s because he goes out to the middle of nowhere Tennessee to look at a bunch of crumbled houses from a tornado, just to pay respects to the dead, pray for them and to honor the living and the heroes who saved lives.

This is something we will never see from the left. Not in a million billion fucking years

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man,trump is so great.even though he wipes his ass on a golden toilet.im sure he can relate to the poor redneck people in some flyover state

That picture was from today.

10 seconds on google cuck

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also,you'll never see another pile of shit who has spent most of his life in a democrat city elected as a republican president again.so do yourself a favor op,leave the republican party after you throw your tantrum when you lose the presidency just like you did the midterms

hey moron,i was making fun of trump.christ you rednecks cant even tell when your president gets shit on

step your troll game up, this is just pathetic

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i wouldnt let that filthy nigger hug me

Yea take a look and see how far the left has “progressed” since Obama now.

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implying the right is any better with anti gun trump

trying to hold a political conversation on the internet is for retards, this is now a porn thread

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Yeah but obviously thats a cynical ploy/photo op to get votes and OP's isn't... for uhhh... reasons?


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Did he throw them rolls of paper towels and hand out bananas? What a hero!

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nah,its sad that trump supporters are this far out of touch with their own president.maybe you should fuck off the next election and stay watching duck dynasty or hee haw in your trailer park,uneducated rednecks like you are why the republican party is such a pile of shit now

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what do you expect from "my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars"donald

obama did this. do you love obama now?

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What’s wrong with throwing out paper towels? I wish someone would give me some, those little shits are too expensive

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Nope, this is now a horn thread.

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Yeah. You can read him alright.

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may the best man win

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>republican party is a pile of shit

Dude, the Republicans have never been this united. What fucking rock have you been living under?

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Nothing is wrong with it! He's a hero. making a game out of people who just suffered a massive disaster by forcing them to catch scramble and compete for basic amenities is the sign of a true humanist! OUR HERO!

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trump supporters are stupid,they spent years calling obama a nigger and a tyrant because of his attacks on the constitution,yet ignore donald trump doing the same thing to the constitution.also,whenever trump goes to his florida beachhouse or golfs.you hear nothing from republicans,after 8 years of them throwing a tantrum when obama did the same thing

this is why there's no reason to vote republican anymore.not with the trump trash ruining the party

i love how you're flooding your own thread after being proven wrong in 3 seconds

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>an orange as president.

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what rock has you been under? all trump did was divide the country even more after obama

try not being a clueless retard like the rest of trump supporters

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Actually if you watched the news and the local news of ordinary people in Nashville and the surrounding area they were absolutely ecstatic about Trump showing up and bringing attention to their plight

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Yep - he's a selfless hero.

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yeah united as big pile of shit lmao

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The country was already divided thanks to the communist and murderous left. All Trump did was drag that fact out into the open for all to see

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Trump fucking sucks. Nothing he did in office was good.

But we do have one thing in common: we both want to fuck ivanka.

goddamn i love rednecks

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trump's the pied piper of retards. you love him because you play with your feces and drool when you walk. just like trump-the-heir who never earned a penny in his life, and would actually be extremely wealthy if he hadn't fucked his father's inheritance up over, and over and over and over (6 bankruptcies).

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So stopping foreign travel for coronavirus was a bad thing to do?

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idk I kinda wish she had more bush. checked btw

Keep masturbating to Trump. I know you love it

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>trump's the pied piper of retards

kek, i've never heard it put quite so well.

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Hey liberals. I got a secret for you

You wanna know why we love Trump so much?

It’s because he goes out to the middle of nowhere Tennessee to look at a bunch of crumbled houses from a tornado, just to pee his pants.

This is something we will never see from the left. Not in a million billion fucking years

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thats what im sayin

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Yeah! Like all those racist left wing gun-toting mass shooters!
There’s nothing a dirty liberal loves more than going to a black church to kill niggers or shooting up a Walmart to kill spics invading our country.
Right? They’re so violent, right? Trump should do something to stop them! They’ve literally killed more Americans than Muslim extremists this year!

big kek

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yes. death to america.

did they interview everyone in the area? or only the ones excited enough about trumps visit to actually talk about it in front of a camera?

I hope he brought some papers towels to help clean up the mess. I recommend bounty, it's the quicker picker upper.

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>racist left wing

Yea you got that right. The left is 100% racist. That’s all you ever fucking hear out of them these days. A person’s color to them is orders of magnitude more important than their fucking life and soul.

Go on and preach. Preach to me about racism, preach about how much conservatives hate black people. You forgot about the plank in your own fucking eye while you were so drawn towards the speck in mine.

As a matter of fucking fact, us conservatives welcome all black people into our arms. Even runaway slaves

>pic: Candace Owens, one of the greatest black conservatives of all time

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>"I hate it here and I want it to be over as soon as possible so I can go home and do what I want."
Don't bullshit me, I know what he's thinking, I've made that face before too.

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>the ONLY black conservative of all time.

A pile of shit is, by definition, united.

>Even runaway slaves
What century do you think this is?

Youre a dumbass

Supreme court, bitch

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just donald catering to his poor,redneck voting base

meanwhile,educated voters are leaving the republican party in record numbers because they dislike the trump trash


The century of the Democrat Plantation

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>still thinking there are conservatives after donald trump