The absolute lack of evidence on either side of the "muh god" argument persuades me that one side is probably right

The absolute lack of evidence on either side of the "muh god" argument persuades me that one side is probably right.

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the burden of proof lies on people making the claim that a god exists


elves are tall
elves are short
you must pick one

its a book of fiction

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the fact that more difficult things to understand aren't always harder to express is proof that god exists

Now make an actual sentence.

ne-i otama rodu; kama resira moda


There's actually a third option: god does not exist but intelligent atheists realise the godfags will argue about something more important if they don't have their skydaddy, it is unquestioningly better that the ignorants remain ignorant.

I believe there's evidence on both sides with the answer being somewhere in the middle.

>There is a Supreme Deity that created all things and holds absolute power.
>This Supreme Deity is a seperationist in that it has turned its back on mankind here on Earth.
>Some of the common ideas of this Supreme Deity has been hijacked by Governing Authorities.
>We are not the first civilization to live on this planet.
>There for sure have to be other civilizations among the stars, advanced in technology or not.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Look at your thumbs and ask why are we the only animal with them.

there is actually evidence that the gods of religions don't exist. all the events that are defining to them never happened. vague unfalsifiable deist gods may exist but who cares.

>ask why are we the only animal with them
who the fuck would ask themselves such an ignorant fucking question and expect an intelligent answer?

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those have to do with music

Both sides are right. God created the Heavens and the Earth. Evolution took care of the rest.

Ah, the cop-out answer

Only 1 side needs evidence tho.

You fucking retards always insist that if you are not convinced that there is a good you somehow need evidence to prove that there isnt one.
If i claim that im an alien, do you need evidence before you can go "yeah no i dont believe that for a second"
no you dont, ITS NOT THAT HARD!

you fucking agnostic cunts dont know how words work.
You are either a theist (believe in a god) or you are not, i dont care if you call yourself an atheist, non-spiritual or agnostic, you are in the same boat with me and I would call you an atheist because thats how atheists use the word.

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with a computer yeah

Nice bait.

>the answer being somewhere in the middle
There is no middle between "does exist" and "does not exist." It's literally not possible to only halfway exist.

>There is a Supreme Deity
Then you believe god exists. It's that simple.

Imagine talking about atheism in 2020

Valid point.

My goal with my comment being that this Supreme Deity is commonly known as "God" but has had many names throughout history both past and modern.

Dude, we can finally drop the term in like 2060, because before all religions die, there will be some religious nut who needs a word for all the people he hates.

One side is keen to say god exist, but they provide no evidence.
The other side doesn't care as long as the religions doesn't force their toys on them.

God made man from clay and breathed life into it.
Bubbles on the shore of an ancient sea sloshed around and closed up around proto cell structures, begining evolution.
Which story do you like?
Which one generates more benefit to your immediate condition?

one side NEEDS god to exist.
the other side couldn't care less either way.

Which side does it seem like would be bias? and which side would possibly convince themselves of crazy wild fairy tales?
Maybe it would be the side that NEEDS to believe...

Think about it this way - Science is true whether or not your god exists....
therefore, your god does not need to exist.

>Which story do you like?
The second one, because it shows the wonders of the universe and what is possible with no divine intervention at all.
>Which one generates more benefit to your immediate condition?
Neither benefit my immediate condition, but having a greater understanding of science and natural processes passively benefits all of humanity.
I don't get what you're trying to prove here.

>I don't get what you're trying to prove here.
neither does anybody else

>Science is true whether or not your god exists....
Dude, don't put this on me, it's not my god.
I'm on the " I don't really care" team.

user was clearly using "your" generally (to refuta a general argument), not specifically to mean ___(you)

Ah, sorry, English isn't my first language.

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B the fuck tfoed

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"Evil" is subjective. It is dependent on a specific perspective to be perceived as "evil" (what is evil for the sheep is brilliant for the wolf). It does not exist in an objective form.

Therefore, "God" does not "allow" "evil" to exist.

I'd have to see an elf to determine their subjective tallness/shortness, but that would require that they actually exist. But there's no evidence either way though is there?

Science asks questions that may never be answered.
Religion offers answers that may never be questioned... or else.

Wow, so deep.

1. What God are talking about? If it is the god of any major religion, he clearly has very specific ideas about what constitutes as evil.

2. If you are talking about a God that is somehow completely different from the ideas of the major religions, specify wtf you are talking about.

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I'm not trying to prove anything, but pointing out that both stories are grounded in conjecture about a far distant origin point. One's immediate condition is what could use science or religion and do they help, now?
Many of the 'Founding Fathers' of the US were Deists, God made a rational/ clockwork world but doesn't care about it.
This sounds like OPs opening.

You took the words right out of my mouth, user - only you expressed them better than I would be able to.

"both" sides. Like there aren't thousands.
Yet only one of them is right. And it's the one all the others hate.

>What God are talking about?
well, since I was clearly responding to the Epicurious quote, I was clearly referring to whatever god Epicurious was referring to.

