I refuse to touch alcohol because it ruined my father's life

i refuse to touch alcohol because it ruined my father's life
>but im still curious
>could you explain it to me
>tell me something about alcohol i couldnt think to google search

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Stop being such a pussy

>"An estimated 88,0005 people die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States."


It's fucking great

he means like airbags

It's gives a slight high. I don't do drugs or smoke so I can't compare them, but alcohol reduces my inhibition and honestly makes me care less about everything. What people think, my job, how much of a loser I am...

Kinda like taking one of those really strong cough syrups and feeling sleepy and not caring, but without the sleepiness (until I drink too much) and gives me courage and lack of fear/embarrassment. But it also makes me do stupid things because I don't care for consequences anymore, if I'm drink enough.

It makes me unable to think about being sad, with enough alcohol.

It's just empty calories though. So i only drink with friends, and I don't have many friends.

It tastes bad.

Drink enough and you'll get used to it.

I commend you for following GEOTUS example, though In my opinion I believe you shouldnt go to such extremes. Alcohol tastes great, its amazing to break the ice and make new friends, the problem starts when you drink to forget or to numb you instead of just for the taste

It tastes like shit. Nobody is drinking for the taste. Develop a fucking personality and you won't need a chemical dependency to meet new people.

Alcohol is shit. Don't even try it. There's way better stuff - molly or mephedrone for instance.

Alcohol is a way to feel softer when the instinct is driving someone mad. Some say alcoholics are sick because they can't stand being sober, because obviously it is faggy, overrated and inefficient.
I've been drinking almost every day for 3-4 years now, not to degeneracy but enough to fuck some reflexes up (memory, balance, body functions) slightly enough to be noticable. It's more than a hard drug in that it does fuck up things very bad slowly, don't resent your father too much.
Not dangerous when abused rarely, it does have benefits even, unless it is in fact a habit.

>Nobody is drinking for the taste
people like you cant explain decaf coffee either

>. Nobody is drinking for the taste.

That's a lie. I drink cider specifically for taste. Additionally, it can make you drunk which is nice but for me, it isn't the goal lol

It's great for desserts and pastries.

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I am an alcoholic & I drink 0% beer because I enjoy the taste, but I don't want to risk hurting my body anymore than I already have, nor do I want to act like a cunt and hurt friends & family.

I made a dessert drink, I call it a Cuthbert, it tastes kind of like toffee apples, it is crushed ice in a glass, maple syrup poured over ice, then add Canadian Club to the maple syrup, stir, then top up with Coca-Cola.
I am an alcoholic with diabetes.

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If you're an alcoholic then what do you drink to get your high, you can't be an alcoholic and drink 0% beer

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I'm a functional alcoholic who was suffering severe suicidal depression, alcohol was a nice way to let go.
bad cycle though

I don't think that's how numbers work

I used to drink half a carton of full strength beer each night before bed & more on weekends.
and yes, I do drink 0% for the taste and being socially acceptable, since if I start drinking I can't stop and then I act like a cunt, I also have liver damage.

I bet you are so funny at parties user, even jesus drank wine, lighten up a bit tradcuck

Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
Alcohol-Related Deaths:
An estimated 88,0005 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women5) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States.Feb 4, 2020

^whatever this means.

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*Jesus promoted the drinking of wine at least twice and produced his own wine at least once.

shit me on the ass nigger

really man, objectively molly is less harmful, makes you hug people and love everybody. While alcohol makes you aggressive af and gives you horrible hangover. Itis pretty obvious which one is better.

its just a gayer, more expensive, and rubbing alcohol smelling version of weed, which is superior.

Nobody smokes alcohol anymore its 2020 smoke weeeed. Are you poor?

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Alcohol will loosen your inhibitions to the point where you start browsing image boards and find traps hot, then there is no going back.

... look at the damage molecular MDMA does to your brain.

