
Where are you Bernout faggots tonight?
No one likes your half-baked socialist ideas. Its fucking embarassing. Know that cliche that young people are dumb as shit? That's because fucktards like you are, you guessed it, dumb as shit.

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4 more years for Trumpeto

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This is a Daddy Joe thread. Leave your bigotry at the door.

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So the rest of the primaries have been cancelled?

basically. It will now be a brokered convention and who do you think the Establishment will pick?

>socialist ideas
the fire department, police department, ems, schools, hospitals, veterans benefits, the national weather service, roads and bridges, unemployment, drinking water, Medicare, social security, the G.I. bill, national park service, food and drug safety, CDC, NASA, sewers, bank insurance, public waste disposal, and every single branch of the military.

Capitalism is an economic system in the private sector, not a from of government.

social programs != socialism
please don't vote

The Party ALWAYS picks who fits their agenda best and who should represent THEM. The Primary is just a process to make sure they've made the right choice and not some horrifying miscalculation.

so we agree. Sanders has zero chance at this point

too busy making memes to vote

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Have fun losing to a firebreathing sentient bottle of spray-on tan, you discount-store Hillary Clinton moderate status-quo shill.

Remember when the Democratic Party used to stand for something?

I like how dumb fucks like you pretend to be ignorant of what your own stupid ideology involves.
>You're a socialist if you have ANY iota of government in your society.
What is impressive is that you shits have no idea how stupid you sound when you make that argument.
>Like a local fire department?
>You must also support total government control of the entire healthcare industry at the national level too!
Dumb as fucking dirt

The democratic party has never stood for anything since segregation. Its always whatever new autistic idea on the horizon. What are you progessing to progressives? Who fucking knows but dammit change something!

My son has autism, he stands for trains and ceiling fans. The DNC does not stand for trains nor ceiling fans. Your premise is flawed

I saw an identical meme earlier today...

To be fair, trains are worth standing for. Most energy-efficient way of moving things

Good evening Vlad/Ivan. Back again to try to stir up discontent amongst Democratic voters again?

EUfag here, can someone please explain to me why americans would turn down free healthcare and college? is there something im just missing? i genuinely cant understand why they would do that

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Misinformation on what these things cost. Enemies of this ideology inflate massive numbers and claim europe in crumbling.

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I'm sorry to hear that your wife is fat and over 40

Stfu faggot. Your candidate literally honeymooned in the soviet Union. He hated and still hates the very idea of America. Grow the fuck up and get your head out of your own ass. The media controls everything. Unplug yourself from them.

They’re very upset today. They’ve been complaining about the hardships of voting or that the results don’t matter even though Bernie got his ass beat. They’re still fantasizing about how they will become card carrying party members showered with free shit. How everyone will be equal and John Lennon’s Imagine will play on a constant loop reminding everyone how great they have it.

Its not fucking free. Those medical providers have to be paid. Those teachers have to be paid. It comes out of your taxes. Eurofags have fucking nothing in terms of disposable income. You're not allowed to choose how to spend your own money. Most people do not need to go to school for their career and nor should they pay for the school of some middle class brat to go and study some economically worthless bullshit.

Healthcare is similar but a little different. The american system is fucked but that's because the government has already regulated the living shit out of it. """Free""" health care systems are slow, have enormous waiting times, and shortages of medicine and equipment (ie. Hospital beds). It comes out of your taxes and since the decision to pursue care is no longer within the hands of the consumer, some government beauracrat is responsible to determine whether or not a patient's care is worth the cost of the care. You can be denied if for whatever reason that beauracrat believes you're not worth it. Happens to old people approaching the end of their lives in socialized systems. Another point is that the individuals life is not owned by the state. Britain had two cases of babies with fatal conditions but there existed foreign experimental procedures that could save them. The parents were desperate to seek care for their children and charities had already covered te costs of their procedures. But Britain forced the babies to stay in Britain and "die with dignity". You sold your souls to the devil.

What is left of the American health care system is still faster, better and produces a large majority of all medications for Canada and the EU. There is no innovation coming out of those countries.

110 lbs and 26. Sorry for your loss

And you still managed to have a retard? Lol what

Don't forget the praise he had for the cuban revolution that killed 10000s Which on a side note lost him Fl the second he opened his mouth

why not just tax billionaires? your corporations pay 0 taxes and you could pay for everything by taxing them

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Actually he's the card counting kid so we cleaned up in Jersey

You literally said your kid was retarded. I'm just reiterating your claim.

These Are not socialist Ideas. They are the infrastructure and generous welfare programs that are necessary for a prosperous society to function and prosper and was financed by Capitalism. These have been in place well before Karl Marx was born or the concept of socialism was ever conceived. Try again you fucking moron.

Yeah they literally barricaded the babies hospital room with armed guards and forced the kids to die. Fuck that shit

wrong, not enough money. They already leave because of punitive tax rates.

what tax rate? they pay 0 taxes

It used to stand for slavery

that is too stupid to reply. Also no gain. Believe what you want with your propaganda sound bites.

Get and read a prospectus sometime, huh? Educate yourself.

bruh its not propaganda you can literally go look it up in the public records for publicly traded companies. amazon paid literally zero taxes last year

Boomers, literal Boomers are the reason. A generation of people who can’t even fathom how shit it is to grow up in current circumstances, who have zero clue on the real cost of living are the group that actually votes. You can blame voter suppression, voting days not being holidays (so the age group that does work, I.E. not senior citizens can actually vote). But ultimately the youth is disenfranchised and apathetic, if they got off their asses and voted we’d be a progressive country by now.

