What's your drug of choice bois?
What's your drug of choice bois?
Used to be a big coke head, don’t know where to get it anymore tho, plus having a family
A cube of sugar with lsd on it
Is that something people do?
Go to a dive bar and look around probably tbh. I found my guy after I came out of a club in Downey
Winners don't use drugs. Dumb faggot
Sure they do, idk if theres any difference though whether its on some paper or sugar
Tripping balls on some lsd with a friend rn so definitely acid haha
weed. i get addicted to shit too easily, have done a bunch of hard drugs, but i can manage to not destroy my life if i just smoke
anandamide and phenethylamine
I don't do any drugs, including caffeine
I have never broken a single bone nor gone to a hospital for issues relating to myself
I don't take vitamins or medicine or anything but I am always in excellent health, I do not remember the last time I was sick
Anything less than this means you are weak and pathetic, I love my life and have many friends, I don't get sad and I make friends with everyone I meet. Stop doing drugs and you can have what I have
smoke every night? how u handle the "gettin used to it" aka psych addiktion?
13 year everyday smoker here, some days rlly fuck my mind/mood badass
It's 4:22 a.m. right now and I've been doing coke all night, how can I sleep ? I'm on my third joint already and it doesnt seem to help
ejaculate it out of your system
A man of culture I see
LSD and acids are the superior drug choice, no od, less addictive and makes you creative
Jesus, you haven't lived through your twenties user...
Do yourself a favor and try acids with friends, at least once
If all of that is true why are you on Yas Forums at this hour?
opiates. Used to be a weekend warrior. A ball of fuego, 8r of funk and a 5th of crown. Would last me the weekend. Without a 40 there was no way I was going to be ready for monday though. Do they even sell oxy anymore? Fuck Im old.
Meth was, but I have 26 days clean
I'm inbetween jobs kek, I kinda wanna take up investing because I'm really enjoying this whole not working thing
I am in fact 19
Plenty of time to get cancer or hit by a bus yet, why not do some drugs and live a little?
Oh then you still have time not to waste the best years of your life being a nun
You'll be fine
I said the same shit when I was around his age, then you get to college and you're bound to experiment a little, I'm sure he'll change his convictions
I used to think it was x or molly.
I did it and felt so happy i couldnt stop smiling.
Then i tried it years later and it was lame like a lazy river ride, i just talked all night.
Either the shit i had was the real shit and the new stuff was watered down gay furry shit
Acid all the way. It has been way too long since I done any and been dying for it forever but ever since I first took it. It changed be and has been my number one drug of choice.
I found the sugar cube is the best method personally
Oh the classics: Psilocybin, LSD and DMT
how can I tell whether a recreational drug will interact badly with my psychmeds?
when i'm holding yeah, i smoke everyday, but usually just in the evenings unless i have nothing else to do. been smoking for like 20 years now, but take pretty long breaks if a plug falls through or whatever. haven't smoked in probably three months, but want to find a hookup soon. the psychological addiction can be a bitch for a couple days when i go dry. compared to opiate withdrawals though, it's nothing. hope they fucking legalize it here soon.
Not counting marijuana, LSD with cocaine coming at a close 2nd
Nothing like a first roll. I think MDMA is the best thing I've ever taken, but it's one of those catches where every subsequent time is not quite as good as the one prior.
Flipping it with a psych can revamp the experience, but it's never quite the same as that first pure, innocent euphoria of bumping some quality moll.
What are you taking?
I've never done any opiates and I dont have any right now. I'm gonna roll 2 fat joints with some kief that I have been storing up for a while... Hopefully it's gonna make me able to sleep
20mg roxanol and ms contin I’m a morphine junkie lul
6+ years a daily smoker, i took 2 years off weed just to see how it feels and know that i can do it. Nowdays i smoke about once a week. Sometimes less, sometimes more. It's the best so far. (Being completely off weed sucked and wasnt even good for me)
Erowid . org
22 years old
excluding weed/drink currently I like DMT, Ketamine, and Adderall when I need to focus. I love acid but I just don't have time even at my young age to trip for 12 hours.
