If you smoke you’re

If you smoke you’re
A.) A dumbass for starting
B.) A weak willed bitch for not being able to quit

Why don’t you just man up and quit if you were a dumb enough for starting?

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No argument OP, I'm just a dumb weak willed bitch. But at least I'm not a faggot like you.

Because I hate myself and want to die, but I also hate others and want to kill them in a non criminal way. The smoking fulfills both those desires handily.

Hmm, maybe since it is an accepted point in addiction therapy that it is harder to get someone off nicotine than opiates? And that, unlike the opiates formally mentioned that smoking is socially enabled and supported.

Don't post about subjects you can't physically or emotionally understand.

That’s the limit to your ambition?
The best revenge is to be better than them and show them your better, make them jealous and sad they ever wronged you in whatever way they did

Not in some passive aggressive limp dick way

So you knew it was “harder” to get off of nicotine than opiates and you still started smoking?
Why can someone else quit and not you?
It’s because you fill your mind with excuses, however good an excuse is, it is still just an excuse.

I enjoy it. You enjoy sucking dicks, and our habits will kill us both one day. So stop grizzling, and guzzle down Tyrone's baby batter.

If you want to die as a dumb weak willed bitch than that’s your prerogative.
I think that’s just what you pretend to want.
You’ve accepted nihilism because trying is to hard.

Yeah at 12, maybe I couldn't come to a crystalline opinion on how hard it is to quite.

Buut. Has highlighted the other, obvious aspect of population control. I smoke because I care about mah planet.

There is no logical reason to smoke.
It is incredibly stupid and doing it comes from a place of emotional need, not anything within reason.
If you smoke you are by definition bluepilled as fuck.

You never addressed why some people can quit but not you.
Why can a 40 year old woman quit but not you.
Is she stronger than you?

Nah dude I'm feeling pretty good. The natural MAOI's in ciggy's keep the depression at bay

So instead of anything else
Any other option
You choose to say you’re depressed and that cigarettes help you with it
No therapy
No doctors
No family net
No friends
No willpower
Nope cigarettes are the only answers.

Depression is the perfect excuse isn’t it? You can just say it’s a chemical imbalance and blame that for everything you do.
Lazy= depressed
Tired= depressed
Being and asshole= depressed

An excuse is always an excuse, no matter how good it is

Dude you're making a lot of assumptions about me.

There's no logical reason to do anything, with that train on thought.
"Why drink? You must have serious underlying emotional problems."
"Why play games? You're trying to escape reality, there's no logical reason to do it!"

Take your austism laced suppository now, dear. It's getting close to bed time.

You said you were depressed and self medicating with cigarettes, to which I pointed out various other option.
If you smoke, you’ve bluepilled yourself into being a defeatist.

Einstein smoked retard

That is nihilistic and a weak excuse.
You weigh the pro’s and con’s of your actions and decide accordingly and within reason if a specific action is worth the consequence.
People are not perfect, however some actions are so removed from reason that only a weak person would ever adopt them as a course of action.

For instance let’s looks at the pro’s and con’s of drinking compared to cigarettes

Drinking PRO’s
-Possible increase in social skills
-builds bonds between people occasionally
-temporary emotional distortion that is sometimes pleasant
-when done in moderation offers slim to no health risks

If done without moderation can lead to serious health problems and potentially death (this is in extreme cases)
-can lead to making extremely regrettable decisions in an altered mind state
-costs money

Cigarette Pro’s
-temporary reduce in stress
-temporary emotional steadiness

Cigarette con’s
-extremely expensive if addicted
-extremely easy to get addicted
-leads to others being socially aloof occasionally or dirty looks
-extreme health risks
-reduction in athletic abilities
-smells pretty bad
-lose ability to taste food as well
-caffeine becomes less effective to you

i started smoking when i was 15
my friends started first
i wanted to fit in
you must know what thats like
it was a release for my teenage angst
you should have seen the look of shock and disappointment on the faces of authority when they first saw my 15 year old dumbass self smoking a cigarette
i tried the patch and i tried nicotine gum
neither worked
then vapes were invented and i gave it a try
it actually worked
i was able to drop down to 0 nicotine within 2 months and after 3 i stopped vaping altogether

>tl;dr most people start smoking when they are young and most people are not willing to look stupid vaping in order to quit once they are older

At least you improved yourself man
Honestly I think a lot of people justify their actions to themselves and really hold some of the punches they should make to their character.
People have gotten really good at making excuses for themselves.
Why not try to be the best person you can be?

accepting nihilism isn't saying trying is to hard, you can embrace it in a very positive way that fuels your motivation, but a faggot like you couldn't possibly understand that since u seem very close minded

i prefer relaxing with some smoke than being a faggot anyday!

Why quit? feels nice

i find it hard to be judgemental about someone so young
i am certainly not of same character i was back then
i was 15
we all were impressionable at that age
again most people start smoking at a young age
and its not because of advertisements like the politicians will tell you
all it takes is 1 teenage edgelord who wants to stick it to the man by smoking cigarettes and one bad apple spoils the whole bunch

This is literally a mole writing this

Cancer is a brutal, painful way to die. By all means keep smoking, the regret when your organs bones and skin deteriorate from chemo makes it better.