Give it 2 more elections and it’ll swing harder left to where healthcare MIGHT actually be addressed.

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not interested in talking to you, it is too stupid. You will lose and nobody deserves it more.

berniefriends are cute

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Bernie could have been president but he's fucking retarded.

Wins a few early races, has momentum.

Then comes out and says "the democratic establishment" can't stop him.

Democratic establishment comes out, kicks him in the dick, and does exactly that.

Should have said he was ready to unite the party, or shut the fuck up. The longer he kept all these 2nd rate cucks like buttboy, amy, and little mike in the race the better for him. He pretty much scared them all out by trying to go full Trotsky, you never go full Trotsky.

but its literally a public record in your country, you can literally go look it up

Because they will simply relocate. Corporations will do the same. The tax burden will then shift to those who have a job. If you don’t have stable economic growth or can’t compete with the worldwide markets or don’t have the internal population to buy what your producing, the economy will contract. When you don’t have a tax base to pay for all the free shit you’re giving out then you turn into Venezuela.

forget it. I do not care what you believe. Who is right will be determined in Nov.

I have invested for decades and have owned corporations.

>why not just tax billionaires?
We already do. Billionaires pay a majority of the taxes in this nation as it is despite whatever the old cuck says. If you want to get into the "loophole" reform talk, I can get onboard with that but that will not be the direction the socialists take it. Socialists fundamentally believe that wealth inequality is unethical. Those people made that money by providing a service in which consumers believed was worth more than the cost of the service.

>your corporations pay 0 taxes
This isn't true. Before Trump, corporate tax rate was closer to 40%. After tax reform, it is more consistent with most EU countries at around 20%.

>you could pay for everything by taxing them
Absolutely false, even if you liquidated all of the assets of every american billionaire, you would only finance the socialized system for less than 3 years.

>Sanders: The plan he touted on the presidential campaign trail in 2016 would have cost $1.4 trillion per year, according to his own estimates.
>An independent analysis of Sanders’s plan conducted by the left-leaning Urban Institute estimated that it would cost $32 trillion over 10 years.

>"Notably, the Forbes 400 Richest Americans list is published annually since 1982. The combined net worth of the 2019 class of the 400 richest Americans was $2.9 trillion, up from $2.7 trillion in 2017. As of October 2019, the U.S. had 621 billionaires, a record high."

So if you took every penny from every U.S. billionaire, you would only fund medicare for all for 2 years by Bernie's estimates (low ball) and less than 1 year by Urban institutes estimate.

What do?

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>Because they will simply relocate
then you just tax them on the money they make in your country and the money that leaves the country. this isnt a hard concept literally all other first world countries do it

so just for the record you are refusing to try and refute me because you cant?

not whom you are replying to-
making sense has been tried. You are correct, but if you continue, you will probably get tag teamed.

They did shut the fuck up real quick, you can get them to come out if you talk about Trump though, he still triggers the fuck out of those spineless shits.

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> No one likes your half-baked socialist ideas.
Ideas of FDR and Ike weren't half-baked or socialist.

On March 16, 2017 President Trump submitted his request to Congress for $639 billion inmilitary spending.... hmmm i dont know, maybe cut back on war you American retards

I think they do know what it’s like to grow up in hard times. Many of the same things you face they have faced. Families were much larger and there wasn’t a lot to go around. They also did much more without the technology of today. Maybe they might know something you don’t.

FDR prolonged the great depression and Ike didn't do anything to manipulate the status quo because Republicans werent a fiscally conservative party in the 50s. Dont speak unless you know what you're talking about.

>muh russia boogeyman

So liquidate the military and fund your free shit for another 2-5 months despite the rise of aggressive countries like China , Russia and Iran? You idiots do realize that you're still going to be paying for your own health care right? This cannot be funded. The middle class will ultimately see the highest increase jn taxes. Idiot

There is a lot of profit to made by keeping the population unhealthy and stupid

Blah blah. Companies pay tax.

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>you american retards
And what are you? A euro fag? America pays for your goddamn military you ungrateful cunt. The Soviets weren't afraid of Britain, France, Sweden etc. The Soviets didn't invade because of the U.S. Army. Then the europoors realize that they don't habe to spend anything on military and bought their peoples support by offering free shit services essentially on the dime of the american tax payer.

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Would love to save some money and pull our troops out of Europe, Iraq, Afghanistan, and South Korea. Europe can go fuck itself.

Great job. I’ve noticed that those commies scatter like cockroaches when confronted with the facts.

I'd like that too, but it wouldn't begin to put a dent into the cost of Medicare for all.

I think there are definitely places we can cut our military spending. But you're fucking stupid if you don't think there are also massive economic and political benefits to our system of Imperialism.

We use our military, to secure our economic dominance. The same way the British used their military to secure their economic dominance. As long as people either need us to protect them, or are afraid we might fuck their shit up, we are going to be able to economically exploit their lands and people.

It gets real silent real quick doesnt it

Yeah, I say we do cut these ungrateful eurofags and let them float in the wind. It will make Crimea look like a joke. How soon Germans forget what unified their country and how that came about. Ok, let Russia have the whole GD thing. And while we are at it, stop sending out aide to these bastards also. That would be a real racist act that they could point at. How much money has Venezuela given to those states around them?