What were the 90s like?

What were the 90s like?

>t. 2000 zoomer

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First nigger president

There was a lot more money. And you could get away with being a slacker at work.

I was born in 91 so I'm not the best to ask but it was cool as far as I can remember. Communications networks weren't as disseminated as they are now, going on vacation to a ski resort we had no cell signal or internet for the entire time we were there. Graphics in games and even cartoons was improving almost annually so there was always something exciting to look forward to. Maybe it was my youth but it felt like things were just going to keep getting better and better.

they felt almost exactly like it does now only now we have even less incentive to leave our homes because we can just shitpost at each other in relative comfort. before you had to risk actually offending people and having to apologize. now we just air our shit out and tell everyone to deal and disappear when they don't

>clinton got impeached from getting a bj from a close personal friend/co-worker
>trump's impeachment was acquitted even though he paid for unprotected sex with a pornstar, openly bribed adversarial nations to manipulate the US voters, and put 100s of farmers in debt due to his personal market manipulations
What did Republicans mean by this?

drugs were better
people weren't spasticated by smart-phones

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>what did republicans mean by this
they meant for you to stop skipping doses of your meds

40 year old xoomer here. First half was great, everyone was happy the cold war was over and everyone loved America. Things started to go bad in the 2nd half of the decade: Clinton scandal, Rap metal and Nighop replacing RnR, proliferation of CGI in movies, reality shows on every channel, gayshit being promoted as normal in media.


Pre-internet I would actually spend most of the day outdoors. Can you imagine?

Compared to the post-iphone/facebook/twitter hell we live in now it was heaven, but so was almost any previous decade.
A lot of our current trashiness feels born in the 90s.

How can drugs be better? They’re the same chemicals no?

I had dial up in the 90s and would still spend most of the day outdoors.

I wasted my teenage years getting drunk and being high. Nobody had a job and we were told that just wait that baby boomers go to pension there will be jobs for you (not true). Yeah well atleast I got laid. Soviet Union collapsed right wingers got an collective orgasm. As a plus side there were no alt-right crybabies

Clinton lied to the Supreme Court multiple times. Did you even know that? Look up some facts before you type anything else. Because you don't know shit and will turn a blind eye to actual crimes committed by someone. Fucking idiot.

I only got 56k dial up circa 1998

I don't fucking remember

Full of hope.

She was an intern in her early 20s and he was the most powerful guy on Earth. That's like saying shelf stacker #48521 and Jeff Bezos are Amazon 'co-workers'

It was a simpler time.

If you didn’t go to a rave in 1997 and trip balls while watching some dude spin glow sticks around I don’t know what to tell you

it's too bad the US never became a benevolent hegemon in the post-cold war world.

What the fuck are you talking about? The US is run by jews and that would be a bad thing.

It really was. Technology was ever evolving and the future felt bright. Instead we got whatever the fuck you call this nightmare we live in.


Jewish technocracy.

Comfy as fuck


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very 90ish i still remember my modem doing his modem noises and going to warez to download my vidya or have my napster downloading a single song every hour.

He lied multiple times under oath, and he was a lawyer. Lost his law license. Hmmm....

born in 85 and grew up in western europe

because it was my childhood it might not be the most accurate representation but from what i remember people were just more positive and carefree. especially when i listen to music from that time there seems to be a lot more emphasis on just being happy and being in love.

i remember at 12 years old i could go to 16+ movies in the cinema if my dad just bought the tickets, things were a lot more laid back then.

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it's run by the military-industrial complex, the oil lobby and the israel lobby, which are all supported by the deep state

Gee Billy are you really saying that in capitalism the system is run by the biggest capitalists?


>manipulate US voters by exposing Joe Biden’s corruption
How terrible

you sound like a huge faggot
never reply to me again

Is it weird that I can still vividly remember the first porn jpg I downloaded off compuserve in like 1993? It was called alone.jpg and it was just some woman fingering herself. I can remember everything vividly like it was yesterday. Why does my brain hold onto that moment the same way you would remember super important life milestones like having a kid or meeting your future wife.

Found the zoomer in the thread. Cry as much as you want but you can't stop me. Stay mad

Real Presidents paint.

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Drugs were stronger, Ecstasy would give you a 8hr high, coke was like rocket fuel. All relatively cheap.
Raves were prevalent, people weren’t running around chopping each other up with machetes.
Music was good, clubs had a great vibe about them.

Work was easier and less stressful, perhaps it’s rose-tinted and easier because I was lower down the food chain in my career. I don’t know.

I think fondly of the 90’s, not because of my age and the responsibilities I have now, but because we genuinely had a good time without much shit going on.

Turn on the telly now and it’s dreadful shite that’s pumped into your brain, zombies walking around on smartphones and the internet being a clusterfuck.

I live a good life now, UKfag with a healthy family, a nice car, motorbikes, good holidays - but works is a fucking meat-grinder and the fun times and drugs stopped long ago.

