I workout with this 9 year old girl. She's super fit and has an amazing body. She's very strong too...

I workout with this 9 year old girl. She's super fit and has an amazing body. She's very strong too. I'm not a pedo at all but she's really mature and I'd probably date her if it wasn't illegal (we already hang out and have lunch and stuff)

AMA Yas Forums

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when are you going to kys?

>not a pedo
>would date a 9 year old

Eat shit you sick fuck

cool story bro


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>9 year old girl. She's super fit and has an amazing bod
>I'm not a pedo
This is how you sound

I know some young girls that have better than bodies than 30+ year old landwhales

Damn beat me to it.

Youre a pretty fucked up guy, OP.

Meh disgusting but you'll probably be in the lgbtq group soon anyway

She does look pretty concentrate in OP pic though.girks that workout are a lot more mature than ones that aren't. Not justifying Op or anything

Okay pedo

A lot of 12 year old teens have amazing bodies btw I'm not even a pedo just stating fact

Fact: Since op hasn't answered only question in thread means he is biggest faggot on today

Well by definition, attraction to as 12 year old isn't pedo it's hebe

>implying she’d even be into you


More pics bro

If you're attracted to a child you are a pedo

I want to be cucked by an irl loli and work hard to be hers .

What does this make me?

Prove it nigger.

post pics of your body, you fat piece of shit

Ha! Yep

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All laws must be abolished.
A world without laws is heaven.

Bait, but gives me another chance to say fuck pedos, and I hope one by one you all get fucked by the fbi.

>A world without laws is heaven.

If you get home today and all your stuff is stolen, what will you say?

"Heaven" ?


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If I had a 9 year old Loli to hold me and make things better than yeah

>what will you say?

girls with abs thread

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This is what happens when you are a beta neet. Can't even handle a normal woman in your fantasies so you start fantasizing about literally the only thing within you level of control.

also without abs

ur mad cus little girls are precious to you so u come up with reasons why the other person is not a good person and then you tell them to try to hurt them cus your so upset inside. :/

"ur not a strong man that is better than other men and you don't have a job!"

lol ur so sad user. so sad

Lucky sob

Fuck your nigger ass back off to reddit.

I remember this copypasta from five years ago you fucking retard

same picture, too

so how do you explain all the pedos that are submissive

you view women as "a thing to control"?
what a small man you must be

so if I'm attracted to a girl who is 17 and 364 days old I'm a pedo?

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This is the first time I posted this you fucking dumbass piece of shit

Thats pedo logic, shes not mature shes imitating adults to learn until she can form her own logical ideals as a grown up.

>date her if i could

The only reason to date a person rather than just be friends is to fuck them.

>OP confirmed to wanting to fuck a kid if it wasn't illegal

Threads fake and OP is a loser and a pedo.


If the air does not want you to fly then why does gravity pull you towards the sun. Ghosts confirmed. Take that muslims.

but adults also imitate adults, how else did they learn to become an adult?

I would fuck that 9 year old girl and i'm a fully grown ass man with a big ass beard. mmmm would love to pump every one of her little holes with my cum.

you're also a pedo, you just don't know it yet

Why is a 9 y o lifting weights?

to show us her little booty

Can't working out like that at so young an age fuck up normal development?

9 year olds are underappreciated wife material, you literally have to find them this young to lock in a based wife now days otherwise they become corrupted sluts within a few years (the good looking ones anyway).

To waggle her rear in front of all the 40+’s at the gym.

it's literally the worst thing in the universe like Hitler mixed in with being a white male.

So you're not only a pedo but a dumb fucking pedo? Its all adding up now.

It depends on your age and your intentions and lastly their consent.

> she's really mature and I'd probably date her

Just checking - are you a prophet and did you ever write a koran ?

With what purpose?

>wait a day
>everything is ok

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and even that is a long shot cus of social media and the infinite thirsty male attention they get at literally any age

Between the abs and her being 9 my dick is inside of my body.


If you prefer prepubescent girls to post-pubescent girls exclusively, then you are a pedophile. If not, then you aren't.

For example, if a guy is stuck in prison and there's a slightly effeminate guy he can get to suck his dick, but he'd never otherwise choose a guy over a female if given options, he's not really gay he just wants his dick sucked.

Or where you live, that bitch has been legal in my area for 1 year and 364 days.

18 is for necrophiliacs

Thanks to that low bodyfat she won't have a normal puberty and maybe end up barren, what the libs want.

>I would date her if it was legal.

and you say no pedo


Did someone say abs?

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She doesn't receive that from her parents? Bad parents

Only if the Insta mothers pass on the Indian comments

holy fuck , sweet

let the cooming begin.

Well I'm not going to marry her when she grows up if she does that

Most of the girls that attract pedophile just do it because they need attention

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How does she smell after a workout?

God dammit. I am eating cereal, i have no time for this!

I think the type of attention she wants is less likely to come from her parents, specifically.

More abs.

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I just don't like wasting my money in vidya.

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Saying kys gets you banned from reddit. Dumb nigger.

The way I see it, imagine if for some reason, you got attention from girls everywhere you went. Major thirst from all directions at all times. You might find it hard not to become a stuck up, egotistical man slut.

Is this the teddy bear girl? Sure looks like her

yes... yes.. keep the "abs" coming

literally not how it works

fuck , my tongue would be licking her liver

>I don't understand what the words I use mean.

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Less visible abs but it looks like she maintains a good diet.

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How old is she? I’m scared to admit it but god damn, Yas Forums really has made me into a pedo.

Very fit.

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I can see the abs, they are clear as day. Very nice, this thread is inspiring me to work out and adopt a healthy life style. keep going user.

And you don't think that pedos need attention as well? They obviously need love from a girl similar to their mothers because they had bad mothers.
Parents can molest as well. What happens behind closed doors...
I've had sex with one girl in my whole life and she left me. Who the fuck are you talking to?

i don't know what you're talking about.
Also she is 19 now so it is legal to fap to her

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Female features? check
Male biology? check
Not an absolute faggot? check.

Don't sweat it user. you're fine.

Very tall for someone like her.

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she has normal bodyfat

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