Come home from school

>come home from school
>go into bedroom to fap
>find Commander Troi and Dr. Crusher in your room doing pic related
What is it that you do?

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Emergency site-to-site transport to the holodeck so I can bang my waifu instead.

I just want to fuck Seven of Nine (I know that from a different series).

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mfw your favorite show's version of fan service is a couple of quadragenarians doing aerobics.

Haha I’ll kill you fuck nigga


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nerdboner = diamonds

gotta respect the dubs but man you are a fucking nigger

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Serious question. If the Vulcans in Star Trek are supposed to be ancient Greeks, the Romulans the Romans, the Klingons the Spartans, then whoms’t were the Ferengi supposed to be?

>turn 360 degrees
>walk out
idk why id do anything else

Soul nigger knows what's best.


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Genuinely what i do when anyone is in my room
>hope they dont look in the closet and find my onesies, footsy pjs, animal onesies, diapers, pacifiers, sippy cup, or bondage gear (abdl here obv)

I came neutrinos to this

The Jews?

I've got a crush on Crusher alright

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>Commander Troi and Dr. Crusher
>No Jadzia Dax

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Gee I wonder....

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I ruined trips for that!!!!!!

Pretty shure klingons are space vikings tho

Don't know but american leaders are 100% cardassian. Most corrupt government in the universe, torturing innocents, lying consistently, controlling the media...Gul Dukat would be proud to be an american

Live long and honk

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Bajorans are like palestinians or some other middle east country under the occupation of america...literal war mongers that attack weaker cultures

kek I always thought the same. Too many similarities between Cardassian central command and american cia

If Jadzia's joining, I fancy a bit of Kira lovin' too.

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Search your hearth for you already know this


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Imagine the smell

fuck that jewbait ass bitch.
Kes tho.
>literally like 2 or 3
>has babby in timeline with tom paris

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hmmm look how she ended up tho...

Leave and join Starfleet.

do you mean the maniacal bitch that ripped through voyager like a tin can or the white trash lesbo IRL?
Bruh were fetishizing fictional characters

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jerk off to death

Get nurse Ogawa in and we have a party

kek I remember this, she lost her memory and came back like its that time of the least she slapped the ship towards earth as recompense

turn 360 26 hours a day and walk away

Troi in the flesh: javascript:quote('16571588');

where my ensign ro at? got a thing for headbands.

fuk yea my nigga Ensign Ro was fine

but what if she got stuck as a chilld due to that unfortunate accident with the transporter

Stop masturbating and watch TV for a minute

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What the fuck

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Fuck Beverly, because Troy was always an insufferable cunt.

“Yankee traders” according to Data in their first appearance.


>college isn't school
LOL Amerilard education doesn't even know about tertiary education

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Fucking hell...nah, I'll pass, cheers.

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All over the planet "school" is a common word for tertiary education.

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The American flag was even an ode to black people.
13 stripes represent 13% of the population, blacks
50 stars represent their crime

Barbara Bouchet will always be the hottest woman ever to appear in Star Trek.

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I think this slut sent me some pics of her pussy..or some fat american slut that looks l=just like her. Bitch used to hide in the bathroom and send me pics. I sear she had a husband or something otherwise why always sending pics from the bathroom? Anyways as you were, cadets.

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Yoeman Rand
>dat beehive

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Is that deanna's mom or the ship's computer?


>deanna's mom
Luaxana "Imma Fuck Me a Little Ridgehead Boy" Troi
>the ship's computer