Some of the young’uns at work talk about their weekends on a Monday morning, and they haven’t fucking lived. I hold nothing against them, in fact they would have adored the times that we had.

One thing that’s much better now, cars - in the 90’s a fast car was something considered to be quite slow by factory standard these days! What a great time to live if you can afford something whizzy.

Yes lads. Fucking loved the 90’s.

>the future felt bright. Instead we got whatever the fuck you call this nightmare we live in.
the loss of hope hurts the most

Fellow xoomer here (need a different name but whatever), this user is correct. First half = great, second half = pretty lame but still better than now

Sounds like you just grew up during the middle of the decade because i feel exactly the same about 2010's and i'm 26.

>What was it like when you were a child
>Well, everyone was happy and I was happy too. Everything was new and exciting and hopeful.

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>Work was easier and less stressful, perhaps it’s rose-tinted and easier because I was lower down the food chain in my career. I don’t know.
People left their work at work and email didn't constantly inundate people.

Republicans have 0 morals and integrity. The whole "family values" thing is just a cover to get retarded evangelic racists to vote for them so they can cut taxes for a few select groups. Behind the scenes most are faggots who can't stop having sex with men and boys as well as use hard drugs. Any conservative with an iota of decency, say Mitt Romney, will go from being worshiped to publicly castigated as a subhuman cuck for daring to challenge the party line.Trump openly brags about his adultery and multiple divorces and beer guzzling 80-IQ truck drivers react like teen girls did to the Beatles because they think it's "manly".

Were there any girls in those raves?

Owning a CD felt like owning a piece of majesty. Not because of the technology itself but also because the music was probably hip and in vogue that it got you instant cred and made you cool. Also, almost everything on TV was based af.

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The 90’s was just proof that it was the 80’s but reloaded for younger millennials. Plus the 2000’s kids make 90’s kids more annoying than they already are.

I only remember it as a kid growing up and not from the boomer perspective, but:
- everyone was far more relaxed
- you had the hilariously old fashioned yet comfy oldest generation, the more fashionable yet still completely out of touch adults, the downer older kids that wore baggy jeans and huge oversized alien shirts, and then of course us enlightened kids
- TV and BOOKS kicked ass for children. Everything catered to young kids but especially books were of exceptional quality. We had amazing hand me down series from the previous two decades, and the still older classics from the late 1890s onwards which was when books and tales for children really started being mass produced, and everything in the 1990s were about a revival of children stories from from that period, stuff like The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Secret Garden, Peter Pan etc in popular media.
- Dial up internet that was hilariously inept that disconnected whenever someone lifted their phone. Long conference calls with friends were awesome (you would call a friend, then after he answered switch the line call another friend and switch back and a huge group of you would be able to talk together, basically the predecessor to icq/irc and msn messenger)
- Golden era of PC games for kids. Lots of imaginative point and click animated adventures and experimental storytelling and educational experiences. The Incredible Machine, Encarta Mindmaze, Gobliiins, Super Solvers Treasure Mountain/Midnight Rescue, Sierra ADI, Victor Vector and Yondo, Lego Island etc. Internet was the wild west. You had an abundance of weird and wonderful sites. Some people would upload their entire family album online for public viewing with weird esoteric greek references and quotes on each page, sites had extremely personalized with specialized interests.
- 'science' games for kids were popular, like those puzzle blocks or toys you can buy in the gift store of science museums. Logic puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles were pop

There was a pretty dramatic cultural shift at about '96 leading into the late 90s, I would argue for the worse but that's just my opinion

romney is quite literally a subhuman cuck though

The whiter, the comfier. So yes.

100% this, it’s actually a part-time job to try and keep work separate from personal life, I have 2 mobiles, one for work and the other is my own - it’s a fucking nightmare but means I can separate the two quite easily.

Work is a mission though, and the stresses of it do bleed into home life. Fuck work, man.

As far as the UK went, the youth had more of a spiritual bond with eachother, very rarely took an interest in politics and inturn didn't let politics split and polarise them like politics have divided the youth today.

I'd go back in a heartbeat

Shut the fuck, the world changed when i turned 22 and became this hellish reality and it has nothing to do with me personally.

in what way were drugs better?

Strange if the drugs were really that much stronger back in the day. But yeah i feel clubs and parties had a more special feel to them already in the early 2010's compared to now, but i don't think it's different for the partying youth.

In the 90s, chances are you were a massive wrestling fan.

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things started going south after 97 when american mass media started pushing nighop and gayshit

yeah, so jews.

yeah, I watched all that shit
flipped between nitro and raw on mondays

I agree

The world changed when I was 11, and the World Trade Center collapsed. After that, media promoted fear and politicians capitalized on it to invade on the rights of the American people.

