If this thread still alive 150 minutes from now, I will post a top secret highly classified information

If this thread still alive 150 minutes from now, I will post a top secret highly classified information.

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are you the hacker Yas Forums?

checked this is now a dubs thread

Check these out.

Sage and hide, kids. If OP had anything worth leaking it wouldn't happen here on some silly stipulation. Pretty sure one of the last times something significant leaked here was several years ago when traffic and thread creation was so out of control the thread actually got bumped off without a single reply. Faggots were too busy playing risk or hunger games or beating their cocks to notice.

How do you sage?

you just did lol. sage

I don't get it. So posting sage is saging? What does it do?


>newfag detected

checked odds

it says that some neckbeard is butthurt because he saw a shit thread its like saying this thread is shit kys op

YAWN. This is now troll pasta.

OP is a faggot

Dubs dont lie

Nah we'll pass, thanks.

No you won't you lying sack of shit don't you even come on here trying to fool nobody. Nobody believes you for a second you no good lying little shit you.

Fuck you

> "... I will post a top secret highly classified information " ;

Is it that shit about the U.F.O.s ?

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Can't put together a proper sentence.
Cant correctly name level of classification.

Definitely has "a top secret highly classified information".

Can't wait XD

op here
the world governments have been in contact with "aliens" since the late 40s
they do not travel here in "ufo"s, those are disinfo to distract from the truth
the "aliens" actually materialize here by altering their vibrational frequency
there are about 18 different species of them
two of them are in a war, and it is unsure which ones we are in contact with are the "good guys"
the "aliens" offered us technology and information in return for being allowed to study our civilizations (not by abductions, though, there is contradictory theories that those are perpetrated by the "bad guy aliens") but the US gov did not accept the deal
the "aliens" warned us of a meteor that will impact earth in 2029
there will be no "disclosure" or "reveal" as they can only appear in this physical reality for short periods of time and only a few can be here at a time (army sizes can't really come)
they also made startling revelation that this physical reality is not what we think it is and that everything is basically just a physical manifestation of combined super conscious thought that we all join back into after our energy leaves these physical bodies.
supposedly our race was enslaved and we were kicked out of the group and this is why the "war" started

63 minutes you said 150 op

maybe op is one of those dimensional aliens and time doesn't work for him like it does for us? probably some larping fag
ignore it

So fucking gay, wow

He lives


Waiting faggot op


Don’t start that shit again

Can you please stop with these, we don't want anymore of your tard info stick it in ur mom.

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Almost XD

doubt this is real but why not

bump for occasional actual classified information, it has happened here before

2 minutes

op kys


Almost time


Fuck you all


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op will shirley deliver

the color of your underwear isn't considered highly classified by most people.


OP can't deliver the government had 150 minutes to find and silence him he is dead already


Hope its good shit user

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did the government fucking lynch you? post faggot it's time

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C'mon OP


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Consciousness is a non local singularity.

You’re a lying cum-breathed faggot.

here's your (you) faggot

OP here, the coronavirus are nanobots activated by 5G from the burgers you guys eat.

Bump again

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This is so much fun! I just love being trolled on Yas Forums...

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