I know no person will admit they are "rich" including multi millionaires, to stay low profile

I know no person will admit they are "rich" including multi millionaires, to stay low profile

But could any legit richfag here actually open up and share your lifestyle?

Bragging aside what is your life like?

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I got laid off from my job once after working there for 8 years. I was stressed about not having saved any money so I decided to take a distribution from my 401k. 48 hours later I had 19k transferred to my checking account. First thing I did with my newfound wealth was buy a plane ticket to Vegas and lost 10k on blackjack. I spent the rest on a new gaming pc, and some TE37s for my accord. Then I moved in with my gf at her dads place for a year before I found a new job. I literally gamed all day playing cs:go and apex legends on 1440p while my gf worked. Best year of my life.

I know some friends in the narco biz. Cash, millions, houses, everywhere. But that is hood rich, not huwite man rich.

money is money

Ok, I wouldn’t say I’m “rich” but I probably am to you guys. Well into 7 figures.

My lifestyle is pretty much the same as everyone else’s, just a little nicer and with some more convenience.

I go out to restaurants a lot. I don’t shop, I actually have someone who shops for me. I have a driver a few nights per week when I go out, so that makes life easier.

I go to the same bars and clubs I used to, but get tables and bottles every time now.

I went from photography with a Nikon to photography with a Leica.

I eat nicer restaurants than I used to. But everything else is about the same.

I get custom shirts and jackets, and I wear expensive shoes, but most people wouldn’t notice.

My main car (S class) was $130k. Looks cool, but not that much better than a car you could get for half that.

Oh, I travel whenever and wherever I want. That’s nice. That’s the main difference that I actually care about tbh.

Well... that and I get a bunch of pussy thrown at me regularly. That’s new from when I made my money.

I work every waking hour of every day to make more and more money, I genuinly dont know when it will be enough or what enough even looks like, and that worries me. I feel a bit like I am grinding out money, but then have no time to use it, and it genuinly worries me that the only time I will stop is when my health eventually gives up, at which point I wont be able to use it anyway.

Is my life easier with money, yeah. I literally never have to worry about paying a bill. I can go where I want, travel when I want, buy whatever I want. But I dont have the time to enjoy it as much as I should.

Take for example my car. I took delivery of my car about 18 months ago. I bought myself a Porsche GT4 as I specifically wanted one to take to the Nurburgring, its the perfect car for it, its a great looking car, it has amazing reviews, etc. I love this car. But 18 months on, have I taken it to the Nurburgring? Have I fuck. Its done 1800 miles. And thats almost all driving to and from work when I fancy a change from the Range Rover.

Am I fortunate.... yes. Am I moaning, not really. I guess I am just trying to make the point that money or no money, you are still always working your ass off. I guess the only difference with me is that Im doing it for some other reason (that I still cant put my finger on) rahter than to pay the bills. And whilst others may worry about their retirment finances, I worry if I will even live long enough to get that far, and by that point will it be too late to enjoy anyway?

basically you're a fucking normie npc with no self control

Found the nigger!

Well on paper I’m worth about 2 million.
Not that much in to some.
I’m a retired milfag so I get my pension and VA benefits. I was fortunate enough to buy a home in San Francisco before shit got stupid expensive and sold for a nice capital gain. I moved the fuck out to somewhere more affordable and used the money on a small home and funded a day trading account. I can make between 2000 and 12000 a month depending m. Everyone’s a genius in a bull market but on red days I have taken hits. I also am a realtor and closed 7 transactions last year for about 40 after it’s all said and done. I only work a few hours a week though. The rest of the time I spend sailing and playing video games

Youre so rich you can barely form a sentence

Also I have a modest home and drive a Dodge Ram 1500 but I get sushi four nights a week and go out for wings all the time

Grew up a richfag. Dad collects WWII airplanes rich. Always grew up around other richfags. Knew that I was rich but didn't realise how many people weren't rich till college. Was legit confused when someone was not going home over a break because they couldn't afford a plane ticket. I knew not everyone had access to private jets, but I thought everyone could buy a ticket to fly wherever.

It's almost like they could hire someone to write half written sentences for them.

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same here but I probably make a quarter of what you make.
I work nonstop and I don't necessarily hate it and its great having money come in all the time from different streams but i'll just probably die one day before I can really enjoy anything

flaunting money is for niggers. I just do me, keep a low profile. I don't buy designer brand clothing. don't really go to expensive restaurants, nor do I blow money on expensive alcohol. I have an inconspicuous apartment in a pretty average neighborhood. I don't do drugs, don't spend vacations on 5-star resorts. in fact I barely travel and when I do I feel premium economy is more than adequate. my only indulgence is the occasional prostitute, and even then I don't go for the top shelf because I don't feel they're worth the money

When I care, I write well. To respond to a bunch of poorfags on Yas Forums it’s gonna be stream of consciousness.

Oh, another thing. Most of my friends are rich — like richer than me. So I get invited to their getaways spots on their planes, and out in their yachts, etc. and end up rarely paying for much of anything except maybe a plane ticket if the schedules don’t work for me to hop in their planes

>Can afford only a $130k S-Class
This guy right here is blatant poorfag LARPing

The rich ain't got no time for full sentences don't you know time is money

wtf is the point of having money if you live like a bum??

found the jew

Kek if this is true this is so fucking retarded.