Subsequently 7 years later, the subprime mortgage charade came falling down and I graduated to a completely destroyed economy. Then the iPhone, the Internet becomes this completely normal thing inextricable from our lives and the fear and paranoia of self-perception starts to leak into people's lives allowing them to be more connected, yet more isolated than ever before. People get drunk at parties less and just work all the time to afford nice shit to show off on Instagram. There's a genuine pattern of fear that seeps into the minds of the youths, causing self-conscious construction of new art and culture from people who don't want to push boundaries as their every moment could easily be recorded and posted online for ridicule by the masses. This device polices the youth to become boring and complacent, and also depressive. The political system has become completely rigged in an overt way, but no one seems to care, and most media become unoriginal sequels and the flynn effect dies down and we become a fatter, dumber, more depressive society constantly trying to pretend we're happy to the dismay of other depressive people.

I watched America die, I feel.

nah 9/11 happened

western society got dealt a massive blow that day that it still hasn't recovered from and maybe never will

Never understood what was so great in this.

They weren't.

All the faggots who nostagise 90s in this thread. You were faggots then and you are faggots now. You are nothing and you will never accomplish anything. Fuck the zoomers too

seething cuck

It was the absolute peak of wrestling from a creative standpoint. It's when it stopped being an athletic contest and became more a television show. It was also mostly viewed by the college crowd, who were at the forefront of everything popular.

The idea of human existence to be to "accomplish" something is kind of a new phenomena. People used to be okay with just getting by and having a good time, and culture was better for it.

Now you have to make some shitty app for fat women to be a "constructive member of society," because your net worth matters more. It's so tiresome.

> mom don’t pick up the phone for the next 14 hours I’m downloading an album!

Old fag here (1987). The 90s were okay because we didn't have cell phones or good internet but kids were still vidya addicted faggots who didn't want to go outside to do fun shit but sit indoors all day making Mario wahoo.

Consumerism exploded. You were no longer a somebody if you didn't have a McMansion and an Audi. Kids toys began to be kikified with a GOTTA HAVE EM ALL philosophy. Kids were literally stabbing each other over Pogs, Pokemon cards, Furbies, etc.

The great browning began in earnest this decade, among other shitlib policies. Every show had to have token minorities and smart sassy women who didn't need no man. In real life, millenial girls were still whores but they were stuck up pretentious whores, and our formerly white communities began to fill up with immigrants.

Autists born from parents who had delayed their families for careers began to show up in massive numbers. Anti-bullying campaigns ensued because weak emotionally stunted autismos couldn't handle friendly teasing or male banter. Any retard who wanted to stay home playing video games all day with burnt out dopamines was declared to have ADHD and stuffed with pills. This was the dawn of the great pharmaceutical poisoning, resulting in events like Columbine which ruined schoola forever, and opiate addicted moms fretting about stranger danger while leaving their kids to grow up as latchkeys because their prescription and suburban house meant mom and dad had to work combine 100 hours a week.

I could go on, but generally the 1990s weren't this awesome fun time end of the good days era zoomers and younger millenials make it out to be. The 1980s were the last half decent decade to be a white westerner in.

In the UK at least it was mostly brits peddling them out - where I was it was all local lads getting shit from local lads who got from...etc.etc.

In the last 10 years it’s gone from that to Rab the Romanian or Latvian Lemmy, and everything is chopped up more. The Eastern block lads like to get their money’s worth.
Methedrone didn’t help as it was legal, cheap and because it was bought in bulk it found its way into everything.

And like the user up there said, Acid - although we went to Amsterdam for that,ironically.

I’m no fucking junkie, nor am I a scientist - but we did make the weekends count.
Before that wave stuff was just stronger overall.

>'science' games for kids were popular

I remember those.

Nowadays it would all be tranny bullshit.

Someone asked so people answered.

Zoomer OP here. Easily most informative and interesting post, thank you.

Consumerism exploded in the early 80's and died down in the early to mid 90's.

It wasn't until the late 90's that conspicuous consumption and wealth idealization became such a thing again.

The OJ trial was MASSIVE

9/11 was much bigger in terms of cultural impact, but shit part of me wants another OJ trial. Some beloved celebrity suspiciously kills some people and tries to get off even though 95% think they're guilty.

Celebrity murderers since OJ either kill themselves (Benoit) or are retarded and obviously guilty (Aaron Hernandez)

>believing this shit

Stronger, cleaner

Early 90s ecstacy was insanely strong and nice and clean high. You could stay up for 2-3 days dancing the entire time and feel absolutely fine until you stop and come down

This is true

keep slurping your owners cock

having sex is not a crime, incel

I remember listening to the OJ verdict at class on the radio. Like the whole school came to a stop. That’s one thing there were no TV’s really outside of homes or bars.

>It wasn't until the late 90's that conspicuous consumption and wealth idealization became such a thing again.
I think we can thank this guy for that . But honestly I think that he represent that generation who was first really mass marketed consumerism unlike us few years older. Not saying that we weren't too with HeMan and such but god damit the Turtles probably fucked that generation for good.

Ironically the drugs back then were stronger/purer, with the exception of weed, in my area chances are if you bought weed in the early 90's it came with seeds in it.
Weed these days is almost too strong for my liking

If the Rodney King trial had ended differently, no one would've cared about OJ

The teacher pulled out the tv for the verdict in my school. And this was in Canada.

