Doll Thread

Doll Thread.

Would you ever fuck one?

Would you ever consider owning one?

Why/why not?

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Nope, already disappoint real people I don't need to bring her down too.

Wow dude that's a really strange way to look at things.
How can you disappoint a doll?

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Thinking of getting one of these. The flexi skeleton looks interesting. Sanhui offers heads with mouths that open and close too.

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I don't like the bodies of their dolls, but the mechanical mouth is one of the best things i have seen lately in dolls. It changes completely the face of the dolls and give them expressions at last.

>I don't know if I will ever fuck my doll.
>I am getting a doll and I'm very excited about it.
I feel lonely often enough, but I don't have any desire for a relationship with someone else because they will have so many unpredictable needs to satisfy. I don't want that kind of a commitment. Masturbation is a very effective form of sexual release, and it's alot more satisfying than any kind of sex that I have experienced. I am interested in a doll for the intimacy of taking care of a doll and treating her like I had imagined I might be treated by a lover back when I was young and naive.

Throw in a silicone tongue and teeth insert, and it would be better than Faceapp. I'm looking forward to seeing how sophisticated faces can get..

I wonder what kind of results you can get making mouth inserts with sculpey.

>tfw poorfag

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In fact, in the videos they have shown, the doll have teeth... if they add a tongue, yes, that will be amazing.

Save up money, literally use a piggybank. A doll will cost you less than a gf would in the long run.


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>fuck one?
Yeah why not
>Own one?
No, too expensive and shared apartment

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Looks evil lol

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A tongue seems like a must. A posable one would be incredible!

Those tits look nice!!!!

I would definitely feel scared around her. Idk why she gives possessed vibes lol maybe naked I'd be less afraid

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Maybe the pose isn't helping lol but i like the size. Nice and portable, easy to put away and hide from sight

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Lol i see what you did there haha can she do that with her legs though???

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>A soul is cultivated within her.
>Will she return my love?

Oh wow now we're talking. Like that she's allowed to come over and spend the night whenever you have family at home hehe that's a hot pose. Not scary at all. Quite enticing if you ask me c;

This is why I have hope for sexbots. It might be am empty gesture to emulate love. But it would be truer than anything from women.

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Does get pussy color match her lips or her skin tone?

Lol i like that big dick energy wayyyy more that that other The Ring energy lol

depends on the makeup you use

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Does she accept blood echoes?

Was that one expensive???



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I will have to pay attention to how much money I spend on clothes and nuigurumis for my doll.

If they ever make really good ai controlled robots then yes. These just seem like a really expensive equivalent to porn.

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I would never drop the money for a sex toy because
1. Too difficult to move around
2. Obviously socially unacceptable
3. Would probably get bored of it anyway

But i would love to fuck a doll. If there were like a doll brothel and I could pay 30~50 bucks for half an hour alone with it, that would be cool, I'd probly do it a few times a month. Might pay $100 just to try it once. Anything above that is not worth it.

How did his photo turn out?

1 more day till i get corona chan

should i keep her in her box for two weeks so the virus dies or should i risk it and fuck her when she comes?

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that's actually really cute

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Are there full silicone dolls the size of a barbie doll? I know there are onaholes with no legs or arms, but always wanted a doll with all the parts and softness but no taller than 12 inches from feet to head.

I have a size difference, stomach bulge from large insertions, and a cum inflation fetish.

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Look at spit back dolls, they would literally tick all your requirements :)

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Thanks, 47 cm is a nice height. Biggest complaint is there faces but that can't be helped since they are so small.

Glad to have helped :)

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