>find traps hot

That's totally ok btw

how do you pronounce that number? Is that eighty eight thousand and five? Because it should be 88,005. There's no such thing as 88,0005 if we are talking about indivisible numbers (meaning people). Look it up and find out. It's probably 88,000.

only if you take it a lot

Alcoholism creeps up on you. First you drinking Friday night. Then Friday and Saturday night. Then every day. And before you know it you got a couple dui's and nobody will hire you for anything more then minimum wage.

weed does not at all feel the same as alcohol wtf

yes I believe it is 88,000.
I'm not the originally 88,0005 fag, Im the copy pasta google 88,0005 fag.

soon you work for Gage Roads Brewery in Perth and drink every night of the week & suffer severe depression.
Only after getting fired and moving back home for a few months do you get your shit together and become a home owner with liver damage.

Weed is for niggers.

na you're just a fucking deadbeat piece of shit faggot loser

But I like it and Im not black. Also has 0 calories, which helps a lot since I started working out again. It would be much harder if I drank all those calories alcohol has


okay? never said i liked it

test - khander

this for me , but its Jameson/Canadian Club mixed with Coca-Cola.
if someone told me I didn't enjoy the taste, I would laugh at them.
"Ok nigger, I'm not going to enjoy this cold glass of delicious stupid juice"

"gives a slight high"
"haven't done drugs so can't compare them"
well if you haven't done something shut your white mouth.

What if I don't like to meet new people and I drink alone in my own house ?
What if I enjoy the taste & the effect ?
Hell I don't like smoking tobacco nor marijuana, but I'm sure there are niggers who do.


You can be a white nigger, nigger is how you act, moron.
There are good black people who are not niggers, don't be such a small minded racist cunt.

Relatable as fuck. I used to smokeball a case of beer a night with PTSD. Harder to hate existence when you're wasted, and I didn't remember the nightmares. Been cutting back big time though.

Well, it looses ya up so it's a good alternative to a muscle relaxer. You don't feel as much pain, so I guess a slight numbing effect? Not like the numbing you get from Novocain or anything, it's a very pleasant and comfy experience. The internal filters in your brain kinda get a bit lax too so it makes talking and conversation a lot easier.
Everything in moderation! Unless you're a happy drunk, then it's okay to have a few extra.

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Oh ok. Thanks for the explanation. That being said, you are being a cunty nigger. I will take this opportunity to retaliate by slashing the throat of all your family, you worthless nigger.

the real deal with an alcohol is ...


its a waste of time and money

meaning hanging out in bars and clubs drinking the dranks that is. nothing wrong with some wine at dinner or for cooking or occasional cocktail before dinner at restaurant. if u keep it to that u will b fine.

Can we hug & cry together ?
*I served Infantry Recon' Australian Army 2001-2004
You ?

Now you get the idea, nigger.

wtf would u have ptsd from? shooting koalas?

USMC, 2010-2014. Keep on pushing my friend.

you should probably just stay away from it, being the sad little cuck you are that lets others decide things for you, I'm sure you'd just make a total fucking retard out of yourself, probably text some girl you've been crushing on for a while, throw up after 2 drinks, and cry in public about how no one likes you and your life sucks.

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Afghanistan & Iraq happened.
Don't worry kid, you will learn things some day.

Thanks mate.

you shouldn't touch alcohol if you don't have good self control. I have a normal relationship with alcohol. I don't drink every day, I don't like to get drunk, but I enjoy good beer, wine, and liquor as an occasional weekend treat. I don't crave it, which is key.

But I have a relative who can't stop herself once she opens a bottle. She will finish it, and get fall-down drunk. I think it's how she copes with her social awkwardness, but it's going to kill her if she doesn't go dry.

Its great, lot of drinking has to do with control. I drink 1 or 2 beers daily but i dont drink to get drunk.

>I drink 1 or 2 beers daily

that's bordering with alcoholism

Actually once youre an alcoholic you are ALWAYS an alcoholic. That addiction never goes away. An alcoholic who is actively consuming alcohol is a drunk.

Thank you.
people don't believe I am an alcoholic because I'm not getting wasted.

Alcohol became my best friend. I'm fucking drunk ringht now. I also hate my life, hate my family and hate my girlfriend. I'm too much of a pussy to end it all. Don't drink unless it's just for party, don't become a cuck

hate is better than despair