Depressing as fuck if you weren't a kid. There is a reason all the music was either mopey or angry

I've rolled a couple of times on good mdma. I have a hard time believing people who tell me they went out from thursday till tuesday. I can't even imagine the state they must've shown up at work in those days. Maybe employers where a bit more relaxed in the nineties, or it was easier to camouflage a bit.

This movie 100% actually depicts a 90s rave and drugs.

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no, they weren't. It's just your nostalgia

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warehouse raves with underworld mashes la

Almost everyone smoked

The 1980s consumerism was a different kind of beast, aimed at upper class people. 1990s consumerism dropped down classes, targetting everyone from Welfare Queen Waqueesha to Middle Class Mary with the same ads. Toys in the 1980s were still mostly original concepts divorced from media, though some cartoons like the Transformers existed either because of toys or to sell them. By the early 1990s most childrens cartoons existed solely to create a market, and any fad that caught on was pushed hard. I remember in 1992 you couldn't escape from the teenage mutant ninja turtles - their toys were everywhere their cartoon took up half the programming block they were on clothes and backpacks and bikes and water guns and frisbees and every arcade had their video games. This resulted in a whole slew of copycat franchises attempting to corner that market - Street Sharks, Biker Mice From Mars, the Mighty Ducks, etc.

The 1990s are when consumerism turned products into a cult.

I disagree. You combine 1 - famous beloved celeb with 2 - drawn-out media trial where the beloved celeb swears they're innocent it'd still be huge.

The media will put a ton of shit onto non-celebs like Travyon Martin, Maddie McCann, Jodi Arias, every newstory.

Imagine if Angelina Jolie is found decapitated with a dead 19-year-old, and George Clooney's driving Brad Pitt down the 405 while Brad threatens to kill himself. It'd be the biggest thing ever.

ular. But science was also not completely divorced from new agey space alien beliefs like starchildren, so there was that famous alien autopsy (1995) video that aired on TV that people still sort of believed was true. Aliens were popular in general with people wearing alien graphic black tees.
- arcades and jungle gyms were extremely popular. Anywhere that was anywhere would have an indoor jungle gym. You had your Chuck E Cheeses of course, here in Canada we had more places like Adventure Zone (don't quite remember name), Kidsports, Leaping Frogs?, West Edmonton Mall, Woodbine Centre.
- Disneyland and Universal Studios were a pilgrimage for most middle class kids in North America. Those places were different than what they are like today, not necessarily better just different.
- Blockbuster movie rentals were a pretty major aspect of home entertainment. Cover art always made the movies seem more interesting than they were. If you were a kid you would sometimes end up with movies that were appropriate, like some of the first tits I saw were from Leslie Nielsen's Exorcist parody Repossessed. Lot of the stuff you watched in the 90s as a kid were made in the 80s, stuff like The Goonies, Spaceballs, Robocop. Other movies kids were watching at the time, 3 Ninjas, Beethoven, Homeward Bound, Robin Hood Men In Tights, Hook, ET, Jurassic Park, Home Alone, Land Before Time, We're Back etc. Dinosaurs were popular as fuck in general. A movie that does a decent job at representing what the LATE 90s at least LOOKED LIKE is Jingle All The Way.

>no cellphones
>some fun vydia but not good enough to be addicting
>no overstressed parents constantly wanting to know where you are and what you do
>no SJWorrying
>you can just have fun and be yourself with worrying if you fit whatever the current social agenda is
I had a great childhood

2010-2020 was like no change at all

Of course the X was better. No one understood how perfect it would be. Then it became popular and people start stepping on it and adding fillers to make production cheaper and increase profits.

The funniest thing I remember is this campaign they came out with claiming x would “drain your spinal fluid” to try and scare kids.

any more like this?

I'm 44 this year and pretty sure I know what i'm talking about when it comes to drugs in the 90's, weed alone was pretty weak until the likes of cheese came about, I remember when people used to call the good weed sensimilla, now seedless is the default

Same with LSD you were getting real LSD

2pac and mike Tyson both went to prison. That was a bummer.

Clinton perjured himself and tried to suborn perjury from others.

now you can't find real LSD as easily as in the 90's. Not my drug of choice, but I think that now the chemists have found ways of making it cheaper. The same goes for MDMA.

Weed is better now though.

This. Infact nowdays there are even more drugs to choose from. Fuck these "I went to the raves in 90s" faggots

it's different times man, it's the fall of western civilisation

sopranos esque, minus the mafia shit

similar to nowadays but no widespread internet / cell phones, traditional families / gender roles still considerably more intact compared to now

We are the same age. Fond memories of spending hours getting all the stems and seeds out of my mexican dirt weed so I could watch x-files properly

>there are even more drugs to choose from
yeah and they're all untested research chemicals that will probably give you permanent brain damage

it also promotes gayshit

Frankly, I can't remember much of the 90s, only a rather carefree childhood. Playing outside with friends, running around streams of water, playing on the shore of a lake, sledding in winter down a hill onto the street, almost getting gored by a wild boar. I wasn't interested in music or politics or anything, I had no older siblings and none of my friends had internet. We got our first family PC in 2000 and then internet and email was still a novelty. And because we didn't get "fast" internet until 2006, I completely missed the whole Quake/CS/WOW era, but now we're already in the 00s.
What else from the 90s? Dinosaurs, I was basically the boy from Jurassic Park. Eventually we got the VHS - back then it took a bit longer for movies to hit the home video shelves. I think at times I watched it twice a day and got so excited every single time when the T-Rex crushed the car or the raptors chased the kids in the kitchen. JP is still one of my favorite movies. I also like TLW, fight me.

