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Other urls found in this thread:

My secret is that I'm sad the last secrets thread got nuked.

I is also sads bread was kill

I am Spartacus

I had my first period when I was 8 and have had a fully grown bush since I was 10.

Were you freaked out the 1st time?

No lie, i hav smol pp


We all do

I hate niggers a lot.

Not a secret. Get out of here faggot.

i haven't ejaculated in 40 days

I haven't in 40 seconds

I massacred 27 burgers in one sitting at White Castle back in '93.

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the first time i had a sexual experience was at 9 years old... went on a boys group camping trip and was lured to a hidden spot by an older boy (maybe 15) he pulled down his pants, pulled down mine and then rubbed our cocks until he came. he made me eat his cum.

i literally haven't thought about this in years and it came rushing back to me in a moment of clarity today on my commute to work. blocked that shit out for like 25 years. maybe that's why i'm so fucked up.

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So you're the Slider Slaughterer.... Nice.

Need more of Clemanons story

Sometimes I bump threads

You bastard

I think Yas Forums peaked in 2016

In what way has it fucked u up, did it make u a fag?

Guys I wanna get my dick wet and hire and escort where should i go

Harold? ......COOM-MAR?!?!?!

Have you prostate cancer yet?

because i hang out with you fucking neckbeards. i'm not a fag but i do have some pretty fucked up fetishes. abuse, hardcore domination, etc.

fuck your secretive shit nygger

Nuked? Why?

I enjoy sex with black women.

I miss being molested. The only time in my entire life I felt worth anything.
Hell even now, most of my self worth comes down to how satisfied my sexual partners are with me. Which sucks cause I dont really feel anything back.

my girlfriend is a whale and while i'm not super shredded i'm still in good shape and look after myself and i resent her for it

No fag touched my pe-pe and I have those types of drives too. The dom end though not the sud. You a sub user? World needs more subs

I stole fizzy lifting drinks.

I dont know. I walked away to take a piss when it was on page 1, a minute later, just gone.

how much plastic and soy did your single mom feed you?
how overweight were you at the time?

>No fag touched my pe-pe
says the fag.

I'm now married to my molester. Yeah, he groomed me, but to be honest, I'm happy and really don't want to be with anybody else. I also "enjoyed" what he was doing to me. I was never once scared or hurt. He just made me feel good.

I'm a registered sex offender because I was 20 and ironically met some 16 year old jailbait here on Yas Forums.

I should have abandoned ship when she said she was Canadian.

Usually the sex offender title is the kiss of death but I look like the boy next door so people never suspect it and it hasn't really stopped me from going to college, fucking sluts, etc.

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Not that user, but precocious puberty can just happen, without soy, plastic, milk, high calorie diets, hair creme, or whatever other paranoid delusion hippies are selling these days.

i know a guy who wound up on the list because he took a piss in his backyard and a neighbor took a picture and called the police.

I wish more stories ended this way. My first abuser was scum and I wish the ultimate fates of my abusers were switched, but my second one was... I wish she didnt od

What were yours and his ages at the time?

what do you mean?

I consider myself 'straight,' but I only fap to traps or POV solo stroking vids these days. Often times, the first thing I think about when I wake up is cocks.

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Me: loli

Him: late teenager

Startes over 15 years ago. I'm now in my mid-late 20s.

Sucked on my sisters tit when I misunderstood her offer to taste her breast milk because I was curious.

I don't see the problem with it since he obviously loved you enough to stay with you once you grew out of the loli age.

As long as you're both happy, it's all good in the hood.

i hate to break it to you user... youre a faggot

Can't be, I like women...I just like cock, too.

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I slept with my 10th grade science teacher.

I never told anyone cept right now.

No one would believe me. I dont care. I know what we did. I still jerk off to it.


What was it like to be molested?

holy shit i thought that was a really small cock at first. that is the biggest clit i have /ever/ seen

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Oh yes, there is more.

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i want a big titties goth girlfriend

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At first, like being punished for shit I didnt understand or didnt do. Over time it was thrilling like a secret with a friend. Eventually it was just so much of my childhood I only had a handful of people who made up my entire world, and half of them were fucking me "in secret".

I am heterosexual and pangenderal.
I am sexually attracted to certain biological females.
I am not sexually attracted to biological males.
Sex does not equal gender.
The majority of people to whom I am sexually attracted are ciswomen.
I have not yet seen a transwoman that I would have sex with.
I have seen a few transmen that I would have sex with.
So I may be heterosexual, but some I am pangenderal, anyone who disagrees with my sexuality is clearly homophobic.

How did she react?

don't we all... don't we all...

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It's not legit until you have a flag.

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I think there be bait in these here waters...

I became my boyfriend's pimp once he came out as a tranny.

I raped my friend last week while she was asleep drunk next to me and she'll probably never know lol

did you cum in her?