>Why don’t you just man up and quit
Because they hate themselves - that's why they're slowly poisoning themselves, and they hate the world - that's why they throw their burning shit all over it.
It's a cowardly way of suicide.

Fucking coon mole

I wanted to start smoking, and I don't want to quit.


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Hardly an excuse, just why I do it. Though I note the way you skipped over the enjoyable aspects like the flavour, the feeling, the smell, and the overall experience, whilst missing out the fact that drinking is generally unhealthy anyway. The social cons of being drunk, and the high price of drinking compared to a pouch of tobacco. For example, 3 pints in my local pub would buy me a pouch of tobacco that would last me all week.

As for Caffeine? I don't actively seek the benefits of caffeine anyway. So that's a fucking stupid point. Social drinkers will spend more on booze in a week than I spent on Tobacco, and I enjoy the taste and don't get a headache. Even with moderation, I don't enjoy alcohol. I enjoy smoking.

idk man I have one every few months

cant stop

Ooo look, another faggot with an opinion.

Former smoker here. It's not as bad as you yhink if you have the will power to quit.

Because I like them? Are you retarded? Shy do you eat candy, ice cream, drink soda? Use in moderation and compensate as best you can. Not everyone is a junkie.

how bout you stick a broom handle up ur ass..

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I smoke a lot

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I was 19 and in the Army. I'm almost 28 now, every now and then I'll vape, smoked 4 years, had vaped last 4 and some months, and haven't attempted smoking/vaping in 3 months.
The beer however, that's a different fucking story.
Pic related is my daily work week nights, weekends are about a 30g trashbag worth of beer cans, sometimes 30g crushed cans when there's a party. Stopping alcohol isn't the same as stopping nicotine I've found out, Yas Forums I'm scared. Nightmares, night sweats, shakes, idk what to do.

forgot pic.

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>my weekends.

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Sounds like OP is mad because some smoking chad is railing his stacy.

i like your attitude but u are trying to help someone who is helpless lol

>> 822073560


... thinせた人のように喫煙しようとすると、多くの太った人がすでに気づいたこと...彼らによると...彼らは、1日1パックのタバコを吸っている太った人のように立ち往生しています...

... 1日に1パックのタバコを吸う300ポンドの脂肪です。
...それは15年または20年後に癌になるために必要なものです。 1日1箱のタバコ。平均して




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You assume everyone wants to quit I understand the risks and I'm ok with that

>Comes to Yas Forums to preach
>Comes to Yas Forums
We need cheese pizza

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Why should I quit? I don't plan on living past 40, and with how little I smoke the negative effects of it shouldn't impact my life before that point

it nice, i like it, go through like 3 packs a day

what if i used to smoke




for a while

thank i quit :D

what am i ?

I don't mind if people smoke because the world's a better place without you any way.

Why did you select a picture of cigarettes that have been dipped in pcp?

>Smoked my first cigarette at 12
>Started smoking regularly at 14
>Longest I ever went without smoking was about 2 years (21-23)
Broke up with my gf of 4 years about 6 months ago and now I'm back to 1.5 packs per day. I do it to be self destructive; I like the cough, I like that the smell grosses people out, and I really like that people "screw face" me when I pull one out and light it around them.
>Smoking a cig outside a coffee shop in smoking area away from entrance
>Old woman proceeds to start telling me stories about how she just beat cancer and "you need to quit! Save your life blah blah blah"
>I listened to her whole "treatment journey" and then told her with a straight face "Hopefully I'll be long dead before I'm your age"

>Smoked first cig sometime in middleschool stole a pack from my friends stepdad
>started smoking regularly at like 15 or 16, was into the skating scene
>longest i've ever gone without smoking was maybe a week
the smell reminds me of being young and sitting at home eating spaghetti for the 6th time this week cause it was cheap to make while dad complains about work

>Don't smoke tobacco myself because nicotine just doesn't do it for me
>Smoke weed all day erry day instead so I get seen as a smoker any way
>Always carry a pack of cigarettes for the people that want to bum a cig
>Because at least they act like decent people instead of whiny selfish cunts
People that don't smoke are untrustworthy as fuck.

I like smoking and I'll die of something I enjoy. Just like you OP, you'll die sucking cock because your a huge faggot and enjoy it. Xo

why would i quit something i enjoy?

duh OP. its because its cool. thats why I started. thats why I wont quit. OP isnt cool

you forgot >C.) or because you are just a cool guy unlike me

Mutilation with an axe is a way better revenge technique, you are a faggot for even suggesting that. No one will give a fuck if user succeeds.

you still gonna think its cool when youre on your death bed dying a terribly painful death from lung cancer?

I don't get addicted to things at all. I can quit if I want to and some days yeah I go a full day without a cigarette. But at the end of the day I enjoy it. It kills time during breaks at work and it chills you out. So until I have a kid or something I will continue to smoke to my heart's content.

>the flavor
>the smell

You are such a filthy degenerate

I choose not to get lung cancer. then its all easy


quit Yas Forums then

.... Fuck you got me. Been lurking since '08 on and off.

How long does it take to get addicted? I smoked 2 cigs per day for a bout a week, had to stop cause it worsened my tinnitus. I never felt an urge to smoke, and never felt like smoking again when i stopped. What does it feel like when you want to smoke?