ESPN Sportscenter really bridged the gap wonderfully from "read about the scores in the newspaper" of the 70s and 80s to the "watch instant highlights of any game on the internet" of today

Especially when hockey & basketball were both in season, watching Jordan, Bird, Shaq, Gretzky, Lemiuex highlights

Boring. We weren't at war. Bands like Alanis Morissette were on the radio. People weren't ready to kill each other if they voted differently. News didn't act like viruses were going to kill everyone tomorrow. MTV actually played music.

But you're wrong though if you deny drugs are being cut more and more since the 90's

You can buy these things with ease and at purity levels you could only dream of in the 90s.

You sound like those pompous faggots who went to the raves back in the days. Too bad that you still are faggot and you had a bad weed dealer in 90s and now 2020 a bad drug dealer.

- Toys were MTG, Pogs, Tamagotchi, Digimon, Hotwheels Road Wars, Monster Trucks, LEGOs, Nerf, Supersoaker. Toys R Us was neat, you'd use to get those catalogues like the scholastic book orders. Later 90s brought Street Sharks.
Don't remember much else about it.

>Fond memories of spending hours getting all the stems and seeds out of my mexican dirt weed
lmao, you'd miss one seed and they'd go pop in your joint

probably depends on the dealer how much my drugs are cut

just saying


the OJ trial became less about celebrity and more about race. Every nig in the US thought he was innocent, while everyone else thought he was guilty.

little political correctness, no social media and cancel culture, no dating apps that make even 3 and 4s feel like goddesses thanks to hordes of simps, better race relations

Oprah thought he was guilty, to be fair

this isn't reddit you massive fucking faggot. Find your own proof

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>You can buy these things with ease and at purity levels you could only dream of in the 90s.
Sure, try gettign it from a local dealer for cash tho

Yeah but you just sound angry, actually I used to have a very good weed dealer in the 90's, he was the one selling me real blotters for $5 each

hmmm, so nothing to back up your claim, huh?


Pre 9/11 was a more secure feeling time, everything changed for the worse that day and there’s no sign of going back. Also blockbuster.

>hmmm, so nothing to back up your claim, huh?
fucking hell google is a click away

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Rap battles had the danger of real death.

was born in 91 so i can't really remember much of it except music and cartoons being great and dial-up being shit and annoying

Why don't you prove him wrong then, you made the claim, burden of proof is on you.

>Romney goes against Trump
>Trump offers him a job
>Romney immediately 180s on Trump
>Trump rescinds job since it was just to show what a worm Romney is
>Romney back to being against him

Real decent.

>traditional families / gender roles still considerably more intact compared to now

That's what people said when they grew up in the 80s talking about the 70s. That's what people said when they grew up in the 70s talking about the 60s.

>Sure, try gettign it from a local dealer for cash tho
True this. Nowdays you get your state of the art drugs home delivered paid with fucking memecoins. God I love -20s

>have a very good weed dealer in the 90's
thats nice

Nowdays it's the zoomers

>it depends on what the meaning of the word is, is

That was funny shit.

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>he has to wait days for his drugs to come in the post

>thats nice
Yeah you seemed interested, thought you'd like it

33 year old boomer here. the 90s seemed like a time of hope. there were no really big enemies: the ussr wasn't a thing, crime was dropping, economy was on fire. i remember a 5th grade teacher saying "we're at war" during the kosovo bombings and wanted to laugh because even then i realized it wasn't much of a war. i never thought as a kid i was in danger of anything, not even when there was halloween urban legends and my dad checked the candy for razors.

a lot of the "i played outside" is true but a lot of my best memories are indoor, mostly playing super nintendo and n64, just because those were like crack to kids. there was one day i came home with a bad report card, my parents took away my snes for the day, i took it out of their hiding spot and played it anyway. same thing happened with OG starcraft and diablo ii, playing both on a dial-up connection and hoping you could finish the game before you hit a lag spike. i played a lot outside, sure, but definitely less than previous generations.

one reason i was inside a lot is because there was suddenly so much entertainment and so much of it was great. the whole "5000 channels and nothing's on" wasn't a thing yet, every tv station had good stuff, you could usually find a solid movie at the theatre, books like jurassic park or redwall were what i read a ton. i wasn't into sports at the time but there were so many great players, jordan and gretzky and mcguire. and the internet! everything you could possibly want to know was on netscape communicator. hope you have a good connection. and nintendo and sega too.

fads were always, always, always a thing. if you weren't on the top rung of a fad you were a fucking hack. i don't think it's that different in other generations but holy fuck there was always a new fad. 1st grade was ninja turtles, 2nd grade was goosebumps, 3rd grade was pogs, 4th grade was animorphs, 5th grade was pokemon, 6th grade was tamagachi.

it was a great time to be alive.

