Hey b I just went to the store and it was empty as fuck

Hey b I just went to the store and it was empty as fuck.
Is it really the coronavirus bullshit?
Why are people so scared of this

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because people are pussies. unless youre a minority or over 60 you will be fine.
its literally white power disease

>Why are people so scared of this
because the media has told them to be

because the media is overhyping this like everything else for clicks/views. Do some research and you'll find that that almost everyone dying ftom CV is either over 60 or has a major pre-existing health conditions.

I went to Walmart and saw some of the same. There was no ass paper, water or hand sanitizers on the shelves. Truth be told, I dont give a fuck if I catch it and perish.

Turn around faggot... Lots of stock!
People are so fucking stupid.. Instead of washing hands often, they raid supermarkeds for shit..

Same here. I was pissed now I can't fucking wipe my ass or purchase water.


Stop watching fox news.
Research the 1918 spanish flu.
SARSCoV19 is worse.
Do the math.

You only have a 98% chance of surviving, why aren't you scared?

I swear someone kills and eats a bat(man) and gets a bad case of the sniffles and joker.jpg

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>Purchase water from a shop
Unless you live in a desert there is no excuse for this.

I went a few days ago and got two carts of stuff. Soups, noodles, froze a bunch of meats. I probably got about fifty days of food. Now I'll just pretend I don't have it and continue shopping for freshies like normal, until something goes wrong (or not). When it's over, I just won't have as much shopping to do, as often, for a while. It only cost a couple hundred bucks. I try to find the BOGO stuff so I can put as much away for as cheap as possible.

>purchase water
some people really do deserve the corona

It’s like these fools think they’re going to turn off the water, what a bunch of rubes

It's probably not as serious as this but it's definitely worse than the stable genius is making it out to be. Let's just pray it away.

It turns out that when I-80 in Wyoming is closed for days at a time due to winter conditions there are supply problems because that's a major transportation corridor for trucks. Further, some loads can sit for days while others like vegetables cannot without being ruined and that causes supply problems for more than just the produce section at the supermarket.

tl;dr it's been a rough winter for transportation west of the Mississippi.

Kill a billionaire, its legal. Bloomberg put up a surveillance state in nyc.

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It's a move to discourage people from voting for Sanders/Biden.

Even if you have a water meter, it's still cheaper to run a tap.

But what about that whole gay frog thing?

I have a very weak immune system so I'm scared I'm going to die if I get it and I'm in uni living on campus don't know if I should go home or not?

Only if you want to be over run by chigaboons.

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BS. Way more died from the current influenza this season than from sars-coV19.

So How could it be worse than the Spanish flu?

>gay frog thing

Pepe isn't going to get you even if you drink tapwater.

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the answer is it isn't
the spanish flu killed people who were healthy, and in fact it affected healthy people even worse.
And then, after a year it literally just went away after killing 100mn people.

Jebus nerfed it because it was unbalanced.

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Go out and lick some doorknobs.

1 in 5 are hospitalised requiring a ventilator for life support you ignorant fuckwit.

I saw a guy wearing a gas mask buying all the tinned food and none-perishables from the store earlier

>then again he could just be a brony

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Those white dudes look more like Mormons.

Same here expect got about 3 months for a family of 4. My secret idiot prepper can now be released without shame.

I farted

because people are afraid of shortage of toilet paper.

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I can't be the only one who wants to get a bane mask, I mean everyone is wearing those crappy paper ones right?

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Plus none of you faggots go outside anyway so what are you worried about, that Mom will bring it home?

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There was footage on the news of empty shelves in my suburb, so next day I went shopping. The local supermarket is fully stocked and no sign of looting.
Then I found out the empty shelves were at Costco. All is made clear. Costo customers are fixated on cheap stuff and don't like shopping in the mainstream because it dilutes the benefit of their Costco subscription. Imagine paying a fee up-front for the privilege of paying full retail on second-rate goods.

>purchase water
the absolute state of this

But if I can buy $3 a bottle smart water how will I ever make it ?!?!

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That just looks like a normal supermarket in the north of england.

OP your probably poor and shop at the pleabs store... Wholefoods is fully stocked.

That didn't stop locking down one of the biggest societies on the planet, nigger

Aus checking in. toilet paper is now where in the stores anymore all sold out.. what idoits

your right,instead of intelligent people.lets listen to donald trump thumping his bible instead

Get a bidet then faggot

whole foods is for faggot liberals,go eat some more soy kid

Just poop in the sea, it's good enough for sharks it's good enough for you.

also,americans are retarded

1.all you want to argue about is how orange man's tweets are better then the intelligent people on the media

2.you dont even realize how terribly your country is handling coronavirus

That's not what Alex Jones tells me, and he's never wrong.

Another example of the media driving hysteria over nothing. The media can't just report things anymore. Everything has to be break news of a crisis. This thing is killing people who are already compromised. People who are old. People who have weakened immune systems. Etc.

In Ottawa and hand sanitizer/disinfectant wipes are gone, canned food is about 50% gone, there was still a bunch of water and toilet paper tho

lol u are so wrong

>unless youre a minority
well shit...

I see plenty of spaghetti. Quit your crying you testicleless faggot.

but you guys told me empty shelves were only a thing in communist countries

That is not true, it is dangerous to spread misinformation like that.

>My secret idiot prepper can now be released without shame.
Yeah, I feel that. I dabble with it every winter anyway, I just expanded the effort and gave it some extra thought.

>That is not true, it is dangerous to spread misinformation like that.

Except not

That would check out, I'm from Utah and mormons are damn good at bball

No. Just no. Spanish Flu killed way more people than the damn World War that was going on at the time.

I'm confident that we're handling it just fine. MAGA

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I don't go to bulk stores. I get better deals BOGO hunting. I always come out with "you saved 24%" or thereabouts on my receipt. Thats when I load op on things like a pork tenderloin in those heavy rubbery wraps. They freeze nice. Or I make a big pot of spaghetti sauce, and freeze about six of the deli quart soup containers. Just a few things like that, you're already up to a month. Cans of Progresso on BOGO, then mix a scoop of rice into it, instant meal for two bucks. Seven different things, six or seven each is approx fifty days. Between 2-3$ per meal, comes to about $250. Then a bunch of french fries, pierogis, potato pancakes. Keeps things interesting. Its not rocket science.