So I just applied for a janitor position. If they accept me the first thing i'm doing is nuking every dick rate, tranny...

So I just applied for a janitor position. If they accept me the first thing i'm doing is nuking every dick rate, tranny, and shouldn't share porn thread I see. There are other boards for those sorts of threads. Loli belongs on Yas Forums for you weebs. Finna be a new sheriff in town. That's all I have to say. It's all anyone has to say. Fuck even the ponyfags took the hint. Why can't some of you?

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I’d vote for you

Godspeed to you, user!

good. go on /gif/ too and sort out all the gay bbc tranny et al shit that goes on there, too.

Thank god, let me give you my vote. Coomers should fuck off to the porn boards.

Can you get the political fags to go home too?


How much does it pay?


but how can you be accepted for a board you cannot apply for?

I'd love to, this board is for meme creation, and things that just don't really fit anywhere else.

Satisfaction of getting things better here, and pissing off zoomer coomers

Not the hero we deserve, but definitely the one we need

>there are other boards for those sorts of threads
better get rid of
>all porn/hentai except for loli/shota
oh wait you just want to get rid of the shit you don't like

I very politely asked in my application, but frankly janitors don't have the power to address some of the seriously illegal shit that gets posted here. I'm hoping to get bumped up to mod. I also asked for Yas Forums because the leftypol fags have to shit up every serious discussion with reeeeeing

Not that porn being here is a problem, but the overwhelming wealth of it is a problem. This board is easily 4-5 porn threads to every 1 other thread. It needs to be purged so all the fucking coomers go to the appropriate thread, and don't spam Yas Forums with the shit they've been.

Not true, for starters i hate furries, and greta thunburg shit, but you gotta leave some content. I'll also leave raid threads for plebbit, tumblr, etc.

Exactly, you get it.

The porn and politics can go imo.

The other shit isn't spammed constantly

So you’d be a volunteer? That’s such a zoomer thing to do.

I have spare time, and I'm here anyways. But i'm 45 and far more rational than many "xboxlive" level posters

>Interpreters: Rules are to be enforced as written. Janitors enforce site policy only and personal motives should never influence deletion. They are objective, not subjective.
lulz, good luck with doing nothing.

At least i'm trying. What have you done? to paraphrase minor threat...

At least i'm trying
trying to what? solve a problem that doesn't really exist but to a few faggots?

I loggen in here the other day and there were 3 seperate dick rate threads, and 4 kik threads with pedos asking for pizza. It could have been confined to 2 threads, but no, everyfag has to ball all "looks at muh" Meanwhile, 5 other. possibly good threads died for that. It just isn't right. Unfortunately Yas Forums doesn't have a merge threads option live vbulletin. Otherwise i would just be like, merge that shit.

man i really shoulda proofread that, sorry

this is a loli thread now

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No faggot, its a YLYL nigger hate edition

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Yeah, /gif/ is the worst for that shit.

I try to nuke every tranny thread with pictures of children

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And well you should. Good man

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>possibly good threads died for that
they didn't
>It just isn't right.
fuck right off, a thread has like 20 mins or so to make it to page 10 most of the time. quality content would be rewarded with bumps, shit threads deserve to die.

well, obviously this is a quality thread then, isn't it. Thank you

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I want all the porn threads gone too. If I wanted porn, I'd go to the other boards. Specifically, the fb/ig threads, pics you shouldn't share, fur threads, celeb threads, tribute threads, rate my cock threads, andy sixx threads, kik threads, butterface threads, specific state/area code threads, wwyd threads, marry/fuck/kill threads, walk in, see this, what do threads, the list goes on.

The majority of content on Yas Forums is porn spam.

Yas Forums is no longer random if I know what I'm going to see when I click on it

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I don't even go on there anymore, If I want to see a pussy or a dick, I just ask my wife or look down.

>Yas Forums is no longer random if I know what I'm going to see when I click on it
completely correct. can we kill that pathetic log guy too?

Just delete Yas Forums. It’s shit anyway

not really, it's basically the same shit, just the old looking back with rose colored glasses meme deep fried with a jannie twist

I don't care if there are a few, but as the other user said, 5-1 ratio is kinda retarded. A lot of that other stuff you mentioned really belongs on /soc.

welcome to what Yas Forums is. it's also apparently the dumping ground of off topic Yas Forums and Yas Forums threads.

I know, I'm getting older and kinda jaded, but fuck gook moot for making raids against the rules, some of the best times i ever had were shitting all over deviantart, tumblr, youtube. I miss the comrade atmosphere we used to have. I'd like to get some of it back.

welcome? I've been here a while

>fuck gook moot for making raids against the rules
It was also moot, people took the gamergate shit too far, and the consequences will never be the same.

Also, don't forget, it's almost caturday

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Dew it
I'll fight those fun ruining niggers with you user

I agree having 12 year old kids with big mouths swatted was way too extreme. Just getting them B& is plenty of punishment IMO

>tfw your porn is being taken away by christian janitors

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I'm not christian, I namefag on x as Wiccabro.

go to the right board and spam it there then

Here's a greentext I wrote on /x/ recently. True story.

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Yas Forumsack here, I got temp-banned for two days (since expired) for responding to a thread with like 200+ replies because they didn't like OP (not me). The moderation team is compromised to a nearly unprecedented level. The only time it was worse was when luggage lad tried to off Yas Forums once around the time he was leaving. But it's clearly subverted and infiltrated by tranny niggers who can't follow the rules (and you can't report them anywhere, either).

there's always more cocaine

You'd think it wouldn't be so hard for people with enough intelligence to fire up a PC and put their interests on the appropriate board, where other like minded people would see it, but apparently it is

bitch, i don't give a fuck about Yas Forums

Hello brother, I applied for Yas Forums as my primary choice, and there with be much nuking of SJW shit if I get the spot. Keep fighting the good fight.

Then don't go there, it's that simple.

good, why'd you even bring it up?

Because I felt like it, same as you had to leave your profane opinion in my thread.

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>Loli belongs on Yas Forums for you weebs
and youve just failed the janitor test. good job.
tard doesnt even fucking know the rules.

Then why don't you apply, oldfag.

What is Yas Forums again? Random? What do you put in random? Everything other than every other board?

>my thread
then this wasn't even targeted towards you, simply the one acting like i should care about you guys not having a safe enough space.