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I was still a pre-teen during the millenia shift so I have kidnostalgia bias for the 90s. I remember watching 9/11 on television (European) and thought to myself "welp, I guess the good times are over and I will be sent to war".

I want to play cops and robbers again or as some kids called it 'guns'

No one cared or knew if you were a loser back then. Now everyone has to be something. Everyone seems to have their own brand these days.

Exactly. So everyone shut the fuck up. Generations exist and you'll always think you're better. Enough.

>or as some kids called it 'guns'
You were supposed to call it Manhunt unless you and your friends were a bunch of homos

If you really want that go the fuck back to lereddit and organize it with the other man children.

Baby brain. Literally New Daily show and only read headlines tier.

This. Republicans are literally just white niggers in all the worst ways possible except with smaller penises.

We respected woman

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Manhunt is a different game

It's called hide and seek snowflake.

>enter the thread
>"muh pure LSD" for the quadrillion time on a nostalgia thread
You can make that shit at home with basic chemical knowledge, stop whining about manufacturers making fake LSD.

>You can make that shit at home with basic chemical knowledge
I bet you can't tho, you virgin lmao

Yes the 90s were a great time to be alive but sometimes I wonder if it wasn't just by virtue of being a kid at the time. I think every decade is perpetually a golden age from the perspective of a child. Even kids today probably view their own childhoods as amazing and maybe they're the ones that are right and we're the ones blinded to its beauty.
I had my sprinkler out and was watering the front lawn the other day and two 10-11 year old girls from next door asked me if they could play in it. I said sure. They were so polite and full of simple childish joy running through the sprinklers, that it sort of warmed my heart and made me think that not much has changed at all. What made the 90s so great in our memories (and the 60s 70s 80s for others), is still very much alive and well today. The 90s never left. The only thing that has changed is perspective.

It was considered weird to stay at home on Friday and Saturday night if you we’re single. You’d never tell someone you spent 8 hours playing vidya

this is not reddit

Then why are you here?

I remember playing cops and robbers where it was boys vs girls. This was grade 3 in an international school in Asia, most of the girls were British. The girls were kissing us boys trapped in jail and shit, shit was kino.

>You can make that shit at home with basic chemical knowledge

Let see you brew it up then bitch tits.

I wish that my neighbors kids would do the same to me and we would not be living so fear riddled word. Your story gave me a boner

>people weren't spasticated by smart-phones
that part is true at least

it was a magical time. Like the time I got raped, the dude recorded it, posted it, I downloaded it, and jerked off to it.

I used to get up to shenanegains with the girls also when I was a kid, making dens and getting my dicked sucked and going down on the girls when I was like 8yo, ysed to be a proper dirty dick, think I used to get more action back then than I do now

it was the most important day of your life

>First half = great, second half = pretty lame
this is now a ninja turtles vs power rangers thread

That jpg will be the last thing you see when you die, many see a bright light or familly members calling them to the other side, not you though you're going to see a low res jpg of a woman fingering herself

It was different man, on the one side you still had this hopefullness from the 80s, and everything from movies/games/TV to air travel and the internet kept improving constantly. The communists were (wrongly) considered gone, and people were still drinking the kool-aid that china would see the light and become more free and open.
Eastern europe was in chaos due to the USSR collapsing, but most countries celebrated their new freedom.

The world seemed in tip-top shape.

Of course you had a few glimpses into the next millenium: Waco, the AWB, Columbine to name a few.

China did become more free and open

yeah, i agree. i remember a commercial from the 90s for an oldies radio station. the rough transcript is as follows:

"The 90s are high gas prices and work. The 70s were just fun, fun, fun!"

and i was a kid in the 90s thinking that gas is already cheap and i never do any work, how can this boomer commercial be right?

This. Can't wait the collapse of capitalism when West does the same as Eastern block and China takes the lead. I wonder will the capitalists have the same hangover as the communists back in the 90s

Are you a burger? Because they never had high gas prices.
I remember when in Germany the green party managed to get into the government, suddenly gas prices literally exploded. Today we still pay about two thirds in taxes alone. My dad used to rage every time the price had risen. Today it's almost twice that and it still keeps on rising. Driving is bound to become a rich people thing.

>Driving is bound to become a rich people thing.
Thats the idea. We need to cut drasticly usage of gasoline and that is how you do it with market system make it so expensive that people can't do it but the rich. Same goes with flying and in my country the green party is stated so. Ofcourser they leave only rich can do X part out but yeah basic liberalism in action

it was fucking neat.

