Trump donates 100,000 to stop the Coronavirus!

Trump donates 100,000 to stop the Coronavirus!

Let's break this down.

Dude is worth 3.1 billion.

So he gave .00322 % of his net worth to stop the Coronovirus.

So... if you had a net worth of 100,000 and gave an equivalent donation then you need to donate $3.22 to be as generous as Trump.

Does he think we are that dumb?

Attached: Trump-Salary-Donation.jpg (1500x1000, 207.98K)

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>you need to donate $3.22
I'm certainly not donating that much.

You think trump is worth 3 billion? He must love you

congress is passing $8.3 billion dollars for it

based, he has yet to take a salary for being president

imagine trying to find the negative in some dude donating to charity, doesnt matter who he is, you're trying to call him an asshole for donating to charity

grow up you fat neckbeard transgender faggot


I'm not a Trump supporter and I think he's a massive faggot, however, what are you doing to stop the coronavirus OP?

he sure is dipshit. it sucks that he’s that rich but look it up

>office of the assistant secretary for health
>donating to charity

Hasn't he donated all of his presidential salary since taking office? You say this like it's his only charitable giving. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars have you given to charity?

Google and even Bloomberg says, $3.2B. Do you think those two entities would lie for him? TDS, on fleek.

Attached: Glory.jpg (1440x1080, 282.27K)

>I'm not a Trump supporter
Fuck off, that's exactly something a Trump supporter would say

Yet spent 300 mil to fly and board SS for his golf.

How much have you donated you dumb faggot?

How much Bernie donate?

as a billionaire he knows spewing money at problems don't solve them. have you donated a penny? no?

>based, he has yet to take a salary for being president

He prefers to get paid via Margo-Largo.

Every visit he gets money from all the SS people that have to stay there to protect him. The man is winning made loot.

How much did Bernie donate?

>Dude is worth $3.1 billion

A few things user...

He's worth that according to Trump... The single largest compulsive liar in the country. So take that number with a pile of salt.

Second, net worth doesn't equal cash flow. You could be worth a million in assets you can't easily liquidate and have a few grand in the bank.

Lastly, it's still $100k, that helps and it's more than you have done.


>you're trying to call him an asshole for donating to charity
Different user, but I have zero respect for rich fucks who publicly donate to charity. They either do it for attention, or because it's an entree into certain social events.

Trips of truth


I voted for Bernie yesterday, faggot.

Bernie wants to donate $10 zillion of your dollars.

>Dude is worth 3.1 billion.
LOL....In his sides!!

atleast the money still goes to charity


can has coronna?

He's a Jew what did you expect

lol he literally got banned from ever running a charity because he stole from kids with cancer to buy a big ass portrait of himself. and one golfing trip alone costs more than the yearly salary of the president and it goes in his pockets you gullible cuck

how much did you donate.
probably 0

Forbes 400 also says $3.1 billion, and Forbes has been running articles for decades about Trump badgering them to inflate his net worth, so it shouldn't be an inflated number.

ITT: People being mad at donations and people being mad that someone said how insignificant this was to the donator.

My net worth about 200.000 and I have donated 0$. He’s a lot more generous than I am

And then i told them I'd donate!

Attached: Obama-Laugh.jpg (2560x1440, 650.17K)

Yea fuck these liberal faggots. Need to go worry about their niggers and fags thats all they care about

No refunds. No Coronavirus allocations.
Yes sports cars, private jets, and house #4

Yeah, and you both are liars.

Can’t into economics.

Thanks for re-electing Trump though, good job there lad


The God Emperor is a giving man. It's much more than I have given, which is zero dollars and zero fucks.

I can't wait for FOUR MORE YEARS! Keep crying nigger.

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It’s true, haven’t donated a penny, and not going to

I'm sure your disdain cuts Trump deeply. What are your annual charitable contributions? How do they compare to his?
How do you feel about Lunchpail Joe? I ask, because that's gonna be your guy.

My net worth is around 1.5 mil. I gave nothing. Trump trumps.

Op is staying in his mom's basement so he doesn't catch it.

there are people not willing to pay that much for video games

I donate hundreds of hours every year at charities. Probably a few more than Trump.

Ok. How much have you given to charity this year? His past isn't relevant. Yeah, the golfing makes me mad too. Not that any president in either of our lifetimes has been clean in that regard.

net worth of 3.1 billion doesn't mean he has 3.1 billion in liquid cash, dumbass. In fact, I doubt he has much liquid cash at all, since people that actually make money don't just sit on huge sums of cash.

So fucking thirsty for any reason to hate this guy who is doing more than you ever will.

Grow up.

Giving out free blowjobs to illegal immigrants doesn't count as charity. It's your hobby.

You mom thinks it's more than a hobby, it's her passion.

>Donates money
>literal free money
>you bitching like a cunt

Have you ever considered not being a cunty bitch?

OP is a dolt.

Attached: trump curews.jpg (807x521, 211.3K)

It's not free money, it's his quarterly salary, paid for by taxes. So we the taxpayers are the ones being charitable, not Trump.

two cents......thats all corona virus is worth, an opinion. trump is the best. he just keeps ploughing faggots under

That's great. You should keep doing it. Two questions though.
1. What is your time actually worth? Be honest.
2. Trump hasn't accepted a paycheck for being president. By most accounts, unpaid service counts as charity too. Does he get to count his time too?
You still wanna pretend you can stack up?

So quit taking customers away from her you cock hog.

Have you donated your $3.22 yet?

Lol. But it's everyone's " right" to free healthcare, college, housing, food. Funny how those aren't considered charity.

When I bill hourly, it's typically in the 100 range. And if you want to count his time as president as donated, you also have to consider the benefits he gains in terms of public stature, influence, and having everybody always stay at one of his hotels. Charity is what you do without any direct reward. Trump's building his brand and using funds in ways that ultimately benefit him.

His security costs twice as much as the pay he doesnt take. Cause Melania refuses to stay in the White House. Dumb puppets dont know shit though. Just like the democrat puppets.

It's hard to keep up, your mom's a vacuum when it comes to bubonic plague infected semen.

They're charity, by that standard. Forced charity. It's the basic argument of socialists, that taking other people's money to spend on it on things they think are good is somehow virtuous and giving.

well how much did you contribute...

Bitch just shut up already. Oh boohoo! I hate the racist orange man! Wahhh!!!

Let’s break it down like this, the man has an almost limitless amount of wealth, he is, after all, a corporate giant. Yes, what he donated to help fight the corona virus is to him, chump change, peanuts, pennies to you or me. But here’s the thing, he isn’t obligated to donate a fucking penny to anyone for any reason. Is he playing it up? Probably. It’s what the wealthy do to maintain acceptance of those under them. That’s how the world works, deal with it.

And before someone says “triggered”, no, I’m annoyed. I don’t come to Yas Forums to discuss politics, but it’s really annoying that we see it CONSTANTLY on this board. Your opinion doesn’t matter, it won’t chamge anything.

This is now a dubs thread, check em.

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