I was pointing out that his whole argument is based on the presumption of the existence of "true objective evil" which clearly is nonsense and therefore his whole argument is pure gibberish

1. Some God exists
2. God doesn't exist at all

could you please list the other thousand options in order?

>therefore his whole argument is pure gibberish
its only gibberish if there is no god that has defined evil in any way. but since there isnt, i agree with you, its gibberish.

reply to this
God (or gods) are always closely associated with some kind of ethics (shit you are supposed to do and shit you better not do).

If you are talking about some God that comes without that, I would be interested to know what God that is.

Reading comprehension: F

>If you are talking about some God
I am very clearly talking about the exact same god the Epicurious user brought up. it is on HIM to define that god. not me retard.

Alright: Every single god that tells you what to do and what not to do.

Now what?

which just implies that god does exist, and only our description of him is wrong (and we can be absolutely certain about that one already)

therefore you answer is: god exists
you are a theist. deal with it.

if you actually want to shove a fence pole into your ass anyways, there is are legit other options:

"I don't know", or extended - "I don't care".
Makes you an agnostic theist / atheist, depending if you default on living your life on the hopeful prospect that he exists or not.

gnostic theists / atheists are the real assholes in this equation, because one side can't shut up about their sky-daddy and the rules they put into his mouth for you to follow, and the other is too autistic to move on and do something productive with their time wasted on debunking ancient goat-fuckers' hallucinations...

Proof of God is what is required to move him out of Religion and into Science.
Religion requires Faith (the illogical belief in something that cannot be proved).
Science requires Proof, the handmaiden of Truth.

Now that you've answered your own moronic question start over and try again, and try to keep your answer to your question while you take another stab at what I already said.

Multiple gods exist?
Gods defy logic and exist and dont exist at the same time in the same way?
cant come up with any more.

>Multiple gods exist?
already covered in option 1.

Reading comprehension: F

retarded red herring.
to tell me that there is a pantheon, you should be able to prove the existence of any given one.

there is no functional difference between the existence of one god or more.
only between n gods and 0.

was just humoring him, there are no other options, idk what he is talking about.
Did you not see the question mark?

Evil is subjective, so God is subjective.

Both don't exist. Very practical.

I hope you will be able to keep that in mind in case somebody rapes you and cuts of one of your fingers afterwards to keep as a souvenir.

>Gods defy logic and exist and dont exist at the same time in the same way?
are they omnipotent, omnipresent, and allknowing, the creator of all things and in controll of them (maybe in summary as a group)?
then they aren't gods.
Just some more advanced beings, whereas self-awareness might be an attribute they could lack, too.

so nope, doesn't makes it onto the list.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I never claimed the universe is commanded by a zombie jew magician.

I'm not arguing that God exists (work on your reading comprehension). I'm arguing that objective evil does not exist and therefore Epicurious is just spouting irrelevant gibberish rather than contributing to the debate/discussion

imagine being so far up your ass as a god, that you would buy into the teachings of your own religion.

Why are you so concerned with what he says (and why are you even in this thread) if you are not on some side of the argument, Mr. Swiss?

>objective evil
how about torturing someone because it makes you feel happy?

would draw the line at some consensual ass pounding between fags like some religious nutjobs, but evil / good being purely subjective is something I wouldn't subscribe, either.
I'd go as far and say "largely", but certainly not entirely.

If "God" exists, there should be world peace, no one should have any problems, no poor people, hungry people etc

But if a "Supreme Deity" exists, who is neither "good" not "bad", and is just playing around, then that explains most of the shit going down

Good and Bad are relative concepts btw

>Why are you so concerned with what he says
Projection. I destroyed the argument and you put a shit ton of energy into disputing my argument by ignoring the main point and focusing on a red herring instead.

>and why are you even in this thread

Because I'm OP u dumbfuck.

the burden of proof is squarley on the godtards. I don't need evidence that the easter bunny doesn't exist to know mom made up the fucking easter bunny.

Just one word - 'Nonduality'

why are you here, dipshit?
every opinion is worth to be heard.
It may not be valid, nor would hold up to scrutiny, but everyone has a right to express themself, regardless how wrong/right they are.

> to know mom made up the fucking easter bunny
unless your mom is a time-traveler, I can assure you she wasn't the one who made it up.

>But if a "Supreme Deity" exists, who is neither "good" not "bad", and is just playing around, then that explains most of the shit going down

No. The best explanation for what is going down is: there is nobody there. At least nobody who is conscious in any sense we would recognize as a "being".

>how about torturing someone because it makes you feel happy?
Seriously? wolf and sheep again. what you are describing is clearly perspective based

its called a proxy. I don't have to know who specifically made it up originally to know its made up.

might not even be the best.
so far we're unable to prove we do exist.
for all we know, we could just be simulations in a matrix. or the hollow, ever repeating echos of a universe long gone, printed and petrified onto the surface of a black hole.

Well, at least we know you're an idiot and can disregard everything you think. Thank you for outing yourself.

Couldn't there be multiple types of elves?