Anyone else here have a full-time job and how much time do you get to spend on playing video games?

Anyone else here have a full-time job and how much time do you get to spend on playing video games?

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quit my job. gonna just play vidya all day. dont really care if i die

10 hours a day

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Yes. Work 4 days and can get about 5 or 6 hours of vidya on those days that i work.

I do. Store manager. Work about 50 hours a week. Still get plenty of time to play vidya. I'm basically on bank hours. I can get 6 hours after work and food and stuff on the week days although I usually do some other stuff and can squeeze in maybe 3 or 4 hours a night for vidya. Spend the entirety of the weekend nolifeing a game if I don't have anything else going on.

5 hours per day, 14 on weekends

>set aside an hour to play games
>shitpost and F5 uselessly instead

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I'm finishing up school and work part-time as as a tutor so I really only play games on the weekends.
Even then I only play games that I can easily pick up and play mindlessly for around a couple hours like Doom, and save more "involved" games for when I'm on break.

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I play in short bursts, like two evening on weekends and then long breaks. It's not fun playing for less than an hour everyday.

You have time to complete maybe two average length games in a year. Good luck.

fuck you wojaknigger

It's not the job that's taking your time away, it's the commute. Take the commutepill and either live within 10 minutes of your work or live next to public transit so you can spend your commute playing vidya or writing emails so you don't have to do it at home.

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Gonna work 6 days this week.

I'm applying to start teaching next fall. If I'm gonna be working 50 hours a week I at least want two months where I can fuck around and do nothing,

M-Must be nice.

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2-4 hours and I only get away with that because I live at home and neglect everything else.

this is true. i spend at least an hour a day commuting. such is life in the midwest

>only one hour per day

That's actually nothing.
Stop complaining you little baby.

I fucking LOVE my job. I get paid 20/hr and I have ZERO education and all I do is google shit all day for 10 hours a day 4 days a week. I have 3 days to play vidya and masturbate.

I'm a wageslave but I literally have fun at work so idgaf

Live in your car and leech off the mcdonalds wifi.

Yes, I don't really play video games anymore though I enjoy watching anime more.

I can't have a full-time job. I go to college on the mornings.

>He's not so good at his job that he can just play vidya at work cause daily shit just gets done in less than 2 hours

I finish all my stuff in 2 hours but I work in a heavily secured building so the only device I can bring in is my phone.
I had installed a PPSSPP emulator on it but that got tiring.
I then tried Gacha and that was awful
I'm not sure what to do next

Literally impossible for me, I work in quality control at a production factory and need to check things all day.

If anybody saw me playing vidya at work I'd get fired immediately.

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8 hours of work. 8 hours of games the rest for sleep and other shit. Helps to live where you work.

My full-time job is video games :D
I do it for free!!

Should I join the military or try to be an academic?
I can't stand the wagecuck life.

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The average wage for America is 20k/yr. This CNBC report makes me irrationally angry.

>don't have a job anymore
>don't play video games anymore either


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I'm playing runescape at home in my PJs, working from home is very hard

Don't be average.

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Where the hell are they getting these numbers? 20 bucks for internet? Cellphone is 40? What does transportation mean, that's not a car payment is it? Can you get someone to clean your house for 30 bucks month?

What 25 year old is making 100k a year?

Feeling content playing ~5 hours a week

I'm in school now, but will likely go into the military when I'm finished.

I worked 2 jobs for 10 years and am now at 40k/yr.
I want 50k+ before I'm 30, but I doubt that's going to happen. I'm using my savings for school so I don't have to be in debt like most people who go to college immediately after high school. I instead just went to work. I wish I stayed home though because if I lived with my folks I'd easily save 1.2k/mo. But this state has higher wages than my old one.

I'm 23 and I make 90k salaried plus benefits and 401k matching puts me over it if you count that.

What do you do?

sysadmin, devops soon.

clearly this man is unaware of nepotism

People who totalize economic success really viscerally disgust me. Why would you sacrifice the best years of your life like that?

