So liberals are now blaming the Corona virus on Trump?

So liberals are now blaming the Corona virus on Trump?

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but it's his administration that wants to pray it away instead of actually fighting it.

What should they do, you fucking faggot? Because last I checked the virus came from China. Why aren't you fucking pussies angry with them? Because orange man bad?

>So liberals are now blaming the Corona virus on Trump?
Not that I've seen. But apparently the Chump-in-Chief didn't know that thousands die every year from 'flu. Nobody had told him that.

The entire US government is currently filled with boomers whose only goal is to try and outdo each other in a game political grab ass. They don't really care about the average american and will let black plague 2.0 flood the country if it means they don't look bad
>inb4 its just a flu
Is that why the motherfucking chinks shut down their economy when they refuse to shut down their economy over anything less than a nuclear holocaust?

Did CNN tell you that?

To be fair, it's mostly old people dying from it, just like the flu

>Is that why the motherfucking chinks shut down their economy when they refuse to shut down their economy over anything less than a nuclear holocaust?
I see someone gets his news from Farcebook. Mortality less than 1% - worse then 'flu, it's true, but this is not "Black Death II, The Sequel"

>Did CNN tell you that?
No. I'm not American

Maybe winnie the pooh is just using corona as an excuse to quietly cleanse dissenters and other undesirables? Lock them in their apartments as part of "quarantine measures" then off them with poison food or whatever.

>Did CNN tell you that?
No, Trump did. Look at the second twitter film clip
"Nobody knew that...I didn't know that". Fucking idiot.

>I'm not American
I can tell

We all know Bernie Miller is behind it!

You mean I'm rational and don't fall for fake news? And check my sources before I post?

If that's your understanding of their complaint either willfully ignorant or a fucking moron.

Good luck in life.

>After a month of delay, waffling and hesitation Trump finally and grudgingly concedes to giving the cdc EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS a month too late.
>The same CDC that Trump completely defunded two years ago because it was "unnecessary"
>There aren't even remotely enough test kits. A million were expected today, unfortunately only 75,000 were sent out. maybe next week
>Two nights ago goes on national TV and says that even sick people should go to work -and potentially infect more people
>because he expects as the economy fails - due to his own DELAYS - will reflect poorly on him, which it absolutely does
>the CDC and WHO are constantly correcting his misinformation and literally telling him to stop tweeting incorrect information
Trump didn't start or create COVID-19, but his response has been nothing less than retarded. Literally, BY DEFINITION, retarded.

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Right, so fags like you would prefer open borders so all your sick pets can crawl here and get healthcare with my money. You would love that even, because all your boyfriends are foreigners. Is that right?

This guy!

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No, they are trying to spread the propaganda that Trump thinks the situation is under control this week, then next week they can point to 10 new cases and use it as evidence that he's incompetent, even though it's evidence they manufactured.

You know how I can tell you're a Russian shill? Because not even the dozen trumpfags that I work with even attempted to defend him on this whole mishandled event.

So what should he have done? Since you're such an expert. What could he do that will make fags like you stop crying?

> implying "we" aren't angry at them
> implying there's no such options such as training border controls not to just wave through people coming from china with a cough, taking preventike measures like closing schools and cancelling large events like France is
> implying you're not just projecting your faggotry onto the left

you actually disgust me. not you as in "you people" but you individually OP

I'll tell you exactly what he should have done. 1) He shouldn't have called it a hoax or tried to blame the Democrats because HE TURNED THE WHOLE THING INTO POLITICS. That's #1. 2) He should have taken the whole thing seriously when it was in China, just like the CDC told him to and the WHO told him to. A month ago. When THE REST OF THE WORLD TOOK IT SERIOUSLY. But you wouldn't know that because you're stuck watching fox news. Not every other news media ON EARTH. #3) Given the CDC the money they wanted A MONTH AGO, like they asked. #4) Replaced the nonexistant US Pandemic Response Team WHICH TRUMP FIRED. I could go on and on and on. He should have responded like every expert in the world was telling him to. FOR THE LAST MONTH.

Like I said. Not a single Trumpet at work is defending him at all. He fucked up big time and everyone knows it. Because you'd know that - that's how I know you're just a shill and probably not even American.

