Doomsday prepping

Doomsday prepping

What have you got stockpiled?

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to take your stockpile

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Just one bullet from my hunting rifle takes you down. From the comfort of my living room chair. Come and get it wanna be.

What the fuck are you two retards doing?

I had a similar line of thinking. Spaghetti is easy and it won’t goto waste. Although your choice in sauce is disappointing.

Imagine being brainwashed to the point you play Vault 101 in your mind and go spend real money for an imaginary apocalipse

... it's so good being non american because I got to see there's something somebody worst than the last one you had to witness.

You're fucking retarded. No, seriously. You have a very low IQ.

Chef here. Flour, rice, dried pasta, canned food will stay basically good forever if stord airtight and dry. Also you are unlike with frozen stuff not dependant on electricity to keep them good.

Canned sauces or in glasses will last forever.

You apparently haven’t seen the empty stores in the city. Thankfully the further out you get it isn’t that bad, but we will see as things ramp up. Doesn’t hurt me to buy a few things that are shelf stable. I’m not poor.

You apparently lack the knowledge concerning the superior numbers stupid people always wielded against not-demented people.

I'll leave you thinking about the reason why things have always been like that and you constantly seem to do what other sheeps do.

Muffredahm of showing to the people I'm not poor, as if it matters anything. Muh stuff to stock up my house with. Muh cahntry.

You plan on carrying all those at once? I dont see a single bullet. Not worried about you or the "virus"

That took me too long

tfw 3rd world NEET who mainly survives on pizza and tendies, havent even gone outside since like 2018, i aint even worried about this gook flu, have fun playing Fallout, burger mutts

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>Just one bullet from my hunting rifle takes you down. From the comfort of my living room chair. Come and get it wanna be.

Just one deathly glance from my almighty presence takes you down. From the comfort of my living room chair. Come and get it wanna be.

Statistically speaking, constantly putting yourself in life threatening situations makes you the first to die.

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You’re fucked when you run out of water

No fucking pasta or tinned tomatoes in Tesco today. I hate the general public

do we really need another reason to consume

I don´t believe in doomsday.

Staying alive is a pretty good reason to consume. Feel free to opt-out.

Imagine being an edgelord and thinking that someone who buys lots of canned goods will throw them out for some reason when it turns out they don't need them. Learn how adult products work. This shit will be used before it goes bad. But this board is full of NEETs, so I can't expect them to know real world things since mommy buys all your stuff for GB points.

- 20 lb brown rice (I should have got white for longevity, but I'm more worried about temporary Corona Virus huggabaloo)
- Iodized Salt
- Various Legumes, specifically pinto beans.
- Huge supply of purified water
- cereals
- canned foods

I mean my goal is to survive long enough for things to get better, not survive a post apocalypse. At that point I'm just joining the Road Warriors, WITNESS ME, SHINY AND CHROME!!!!

Tunafish, water, pills, whisky, jellybeans, tobqacco, lube

I'm prepared.

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I've got plenty of firearms and ammo. When I need food I'll just take it from one of you.

It's going to be a thing of beauty that moment when supply chains slow down and you're even 3 or 4 days without the ability to go grocery shopping.

Would be a damn shame if viruses don't get effected by freezing on things like tendies or frozen pizza.
Would also be a shame if the people who make these things were to be infected

My family owns land in the mountains, there are 2 creeks filled with ice cold pure water and trout and 200 acres of forest with rabbits and deer and plants like wild onions. I can grow sweet potatoes myself. The only stockpiling I have to do is enough gas to get there and enough bullets and shells to kill any city retard that wanders too close. I welcome a societal collapse, I pray for one daily.

Idk looks like he will be the one putting ppl in life threatening situations

>be me
>gonna die

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wich is your favorite

I have a self sustaining garden and a shit ton of canned food. plus a small river full of bass and catfish 100 yds away

Preppers are just cattle fattening themselves for the wolves coming to their door.

He'll be known as violent and then he'll last a few nights before a mob justifiably exterminates him for their own safety.

the only reason to stockpile now is because people are panic buying everything and there will be a shortage of goods
not because of worries about the virus, because people are panic buying
thats all

I'm fully prepped and very well armed. I'd turn them into compost for next years tomatoes, or jerky for my dogs. But not before being a gentleman and thanking them for the free delivery of guns and ammo.

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Underappreciated trips of truth.

>small river full of bass and catfish 100 yds away
Enjoy your mercury poisoning.

Which actually sucks. Cause I liked fishing.

Cope. Us real looters will get you in the parking lot while you are trying to load groceries in car

>eating fish for two months will kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your retarded ass doesn’t see all the spare magazines/clips/bullet holders in there?

>Us real looters
Shouldn't you be in school?


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Since 2017 I made over $350,000 but currently there is $2 in my bank so I can’t afford to buy anything.

>small river
>bass and catfish
>mercury poisoning

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If you’ve only started prepping now in response to the gook flu hysteria you’re an unprepared normie.

Like you won't eventually be discovered and overwhelmed...

Does you guys think coronavirus is as big as they say?

by who? some 14 year old on Yas Forums who thinks he's rambo?

for most demographics, no. i live in the california county where a death occurred so there's a lot of hysteria out here. i think i caught it a few weeks ago, had all the symptoms and was down for a few days with a bad migraine and sore throat and pissing from my ass. i keep in good health though, i exercise and take my vitamins and eat well and all that. i can definitely see how it would be deadly to immuno-compromised or elderly folk though.

doubtful, you gotta sleep sometime rambo

been playing rust gonna be looting.

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>No water or gas/electricity services.

You going to the river and collect firewood too??

sweet gay ass posters



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im ready to ride that shockwave and get yeeted into a wall or some shit idk



loli slaves

Flour, dried yeast, sugar and canned tomatoes are about 80% of it.
I also bake a lot of bread, so the flour is never too old.

I don't think pasta lasts that long user

Most threads on Yas Forums tell something else

I cook pasta pretty often kinda my fav

that is not gonna last the year on the shelf before it goes bad

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Weed and beer.