>try to install solar panels on your roof
>get solar taxed out the ass
They don't give a shit about the emissions, they just want to keep milking you to pay for their illogically high govt wages and keep you gridlocked on their friends' services.

Maybe if you are braindead.
2010 to around 2015:
>EDM really popular, partying, clubs and getting wasted really popular
>youtube and millenial internet culture still fresh, holds endless possibilities, nobody knows what the next big thing in youtube and culture in general will be
>hipsters and the explosion in general cultural knowledge that internet created was still fresh and all the trendy hipster synthesis stuff was still new and fresh
>little to no politics, everyone just partying and wanting to smash pussy as much as possible, see Zyzz for example
>the right amount of social media, facebook existed but you had to log on it on your computer to upload pictures into it
>no tinder so women were easier and you could get pussy easier at clubs because women didn't have so much to choose from

2015 to now:
>the youth don't party anymore, everyone just rather hangs out in social media and considers getting internet followers cooler than going to parties
>absolutely bloated social media, snapchat, instagram, tinder, you name it. Nobody interacts in the real world anymore because you are constantly barraged with information and people from all the social media apps
>EDM replaced with low energy nigger mumble rap. Millenial internet culture isn't fresh anymore, tapped it's potential and is just repeating itself since 2013 now
>the same happened to hipster culture, all modern culture has stagnated in general
>tinder came and completely wrecked all sexual systems. Women don't give sex at clubs anymore, they have infinite pool of men to choose from and are picky as fuck as a result. Nobody is sexual in real life anymore in general, it's all taken into tinder
>politics went of the wall bonkers, everyone is either a communist or nazi these days. Puritanian culture leads to people stopping doing all fun things like drinking and now people are just trying to act more morally right than the person next to them

In short it went from everyone having fun and partying in a fresh, new culture to stagnation of that culture and puritanian polarizing politics rising from that stagnation. Nobody wants to have fun anymore, everyone just wants to impose their idea of saving the world on others, and it's all done online so nobody interacts in real life anymore. And i have to live every day thinking about how different it all was just seven years ago

Medfag here, there is no ecstasy that affects you for 2 days straight.

Other medfag here, even a single time use of mdma can fuck your brain up forever.

this post has big boomer energy


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Pretty much the same as today except dial-up internet.

>Stronger, cleaner

you just didn't have tolerance, you degenerate junkie. It's your fault that your receptors are all burnt up and you need to shoot a pound of heroin into your dick to feel anything, the drugs are the same if not stronger.

pastel colors

Safrole, a precursor used in the manufacture of mdma was far more readily availabe. Now it isn't. Also the pills were the size of digestive biscuits.

90's US was cool, current one not so much

If you don't overdose, lmao no it can't. And even if it did, it wouldn't be the high that would last forever, let alone two days.

Why the FUCK are you playing baseball next to people's houses and cars, even your own vehicle?

Thats how we did it at 90s. Nobody really minded. Sometimes the neighbors walked past us while taking out their labradorian retriever and we talked about how great president Ronald Reagan was. Those were the days right fellow boomers?

That was the 90s man. People just mashed dingers out of their garage and everything was considered collateral damage.

It's called re-dosing. No one just takes one and goes home when it wears off

that sounds pretty cash ngl

USA fucked up the most comfy country in the world, Yugoslavia.

Wrong. Most E back then had around .2mg or .3mg of mdma (sometimes .4 or .5)and usually .1 of mda for a psychedelic effect. Most "mdma" you get now a days is .1 and has been stomped on and probably has speed in it or god knows what else in it

90s the beer was stronger and better. I remember going to bar and drinking one beer and just be drunk two days after that. Nowdays I can drink the whole day without getting drunk at all. Kids today don't know shit if they have not gone to the bar at 90s

overrated shit

>Romney has decency
>Romney in 2012: Thank you Trump for your endorsement!
>Romney in 2015: We must stop Trump!
>Romney in 2016: Hey Trump can I have a job in your admin?
>Romney in 2017: He needs to go!
Romney only hates Trump because Trump did what he couldn't (win an election) and is eternally resentful. Especially after Trump rightfully told him to get fucked when he begged for job. He is literal scum.

I remember 96 being fun and full of primary colours in most forms of media like music videos, etc. Then in 1997 pop music became sort of autumnal... Viva Forever came out and they would play it before school and it always set the tone for the day.... the next ten years was full of much more toxic nihilistic music

You are not a boomer. You are genX/millenial.

Aprox (give or take a few years):
Boomers: 1950 to 70
GenX: 1970 to 85
Millenials: 1985 to 2000
Zoomers: 2000 to now

"don't fear the reaper" is a fantastic song

The 90's was the last time morality and equity existed in the western world. Trump's a product of our time. 9/11 changed everything.

I was born in 1991 in the UK.
Most of the entertainment I grew up with was 60s revival. Gerry Anderson: Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet etc and old war movies. No one was over WW2 in the 20th century. It was an obsession for almost all men and boys and it really was the century of flight. I find interest in Aviation in boys childhoods has been a big decline since the Millenium.

