HEH HEH boy rub down my legs, they're coated in pasty shit...

HEH HEH boy rub down my legs, they're coated in pasty shit. Rub the poop around through my slacks and then turn around and fart a lil' so I can smell your insides. Gonna go clean off behind the shed. Pretend not to peek at my wiener and I'll pretend I never shit-raped yer mama.

Attached: andyelder.jpg (600x646, 188.19K)

Can't go too long without that attention you pathetic piece of garbage. Another day of samefagging and the same boring material. Oh boy!

Grow up junior

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Fuck you, child.

Please leave the embryonic state

Coming from an asshole who spends all day posting pictures of shit and thinks it's still funny after four years. Grow up.

You don't get it do you? This is very common for indecisive morons who could not understand Andy Sixx posts. These idiots must postulate supercilious behavior to undermine Andy Sixx logposting, and unsurprisingly, you're one of these idiots.
We tell unintelligent individuals such as yourself to grow up and mature. You think this is all a jocose concept, but in reality, these logposters represent significance about life and feces. I laugh and dance in victory for every post that undermines logposters because deep down, you are insecure.
It is too late to save you, and it is impossible to save everyone.



Hehe stinky

Actually, no, you're just a bunch of immature assholes who have convinced themselves they're part of something 'special'. If you disappeared tomorrow, no one would care.

What incredible humor! I'm in awe of your creative ability.

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So many Roody Poo faggots.

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is that andy's dad or something?

Time to start replying to yourself.

I'll take logposting over LOLI/FURRY/TRIBUTE/BUILT FOR BBC threads any fucking day

That's how you think it's working? Nah bro logs dont work that way.

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People post Andy Sixx images and don't care what happens.

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says the guy responding to the thread

wew log

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That's exactly how it works. Without samefagging you get maybe two replies usually stating what an asshole you are.

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>this rustled by poop

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Actually, I'm done giving you attention. You'll have to make your own, as usual.

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jesus andy christ, people still get butthurt from a good old log of shit thread? you can't change anything, so mature a bit. thank you

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One day all throats will be clogged.

Slidde it.

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>You don't get it do you? This is very common for indecisive morons who could not understand Andy Sixx posts. These idiots must postulate supercilious behavior to undermine Andy Sixx logposting, and unsurprisingly, you're one of these idiots.
We tell unintelligent individuals such as yourself to grow up and mature. You think this is all a jocose concept, but in reality, these logposters represent significance about life and feces. I laugh and dance in victory for every post that undermines logposters because deep down, you are insecure.
It is too late to save you, and it is impossible to save everyone.
Very hard to understand lol

but would you?

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Logging in.

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>four years
it really has hasn't it? I still haven't googled who this is. Still don't care.


Are you laughing at yourself, moron? You're doing exactly what I wrote. Fucking dick.

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Fucking kill yourself already

Eustace running mad again

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god i hate your boring every fucking day samefaggery

It's very good advice. You're worthless.

Imagine the smell... lol

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Sooo funny! You're pooming. Man...

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Must be that complex, highbrow humor that we just don't appreciate, huh?

I'm going to rape you

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Yeah, that's real good. Jesus Christ. Losers and washouts.

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