Be me.
Live real rural and mostly work online from home.
#safespace, even though sometimes I get kinda swamped.
Spend most of my off time reading news articles and watching YoutTube talking heads.
One day, hear that crisis is coming.
Could get really hairy out there.
Paranoia and agoraphobia triggered.
Secure windows and doors with that sweet plyply.
Add deadbolts, extra locks.
Get a weapon, loads of special ammo.
Can’t practice with it because don’t want to waste bullets or attract attention.
Learn to keep it nice and clean and polished, tho, because OCD.
Obsessively watch martial arts and self-defense vidya.
Start doing jump-rope and pushups and pull-ups religiously.
Got to stay in top-tier physical health.
Construct panic room and set up booby-traps Home Alone-style.
No one knows. Am safe in my citadelle.
One day, longtime friend says he’s coming by.
Ignore the text, but he shows up anyway. He knocks.
Still ignore him, but he won’t stop.
Tell him to go away.
He refuses. He’s worried. Things are getting weird.
Finally let him in. Sigh. He’s the only person I trust.
He’s wearing a gas mask.
Why? What does he know?
Tell him to walk carefully, and only where I walk.
His eyes get wide through his mask’s lenses.
He looks over the boarded-up windows, concertina wire, the gun and its lustrous, shining ammo sitting out on coffee table.
He shakes his head, laughs. His voice is strange through the filter.
“Got yourself ready for Corona-chan too, huh? The WuFlu Boogaloo? Won’t matter if you don’t have a respirator.” He points at the window: “Those aren’t airtight, are they?”
Respirator? Air-tight?
“Yeah. The stores are all sold out already. I got the last mask. Sorry, bon ami.”
What’s he talking about? Corona-chan? WuFlu Boogaloo?
Then it his me. Sacré bleu!
Mfw I realize I’ve spent three months prepping for the goddamn Kung Fu Loup-Garou.

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i mean most of that is correct, but
>>The same CDC that Trump completely defunded two years ago because it was "unnecessary"
not true
>>Two nights ago goes on national TV and says that even sick people should go to work -and potentially infect more people
he said more along the lines of "If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better." of course he should have said they shouldn't go to work, more like a swing and a giant miss for stating what's going to happen and not correct it.

>lets not test
>lets not contain it
>lets make people not give a shit about spreading it
>lets insist our privatised health sector is prepared for the shitfest
You are fucked america. I hope you didnt choose this route

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First of all, he took it far more seriously than you and your team EVER did, and when he tried to close travel to China, faggots like you were parading around saying hur dur Trump is racist. You wanna take the fucking buttplug out of your ass and explain that? Without going on another bullshit orange man bad rant while you're at it. And by the way, you didn't list a single goddamn thing he should do. All you was bitch and rave like a fucking homo.

No I am defending it, because you faggots will cry no matter what the fuck he does. You WANT people to fucking die and the economy to tank, that way you can parade around like faggots saying hehe death to America. But you refuse to get the fuck out.

Trump did do it. He gave Corona to the Chinese because of the trade wars.

Test what you stupid fuck? You're gonna go into China and test every person living there? Oh right they get a pass from fags like you even though that's where the fucking virus came from, because orange man.

He did jack shit AND YOU KNOW IT. I know that you know it. You know that you know it. All of America knows it, although there are retards like you who will suck his dick no matter what. Every country ON EARTH knows it. If there were fucking aliens THEY'D know it. There's no getting around it, there's no propaganda to stop anyone from not knowing it. EVERYONE, including yourself KNOWS that he did jack shit. You know it.

I want everyone to understand this. This retard is blaming the corona virus on Trump for defunding some faggy government entity that nobody cares about 2 years ago, and a virus that came from fucking China, but somehow this comes back on Trump. And if this same retard gets into a car accident, gets mugged by a nigger, or gets AIDS from being a fucking faggot everyday, he will blame Trump for that too. Anything in the fucking book he can find he will blame on Trump.

My god you Trump faggots are so, just so fucking stupid. Just so much stupid.
People pool their money together to scale resources to be able to take measures against things that threaten them collectively. It doesn't fucking matter where the virus came from you raging fucking retard. The State serves to protect you from that threat. Corona Virus is real. It has arrived in the U.S.
Besides getting Mike Pence to fucking pray and tell people everything is ok take a flu shot, WTF is Trump doing abut it?
He dismantled the Pandemic response group "because Obama".
You people are incorrigibly dumb and i really, really hope you get it.

So, through one picture of Mike Pence, already known as a religious man, you have assumed that the administration is going to stop at that and not allow the rest of the government to do anything else? That is some Chinese propaganda tier thinking there smart guy.

Do liberals think at all, or do you simply go with what "feels" best?

I can't wait to throw you fuckers out of helicopters.

267 cases so far and rising.

I can't wait for the sweet sweet sweet sound of tears from Americans blaming everyone else than themselves, because they are filthy people mostly.

Oh I see you have that buttplug jammed DEEP into your fucking asshole, ready to go for pride day. Once again refusing to answer my fucking questions. So if Trump did nothing, that must mean every other country on the motherfucking earth did nothing as well, including your Chinese heroes. Why do you refuse to call them the fuck out? You got some Chinese general standing behind you, cock out ready to jam into your butthole?

>Trump didn't start or create COVID-19
I want everyone to see exactly what I typed right here:
>Trump didn't start or create COVID-19

Now you squirmy little trump cuck, go suck his dick some more.

>Defunding some faggy government entity that nobody cares about about 2 years ago

You realize corrupt, broke, backwater shitty third world countries like Brazil are literally giving away over 30k test kits, have decoded the viruse's genome, and are building specific hospitals and supply lines to deal with this, with a week of first transmission?

You realize how fucking retarded you sound to the rest of the world?

