hey guys first time ever buying weed and i wanted to know if u guys can help me figure out what type of weed i got (read online experienced smokers can tell by looking at the buds) indica? Sativa? is it even any good, plz let me know what u guys think. im from Nj btw if that helps
Hey guys first time ever buying weed and i wanted to know if u guys can help me figure out what type of weed i got...
can you smell any subtle notes?
also probably indica
sativa is more wirey looking
Can't tell if copypasta, because usually those threads show the shittiest brown mexican dirt weed. Your bud looks decent but definitely not amazing.
it's probably girl scout cookies or lemon haze, just smoke it you faggot and find out
im not sure what u mean but i guess u talking about smell? well i dont know how to describe it it smells like lemons i guess or lemon leafs
Its a hybrid
its fucking weed your supposed to smoke it
My question I have some live well weed it has a strong smell is it good? I don’t smoke often
low quality lemon zkitllez maybe
well it was a sketchy looking mexican guy who sold me this weed plus its not like i have an option on who to buy weed from i was lucky i even came across this guy
are those really good types of weed?
that looks like good bud. if its strong smelling and kind of sticky then its a yes. avoid dry and flaky stuff with seeds and no color. if you paid more than 50 for that then you probably got ripped or are in a bad place for weed.
have fun smoking user!
it has a decent smell but its not sticky it actually feels dry now that you mention it, guy told me it was an 8th i paid 45 i dont know if i got ripped off either but at least ill try something new tonight, cheers
i would also like to mention as i was inspecting the weed under my phone light it kind of seems to me that some of the buds look darker in color than the rest, if you can tell by this picture they look different even the texture, not sure if its another type of weed or is it the same weed going bad?
if you could see little tiny glistening or kind of tiny crystals to the bud, that means it has good trichome development and will get you straight.
pic is not the best example because it is high quality cannabis
thats some nice looking bud m8
It's a indica clearly
it's weed
smoke it
if you like it, keep smoking it
god what the fuck
it seems like it has little crystals but very very little in comparison with that picture and only visible if i shine my phone light directly at it
i just wanted to know if it was worth buying again or save my money and not get ripped off
Smoke it and find out. How much did the guy charge you? and how much did he say he gave you.
smoke it and find out, a picture of weed is worthless you aspie
hey hivemind nigger look at this ass
he said it was an 8th when i search it up it says its about 3 and a half grams but no scale to verify that, i paid 45 for it
That weed looks good.... But it looks too compressed to me.... i like the the fluff and stuff...
Excellent, goy. Make sure to smoke every day. Marihuana is completely non-addictive and harmless, I mean, its just a plant goy!
Not bad. Smoke it already. You didn't get ripped off and it looks decent, might be a bit above mids..
mexishwag = 5$/gram
Mids = 10$/gram
HighQuality = 20$/gram
Beasters/Fire = 30$/gram
im smoking it already and from what i can tell after the first two hits i definitely feel really light headed and my heart feels like its racing
but thank you for that information ill keep this in mind
If you get china eye'd and get thirsty and your body feels like water is rushing through your veins then its some pretty good shit.
wait have you smoked weed before?
not thirsty but i do feel like my mouth needs water because all the saliva has gone down my throat
this is my first time thats why i wasnt sure what i got
Cotton Chops my guy.
smoke it and enjoy your high faggot what the fuck are you doing here
i live by myself and i really dont have friends like that to talk to i guess im using this as a way to cope or feel like im talking to someone as i try weed for the first time
hows it going man? go get yourself some drank and some snack and take a squat, watch some netflix or game ill chat wit u
Looks like indica to me, but in my experience the strain matters less than where you're at when you smoke. I can be high at work and go at 200%, or I can smoke after I get off and go at half speed.
Looks like some mids OP. It’ll definitely get the job done but it’s not the cream of the crop. Most likely a hybrid too
thanks man im doing okay i feel like i was having a panic attack but im okay now, hows your night going?
its good man. im sitting here doing the same as you, chilling at home and smoking some weed, playing some games looking at internet
interesting i will most definitely try it in a different setting maybe in the park by tall trees
Seems fine i guess, i've smoked some dry shit before and still hits but for a shorter time
nice man what are you smoking on tonight?
definitely getting the job done for me as i have trouble concentrating
ive got some "loud" bud, not sure what the strain is. the guy i buy from regularly gets different strains here and there and i never ask him about it.
be careful some people tend to lace their weed with other substances to make it stronger which in your case its fairly easy to do considering you know shit about weed
fuck off with that bad vibe
bad vibe = facts
fuck off nigger
Why would you possibly post that?
Listen, whenever you take too much, whether it be edibles or smoke...always have some whole pepper corn balls handy. They cost nothing and you can get them in the spice section at the store, or order them online. Then, when you have paranoia or panic hit, take a long deep breath of regular air, exhale all of that out of your lungs and then take a super bug whiff of the bottle of whole pepper corns. You can chew on them too. It acts on some of the same parts of your brain that marijuana does, it sort of balances things out. Look it up. I got the idea from an old Canadian musician named Neil Young. Peace.
OP is pic related now
Don’t listen to these people saying its indica it is in fact sativa or sativa dominant hybrid hence your panic attack.
that's probably a hybrid strain (plant based off both indica [sleepy] and sativa [motivation]) it looks decent overall. it might even be 2 different strains tbh. it looks like mid, probably 9-12% THC. that looks like a little less than an 8th tbh, and that's definitely not loud pack so you did get kinda ripped off, but everyone has different utility for weed and that's not too high of a price (i pay 20$ for an 8th in Michigan). once you put it out, if you're stoned then you're stoned, and that's what really matters.
quick google search would have answered your question
I heard this on Howard Stern in the same interview with that dude. Looked it up on the chicago tribune and there is science behind it.
the fuck do you mean $20 for high quality & $30 for fire are you mentally challenged? not even in the bay does weed go $30 for a gram