Jesus Christ.
Nothing has fucked up more people throughout history.
Anything senpai
30M here
Usually XTC/MDMA/Coke
I discovered recently 2C-B - Perfect drug in medium dosis (half of a pill is enough)
Tried multiple times with friends at house nights, no one is too high (no big hallucination), every just vivid and you laugh a lot!!!
Any activity with it is a huge amount of fun.
And it's quite cheap (like xtc).
user, friendly advice, try it.
25mg Quetiapine, 1000mg epilizine, 150mg venlor xr, and I think 10/20mg escitalopram
I miss a good smoke with my friends. That one webm that has been making the rounds always takes me back.
Meth ftw!
fucking hell thanks
THC, LSD, psilocybin and DMT
Antipsychotics...? You got mood stabilizers? Niggah u fuckin up lol.
Caffeine for mornings
Cannabis and/or Alcohol for casual use/end of day wind-down
MDMA for music events
LSD for nature walks or introspection
Zopiclone ain't worth the taste it leaves behind
Poppy seed tea with alcohol and weed made for a great night, but I'm not touching it again after how keen I felt on giving it another go, opiates are dangerous kids
Do you happen to have that webm saved? I don't know which one you're referring to
Poppy seed tea is the way to go
No probs user, it's a great resource that I feel used to be much more known of. Share it around. Knowledge is safety when it comes to illicit substances and medications
lol just gotta do what the nice doctor says
Yeah i made some very interesting art lieces if you are interested in seing them they are kinda shit but i had fun making them
yeah basically I can't take any drugs then. I'm scared of these meds and that article about venlafaxine withdrawal is spot on. I also tried going off them on my own and got fucked up
Well most people aren't gonna paint a Picasso on LSD
You got pics?
cheap, easily accesible, non-illegal
minimal health issues (depletes vit B12 but I'm no vegan, I don't have to worry)
leaves a mellow and pleasant feel throughout the day even after the minute blast
music feels fenomenal, shrooms and weed can't ever get on that level
ODing just makes you fall asleep for a while
pretty much enhances experience of any other drug and makes it better, even the shit drugs like datura
Im not familiar with anything you said you're taking, but provided they're not medications literally keeping you alive or sane, coming off is a really solid goal to work towards. A key part of it is being in the right place to be coming off.
This is purely anecdotal, but in my experience, tapering down properly is really effective when coming off pharms with withdrawals. Work down to the lowest dose possible. Then start halving your pills. Then take your half-pills, half as often, and so forth. Half life can impact on this, though in theory my meds should have fked me up more taking them half as often, yet it worked for me.
That being said, appropriate timing is the most important. Wanting to not be taking things is one thing, but knowing you're legitimately ready is something else. This applies to my own experience with SSRI anti-depressants/anti-anxieties, so it may not apply to you, but the info on erowid was really helpful in keeping me safe whilst taking various illicit substances whilst on prescription meds. Keep on keeping on user
You know what? I am so fucking pissed off about the shitty meth that has been everywhere since 2014. All the new shit does is give you high blood pressure. I saw what was around in 1993, there is no comparison and to find your drug of choice, accept the sacrifice that the system forces you to make, and then change the rules when you are in balls deep. Now they can claim "Oh, it's deadlier than ever". It's not fair.
Literally coffee
you are just living the pussy lifestyle. You can have all that plus soft drugs but that requires not being a weakling
Nurse here. I really like weed,and I got my medical card. I do coke every now and then at the club.
What I really like is acid, and given my profession I just never made the friends or social group to find it. Horrible really, I'd love to be able to take a trip.
gee thanks that's really insightful. I'll take careful consideration in future. the venlor xr was just the strongest antidepressant I could get and the others are basically to suppress my anger and stabilise mood
Where are you from?
>Nurse here
Why would you tell anyone that you're a MALE nurse? You disgust me.