>hurrrr you're gay
Nice response cuck.

it's only going to rise faster here soon

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How about testing at all? How about making the price the same as other countrys? about 50$ - or even free?

Trump just lost every Independent and Moderate vote that he might have had. This will become clear in November.
>t. independent boomer

Well that's the least that Brazil can do, given how utterly shitty that country is. But if it's so great why don't you fucking move there? Right next to your fucking pets. So why aren't you angry with China? They get a fucking pass because you love Chinese cock?

How about you be a fucking man and stop asking the government to take care of you? Am I talking to some fucking nigger?

>Trump just lost the nigger and faggot vote
Fixed that for you, not that anyone cares

>decoded the viruse's genome
What memeory is this? At best they took samples, the virus was decoded by a large international group of people, predominately from China, the EU, and the US. Brazil didn't do anything in that regard.

That implies that it is in any way far fetched that an administration that pardons nazis, hates the gays stalls any progress from election security to climate change wouldn't stop there.

It's not far fetched. Pence is about as trustworthy to make the right calls as Steve Harvey is.

So, tell me. Other than trying to save their faces by not allowing the media into the white house, silencing expert virologists and doing about everything wrong that can be done wrong, what are they doing to fight this shit?

Your government is meant to be there for you to prevent disease and viruses from spreading. Which is why they created the CDC in the US.

Which is funded from taxation paid by civilians. So yes the user is expecting the government to take care of them because they paid for it.

Or are you one of those other idiots who think you have to pay even more to get the help?

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Well, he did provoke Chchchina, so the chchchinks created the virus and let it loose to punish the orange man bad.

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Well yeah good point, Biden ransacked the Southern vote. He will get more of the black vote than Hillary ever could have. I don't know about the gays, I only know that most aren't favoring Trump. But I'm an independent, I've voted Democrat 4 times and Republican 4 times. I don't know about next election in 2024, but this election I'm not voting for Trump. What's going on now is just too fucked up.

Stop moving goalpost you colossal retard. You asked about Trump and respond with "hurr durr but the chinese"

You're in no position to call people gay as someone who sucks up Trumps stupid shtickgaslighting shtick through their goddamn ass.

Do you just not notice how much of a pathetic hypocrite you are, or are you just hoping we don't?

>That's the least Brazil can do
The least a third world country can do is literally a much, much better response to what the U.S. is ABLE to do.
This is the standard people who love shoving tiny orange crusted with make-up penis into their mouths now submits the U.S. to.

Apparently you don't know how fucking retarded you sound to the rest of the world.

I pay taxes you fucking idiot, i demand a government that gets shit done, instead of lobbyist puppet state that enjoys having pharma dick far up their stretched anuses "please Trump daddy, give more of my money to rich people, i need a minimal state because i saw youtube videos"
Fucking KYS

>Dem 4
>Repub 4
>Total contribution 0

You literally voted for people to repeal/replace what the regime before did

I hate how partisan the fed is now, but at least be consistent with who you vote for fuck lol

University of São Paulo and a aprtnership with Oxford University you fucking idiot.

No he doesnt think much. He's one of the guys that will rob a store at for leftover supplys next month as his manufacturing comes to a grinding halt and his infrastructure breaks down
All the while trump repeats its just the flu

Out of all countrys on earth america is the most fucked of them all. Only surpased by maybe nigeria - but I wouldnt bet on that

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Right, the boo hoo give more money to my fucking pets argument. You got a fucking problem with the "rich" but the porch monkey you say nothing. Likely because that's where you find your boyfriend. Fucking ridiculous. And like I say, you wanna be fucking angry point fingers at the fucking Chinese. Which you will never do because you love that Chinese cock on pride day.

I have every right to do as I fucking please, because people like you are fucking hypocrites. The goalposts that are being moved here, is your fucking asscheeks during the pride parade.

I'm not a party sheep sycophant with a preferred media channel, though. Good luck with your confirmation bias disease. I hope you grow out of it, whichever party you're brainwashed by.

I don~t have a problem with the rich. I have a problem with my tax dollars going to the rich. Do you understand the difference? Can you brain make that giant philosophical and sophisticated leap?
I want a government that functions, that looks at a problem and says "Well logically we have to identify spread focus, treat those people, educate on how to combat this disease and reduce it's spread".

But sure, we'll be fine with Mike Pence praying this one away. You raging fucking moron.

>implying i vote first party
I'm not a democrat, and I'm not a republican, I'm an American
I haven't voted first party on principal for years
>inb4 you threw your vote away

You sure as hell can do what you want if you disregard reality and pick and choose facts as you need them to maintain your short bus image of reality

I farted

Someone else died a few minutes again, RIP USA.

Sometimes it's who you don't vote for that matters user. The way Trump mishandled this pandemic is just too fucked up. What happens if real shit goes down? Like a serious war? or a serious natural disaster? No fucking way, I'm off this ride now. I'd prefer Biden, but I'll vote for whoever gets the nom.

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The only thing dumb is that we got faggots like this who actually believe daddy government is going to protect them.