Riggity Riggity Rekt Son

Riggity Riggity Rekt Son.

Attached: 1583410009718.webm (672x504, 826.72K)

turkish TOMA watering faggots

Attached: mind blown.gif (260x173, 1.71M)

Attached: 1POP.gif (550x310, 1.14M)

Attached: Rekt.webm (854x480, 1.86M)

Attached: 4Z9IzV3.gif (300x198, 1.73M)

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Attached: 1583553869786.webm (362x640, 305.36K)

Attached: 1583541087475.webm (400x400, 1.12M)

First the flag
Then the fag

Attached: 1583480031387.webm (718x1280, 911.28K)

Attached: 1583547248455.webm (1152x648, 1.41M)

Attached: 1583524817135.webm (202x360, 1.94M)

Those niggas are lucky that cat didn't eat them

Attached: 1583479554216.webm (460x574, 1.47M)


It's a vegetarian

Attached: 1583471404875.webm (360x640, 467.73K)

Attached: 1524044546537.jpg (470x470, 45.34K)

Yas Forums.org/b

Attached: 1583471040662.webm (288x426, 1001.8K)

I didn't know they had monster's back then

Attached: 1583466206749.webm (272x480, 1.86M)

Attached: 1583391100087.webm (406x720, 1.92M)


Please tell me where to find it

But he looked so cool in his cutoff!

Attached: ocd.jpg (625x1014, 101.53K)

Attached: 1583390830463.webm (400x500, 909.47K)

Attached: 1583390582727.webm (204x360, 450.76K)

Attached: 1583389832826.webm (272x480, 1.73M)

Seriously, did that guy just cum on a tarantula? Because if so, I have now officially seen every last sight there is to see on Earth and I can go blow my brains out.

He did what we couldn't

Yep. Godspeed, user.

Attached: rekt.webm (640x480, 736.31K)

Track this man down for only he can tell you

Attached: 1583049399770.webm (460x612, 1.95M)

Really man? Fucking idiot


Attached: 1583389822846.webm (412x720, 1.56M)

8 years ago some guy posted he had a fetish for cumming on arthropods and showed a pic of him cumming on a cockroach and asking b if something was wrong with him.

>8 years ago some guy posted he had a fetish for cumming on arthropods and showed a pic of him cumming on a cockroach and asking b if something was wrong with him.

Damn! And people say Yas Forums was never good.

Attached: 1583377381595.webm (320x320, 806.1K)

motorbikes are kinda dumb, just saying


The tarantula asked for it

Attached: 1581630278051.webm (400x400, 1.68M)

kegels are neat

B was way better in 2014 compared to now. The weirdest shit happened that it kept all the normal fags away from the board.

oh my word I've completely lost my sides. Moar of this please user

Attached: fuck.gif (480x261, 446.01K)

Attached: 1583372153435.webm (460x252, 621.89K)

These rekt threads suck

>says the faggot not contributing.

Please, enlighten us.

Attached: 1583287971126.webm (204x360, 171.06K)


Ugh the fucking road rash

Fucking thank you friend

Attached: 1583199447946.webm (480x480, 704.97K)

Attached: checkd.jpg (534x460, 118.01K)

oh hey its the vasectomy version of coathanger abortions

Attached: capncrunched.gif (320x240, 1.53M)

Attached: 1583288269155.webm (720x812, 408.06K)

bike with one hand, you win pain

Attached: 1583287555765.webm (368x640, 1.85M)

kek kek

>Are you faggots even trying?

seb la frite?