Got my foot caught in a thresher. It grabbed my toe and pulled it up and back and ripped it out. It was a very brief but sharp pain, and it sounded like someone biting into celery.
Got my foot caught in a thresher. It grabbed my toe and pulled it up and back and ripped it out...
You win a Darwin Award. Congratulations
It had been healing very slowly. There was a huge gap on the inside, and the top wouldn't close until the gap filled in.
Keep it clean.
Speedy recovery user.
and you went to the doctor for it? fucking pussy you got 9 other toes
What happened to your foot?
Why were you operating a thresher without shoes on?
Congratulations for one toe less
why darwin? fucker's still alive!
Did you keep the toe?
Wear it round your neck.
Look at your unkempt ugly ass toenails, disgusting toad...
Finally something Yas Forums worthy
did you at least see a doctor?
on the bright side, you didn't have your hair caught in a tractor's driveshaft
Could you please elaborate. Im having a hard time visualizung the thresher
Can you still use your foot?
Like walk in a reasonable functional way or move your toes?
whats a thresher
It grabbed my sneaker, bit into it, and then bit into my toe. There was no escape
It was mulched. Only a black raspberry looking goo and bone chips
The large toenail turned darker, fell off, and there was a nice new one underneath
I also want to know what is a thresher. Also: do you think missing that second finger will somehow impair your balance?
Then grind it down and snort it.
Yes, now that it has heeled it is fine. No issues except occasional nerve pain.
My balance is still good.
A thresher is an agricultural device that separates grains from chaff
even your cat cant stand your simpsonian foot.
Are you taking pain meds? which ones? does it hurt to shower? can you move your toe? when does it hurt and when doesnt it?
was it your fault? can you sue anyone for reparations?
Yes, my cat is perpetually annoyed.
I take Gabapentin for the nerve pain. It usually will start to hurt at night, but not always.
I can only move my big toe slightly in the downward direction. Since the tendon was severed, I cannot move the big toe up at all, and if I try I get phantom cramps, which will disappear fairly quickly.
That is Frosty the Toeman in the picture
will you, in the future, be able to move your big toe up?
Do you think moving your big toe up is useful for anything?
No, my thresher and my land. Homeowners insurance covered the medical, and I could get some disability but I dont need it.
congratulations!! i am serious, great healing work!
I know you will be good just take care of that bro foot you are doing great
Was your toe chaff or grain?
When one is lifting heavy weights (like olympic lifting, for example), it's very common to ... "grip" the ground with your toes. do you think you would be able to do that?
capitalize on the fact that you're going to be missing a toe for the rest of your life, that's what I'd do anyway. What's a thresher anyway? is it like a woodchipper? not really sure how you'd get your toe stuck in something like that
best question of this thread. Which one was it user?
what is the black thing running along your foot?
No, the tendon is severed, so it can never heal. I will never be able to raise my high toe, but I dont think it's a big deal
Go walk on sand op I want to see your footprint.
Technically it would have been chaff, because it was ejected as waste after it was ripped off and chewed up lol
Do you run? Dont you think you will trip more if you can't raise your toe?
It's kinda funny looking. I would be easily tracked in the wild lol
Looks like you got a bit of cellulitis there, did it get infected it something?
What painkillers do you get and does it hurt a lot? do you have like Phantom Pain?
Get well soon
In that image, it is a device called a Wound Vac. It uses vacuum suction to gradually raise the cavernous area left by the flesh and bone being ripped out so that eventually it is healed.
Well, barefoot running is different. But if I am wearing my sneakers, and they are tightly placed, I can walk and run with not much difference, unless the nerve pain kicks in, then you limp and have to sit immediately
There was quite a bit of infection because I didn't go to the hospital right away. I didn't want anyone to touch it, so I spent a couple days pulling loose chunks of my foot off and cleaning the wound before i went in.
Yes, there is a tremendous amount of phantom nerve pain in the missing toe.
Nothing can help alleviate that pain because it is not real. But the surrounding nerve e pain is real and the Gabapentin works very well to minimize it.
Thank you very much
If I sit with my foot elevated for too long the nerves will start to throb. But I have a foot massager/vibrator which quells the nerve pain quickly
you'd get used to the pain after a while
WHAT? Godfuck user, why did you do that? It was obvious you would need medical attention, why would you postpone it?
Did you not think you could die, from infection or bleeding?
Surprised how many people have never heard of a thresher lol.
Dude honestly you are lucky as fuck. Knew a guy the same thing happened to but lets just say it didnt stop at his foot. RIP.
Ah that explains it. Don't do that, please.
Timestamp or btfo Larper
Damn man, hope it’s getting better soon.
I'm a tough guy lol.
I just figured I would tend to it myself at first. The toe was gone, they cant fix that. So it was basically just a big hole that needed to heal.
But I thought better of it and went in.
After the SSP and alien technology, this summer, they can simply regrow it. WHAT THE ALIENS HAVE DONE TO MY EXISTENCE CANNOT BE REVERSED.
It's pretty much healed now.
I just have to keep it clean and take my antibiotics.