Everything contemporary was about Concorde and the Space Shuttle. My childhood toys were largely dominated by Thunderbirds and this pair of Airframes as well as the F14 and and the Tornado. I'd say the Space Shuttle and inflatable green aliens are the most 90s things ever (alright so the Shuttle is a 70s design mostly built in the 80s but whatever).

I was too young for the internet but I did always have it in the house (my dad has had a computer since the BBC B and internet since at the latest 95). It was slow as fuck and not very useful to a child compared to Encarta and the offline encyclopedia's. Including the multiTome dusty old ones every child had before 2005. Atlas' were big too.
Look up Harlan Ellison on youtube to get a taste of web1.0 he advertises things by referencing paper catalogues you can phone for and insults cowards for not putting their full postal address on their comments so he could write a proper response.

I remember Christmas parties with pretzels and WW1 veterans.

>. No one was over WW2 in the 20th century
Grandfather's exploits in the biggest war ever captured the minds of absent (or doormatted simp) nu-fathers captured the imaginations of every young lad incredulous of participation trophies and nascent political correct language policing.

>little to no politics
You forget the Bush years before it. When politics seem insane, it is because the predominantly Liberal controlled media is pushing a DOOM narrative. They shut up and claim things are great when any Democrat is in power. Rinse repeat. Painfully obvious that their playbook is way outdated since things have been great under Trump and they can't spin it (theres always those who believe what they are told over what is around them)

What you say is true but even during Bush times it was still abot those zany politicians out there somewhere, now everyone feels like they are personally involved and want to participate in the fight.

When Obama took over, his first year was identical to Bush and yet his constituency was all "Wow, isn't way better under him? whew!!" They both sucked.
Partisans are stupid blind.

100% agreed.

they were okay I guess
I was a kid though, don't remember much

Obama just continued Bush's evil neo con policies lmao

>evil neo con policies
educated by 25 year old political activist teacher?
"Kinder, gentler Conservatism"
"Hands across the aisle"
Ring any bells? Prob not.

>Obama drones 100s of middle east villages AND attends weirdo sex/pedo parties, has journalists hunted and killed, practises a faith of terrorists AND isn't even American
Rs got nothing on Ds

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NAFTA finished off what was left of my small town in the 90's

>Muh Mitt Romney
Fuck off, you spoiled brat. Now to get back onto topic, the 90's was cool since everyone watched fuckin television and we had a whole bunch of action cartoons,old sitcom reruns, children focused game shows, and shit to watch after school

The decade of 80's optimism peaking and slowly collapsing as Y2K drew near then 9/11 happened and the world went bananas

user, you have just become alcoholic.

Imagine the internet with no selfies, no thots, social justice, no cancel culture, no political debates, no outrage olympics, no news feeds, no jannies, and no niggers. Just a bunch of pirates and gamers with total freedom to say and do whatever they want.

Political arguments were rampant, communities were just more contained, like on Yas Forums early on when most people had home boards and there was very little cross posting except during raids.

Refugees weren't a serious threat. Terrorist scare was non existent. Full of hope and everyone went outside to hang out. Mass shooters or bombers were seen as insane maniacs and nothing more.

Boomer nostalgia

Now with the darkweb markets we live in the golden age of drugs

MDMA is extremely pure and cheap, LSD is insanely cheap, the only thing that's worse is probably cocaine but now we have a plethora of stimulant RC's to chose from

Only difference is one was done while Clinton was in office and one was done out of office

I think what he meant is that shit you got from the guy at the corner was not cut with fucking tar, fentanyl or dick crust.
I'm not into drugs but that's what I observed from my pothead acquaintances complaining about and my Netherland friends when they are out of their country.
Drug culture is cancer though.




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All I see is two boomer chads.


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Christmas everyday

Heaven. It was after the red scare and before the war on terrorism. There was a lot of young people in the 90s so there was hope for the future, something that doesn't exist today.

Yas Forums was really just Yas Forums back in the day. You didn't really need shit like Yas Forums and Yas Forums back then because other websites were not pozzed all to fuck.

Foreign policy is controlled by neocons, poser. The Iraq War was ideological and not a fantasy of war for oil like you dumb liberals insist on without evidence.

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Why the fuck has weed gotten so strong? Ausfag here and apparently we have one of the highest THC rates. That shit can fuck you up mentally if you're not careful.

Twin Towers changed everything. Yanks may deny it but the disgusting muzzies won - put the surveillance state into overdrive and freedoms lost will never return. Remember your Patriot Act was supposed to be temporary? Yet here we are 20 years later.

Another exanple is cars. JDM had
>gtr, 200/300sx
>nsx, s2000
>evo, impreza
>mx5, rx7
>supra, mr2, celica
Now japs just make joyless shitboxes for shit people because that's what people want. No one ever cared about fuel consumption now that's what matters. How fun. Life was more FREE and FUN in the 90s it's impossible to deny.

Jews did 9/11 so its just a prong of the gay-Jew-black-feminist pitchfork.