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as many as i want
right now i'm off for 6 days because i worked 3
at work I just watch shit and play vidya or take naps

guess my job

>donations $615

>Why would you sacrifice the best years of your life like that?
To make the worst years of your life a little less painful.

>tfw luckshitted my way through life
I don't know how to feel, feels like I'm taking the spot of someone who truly deserves it but on the other hand I can't really complain about it.

Good luck in school user. I’m 28 and just got my Master’s. Hopefully I’ll land a decent job with it (it’s in physics). One day I hope to return for PhD studies in another scientific field, or perhaps math. But probably not right now.

>sit on your ass all day googling computer problems
>get paid 100k/yr
>manage an the daily operations of a distribution facility
>make 90k/yr
Hmmm, I should go back to school.

So you can have a moment's respite just before your heart gives out at age 70 and you're dumped into a grave

>work 6 days a week for 7hrs at a time
>live walking distance from work, store & family
>keep house clean + stocked and dogs taken care of
>still have at least 4hrs available for GAYMIN every night if if i have the energy for it

I'm 31 so I've given up on my social life which leaves lots of time for GAYMIN and frees up my disposable income for more games

sucking dicks

I'm a prison guard and only have about an hour to game at home. At work I just sit in my control booth playing on my vita and laptop for about 12 hours a day

as long as you enjoy doing it, go for it. I can't imagine even not liking this a little and having to do it for a living.

Do you ever jerk off at work and let the prisoner’s watch

Sounds pretty comfy. How hard is it to get a job like that? Have any interesting prison stories?

why do you work so long

Anywhere between 2-12 hours per day. I unironically wish I had a job. The feeling of being a useless bum that comes with the NEET territory often sours most of my vidya experiences.

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My job I work in pays more if you have a degree, and they don't give 2 fucks what that degree is in. I'm thinking of an art degree because i like art. But I might go for Engineering or IT because they pay well. I know IT is easy because like said it's mostly googling shit. I have a cousin who is a Network admin who pulls in 85k/yr and she literally just google searches every problem her company gives her.

>wake up at 5:30am
>come home 4pm
>grab some food and sit on pc
>vidya for 6 hours and bed

12-hour shifts are pretty common for positions like guards, firefighters, nurses, etc.

Based. Wish I have a job so I can get money

This. Reason why I wanna move outside of physics is because I really don’t like most of it anymore, due to a combination of factors. I’ve always liked bio and computers, and I learned during grad school that I like math more than physics. I’d rather go through the pains of moving into another field than getting involved in a career I wouldn’t be happy in. I was miserable for over half of grad school, so I don’t wanna do that again

I joined a state program so I work 10 hours a day but get a 3-day weekend. I have to share a room with three other people and a facility with 80-100 other people. But it's fun, I get to socialize and put away my whole paycheck. I want to play more vidya though I mainly watch anime.

How does one survive 12 hour shifts?

I have 3 hours a day to play games.

I work 3 days a week in a warehouse.

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An art degree would be dope in that case. I got back into art while I was studying and picked up painting, something I’ve wanted to do since childhood. But you’d get a nice quantitative background (or at least a formal acknowledgment of that background, if you already have it) with readily transferable skills from those other degrees as well.

welp, time for porn

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I live 10 minutes bicycle ride away from my apartment and I buy food at work since we get a big discount so I don't cook so I get about 5-6 hours of vidya a day so it's not the worst

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I work 4 days on OP, 4 days off. I can game for a few hours after work and as much as I want on my 4 off. Can't really complain.

No but transfers occasionally see my manga with scantily clad girls on the cover if I don't put it away.

I got this job at 20 by just picking up a packet at city hall and filling it out. They gave me 6 weeks of training and assigned me to a senior guard. Pretty chill if you've got the stomach to assert dominance over other human beings. That was 5 years ago now and I'm the guy that watches cameras and opens doors via remote control in a nice booth. As for a story, one time a pretty religious inmate tried to tell a couple of other guys about Mormon Jesus but ended up beating them unconscious with a doorknob when they told him to fuck off.

It's normal for this type of gig, I get a week off every couple weeks so it balances out. It's cool cus I make more money than I can spend like this.