Oh no! You have Coronavirus/COVID-19 disease now! What do you do?

Oh no! You have Coronavirus/COVID-19 disease now! What do you do?

Attached: 151938153046.png (1200x1200, 1.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Let my immune system fight it off duh

Stay inside and fap, so nothing different.

Rest in bed for a few days, drink liquids.

Spread it around and take some lives

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It's not even as deadly as domestic flu. Good luck to you.


Found the retard... lemme guess you're comparing the death rate of the two? kek

The same thing we do every night...

Attached: 67A77B87-CA08-4040-BB55-C66EA035E8A7.png (160x226, 37.64K)


Go to my school and try to give it to as many people as possible travel around the state and do the same

I shiggy diggy

Attached: niggy.jpg (1200x1200, 434.74K)

Domestic flu has killed over 18,000 this flu season. 3,400 deaths worldwide to coronavirus. Which is worse, moron?


LOL, who is that guy on the left?

>which is worse
The one that has no vaccine
the one that is causing panic buying and theft of hand sanitizer from hospitals
The one that is causing moronic behaviour and has taken over the news and media

It's Romesh Ranganathan. A famous stand up comedian turned popular TV star in England.

I am going to be safe. You need to interact with other people to be at risk.

It may kill some older teachers and older personnel. That's about it. Why are assholes acting like it has a 50% kill ratio?

I'm talking deaths, not stealing hand sanitizers.

>You have Coronavirus/COVID-19 disease now! What do you do?
Only interact with senior citizens & chain-smokers you dislike?

Attached: 1568935798643.jpg (1275x1700, 896.88K)

oh..in that case the bubonic plague is worse

Spread the shit out of it

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Don't open any post. the postman has aids

This, also
>compares to worldwide spread disease while covid has only started spreading 3mo ago

Could be covid is just getting started. even the flu had to start somewhere

Oh no, not a mild flu-like virus that 97% recover from. Please don't unleash this...


Thanks! He looks almost the same as Cornelius, on the right, just a darker skinned version!

Stay inside and play RuneScape. No one at work or anywhere else talks to me anyway, so I have little to worry about spreading it. Plus, I've been taking extra steps to avoid it anyway, and even if I catch it (which I apparently did in this thread), just continue to eat healthy and avoid any further contact with people, or surfaces without a pair of gloves or something.

>I've already started using a glove or piece of a newspaper when pumping gas

Attached: bwaaha.png (622x464, 313.12K)

It's already dissipating in China.

What area are you in? Is it even necessary where you're at? Im 1 state away from it and don't really care yet

make a real fucking party with all the people I hate invited. Tell no one until party finishes.
inb4 edgy kid

I'm in the...fuck it, I'm in GA...where the CDC (and today, Trump himself) is. There have been two cases in an affluent area so far, but I'm not all that concerned. I spend 90% of my time alone anyway, and literally do not talk unless I absolutely have to. I don't even shop like most people here.

Attached: BuckheadHomewithPool.jpg (960x641, 145.86K)

pay a visit to my parents in the nursing home so they can finally stop being a fucking burden on me

Honest to Christ, people want this to be some diabolical disease killing hundreds of thousands and they're getting pissed because it isn't.

I still got my fingers crossed it mutates into some plague tier shit

Attached: 1582852042584.png (358x439, 105.58K)

קורנליוס האיום!!!!

I think some people are enjoying the spectacles of it too much, yeah, but it's still pretty bad at the moment. I don't know about it becoming so much worse, though.

nice trips but that's bullshit. It isn't dissipating

Same thing I do when I get the flu, play pc games and pound whiskey while wrapped in a blanket and sweat it out

How many do you want?




OP, is the photo you? What brand of mustache wax you use? I'm thinking about doing a handle bar again but haven't found a brand I like.


that's not Op. That's cornelius, the guy from the shitty nintendo wii meme

>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.


cough on elevator buttons and sneeze on door handels

>It's true because I saw it on the news
Yup. and flu infections will also drop yo zero by Tuesday. and it won't rain again never ever.

You're an idiot.


>the guy from the shitty nintendo wii meme
Thanks kind Yas Forumstard. I don't play consoles or watch commercials so didn't recognize OP's photo.

Spit into the water supply

No worries. It's kinda like the banana meme or the one piece meme..never been posted on this site so I wouldn't expect for you to have seen it.

>Twirls moustache.

Attached: 152028905784.png (1119x1119, 1.95M)

I'd try to infect as many people as possibe
go to big events and concerts to cough on people and spit in drinks then give them to people for free
If i was rich i would throw a big party and infect everything edible
because i wanna see people fucking suffer and watch the world burn

I will stone you, stone you
Wrap my arms around you
I will stone you, stone you
My little halo

Become religious and start going to black churches and synagogues

Spread it. So everyone DIES

Do you get corona virus by being dead sexy to all women and have mad sex any time you wish? Because if so, I’m as good as dead bros.

3edgy5me kid. Nothing personnel. Heh.


Fixed that for you.


Attached: hmm.gif (320x240, 1.67M)

Well, since nothing fails like prayer, you're fucked.