Hoarding money is a legit mental problem for some reason. I know a guy who basically wont eat unless its a cheap as fuck frozen pizza, wont pay to have the mould cleaned from his place ect, place is a complete mess because he works so much but still refuses to pay someone a few quid to clean for him.

He's literally fucking his own health and wellbeing by saving constantly, thats no life. Its a pity because he is actually a decently generous guy, hell pick up thoughtful gifts for people now and again and treats his girlfriend to trips but holy shit dude buy some decent fucking food and new cloths you retard you can afford it.

Is it though.

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I make 6,000 - 7,000 euros a month for the past 6 years.
I do know if this counts as rich, but before that i was living on 750 euros per month.im still the same character as i was before and personality wise om still the same, i do however spend more on clothes and shoes as well as man-toys. I bought a very nice car, that doesn't scream out faggot and a motorcycle that I've always wanted, i do however get to help out my family more and as for women, mostly talk to me because they know about the money , im traveling alot more, and i like to hit up more high end restaurants
Anything you want to know,ask.

what work do you do and where do you live?

bro, that's like trying to avoid death by steering into it
find a hobby

I sell religious icons and artifacts mostly to russian orthodox buyers, and other church related items such as incence and robes for priests,bibles and hymn books, i shit you not. im from Greece

I make over $10,000 per month which is not rich but OK. Bought an expensive house on the water and my payments are $5000 per month. So basically Im broke after bills are paid. I drive a 10 year old SUV and drink cheap beer.

I don't think bum means what you think it means. I just don't see the point of burning through the cash just because. I live a very comfortable life and I don't even have to get out of bed for it. Also, I'm not hoarding the money. I spend what I feel like spending and the rest just sits in my account. it's not an active effort to scrape every single penny. I don't go to expensive restaurants, but I do often go to average restaurants. I do love fast food, McD's mostly. When I'm out with a friend I will often offer to pick up the check. And I donate a sizeable amount to charity every year. It's also a little bit o guilt. my family made money and I just inherited a trust fund. so I kinda have it in the back of my head that the money doesn't really belong to me

I'm not rich like a baller, but I have enough to live modestly and never work again. After being out of the workplace for about seven years, I can't fathom the idea of going back, adhering to a schedule, and having people tell me what to do. After I sell the house I'm in, probably next year, I'm gonna buy a small condo in a second-level city with low taxes. As long as I don't do anything crazy, it's nice to be able to walk onto a car lot and buy one, as long as its not outrageous.

I have more good boy points than anyone on this site

>I just inherited a trust fund

Yeah i can kind of understand where your coming from then. Why not spend some of it on some interesting projects you could make some money of or atleast make your money back.

Its seems really fucking depressing to not do anything interesting considering you have the means too.

Is your mommy gonna make you some chicken tendies?

I bought my parents house in our low-tax, inexpensive southern suburb. People know I have money but most don't know how. I'm not "Oprah" rich by any means. I'm the sort of "rich" where I don't have to work if I don't want to (because I made good choices early on) but I do for the sake of satiating boredom and earning a bit of spending money. I have a few toys, but no debt.

I do. I'm an EMT and I'm applying to join the police force. I don't care about money. I already have more than I need and I have zero interest in pursuing something because I may make more money out of it.

Sure, kinda reminds me of Tony Montana and his love for Babylon club. Lol. These guy stick to themselves and have private clubs. I was exposed when we drove to an abandoned building with garage access. Apparently they bought it and refurbished with lavish interior. You don't even have a clue that it's there as you drive by. Everything goes inside. The best whisky's and free 420 and coke. All cash no credit cards. All the girls/waitress can be fondled. If they like you, you can bang in a private room. These are mid lvl narcos. Possible street lvl. Like I said, hood rich. And you are correct, money is money. But when you have to look over your shoulder, not the best way to live. Oh, they told me they went to the islands for Vacation , I figured lake Lanier islands, nope, Turks and Caicos islands. Alrighty then. Yes. Gafag here.

thats rich

and where do you get icons and artifacts?

I have 60k in my savings 250k in my ira and 5k cash sitting in my safe. I make 110k per year, am I rich yet?

Well, there are always people more wealthy but I guess if I tried to be objective most people would view me as rich - if they knew.
But they don't because I enjoy bumming around in tatty clothes and a tatty car. What I do like is a really nice house in the country, and one in the city. Eating good food and not having to worry about the cost of anything. I retired at 50 and have pretty much pleased myself since. I'd say wealth is more a stress-remover than something that makes me happy in itself. But it's very nice never to have financial woes. The market downturn this week cost me several hundred thousand £GBP and it doesn't matter.

>I'm an EMT
Thats pretty cool i guess.

Literally nobody cares, just so you know

Most people who have medium-large money, but not mega money, just enjoy the comfort and certainty that the world is not gonna fall apart under their feet. That in itself is a luxury. And if you spend too much foolishly, you can fuck that up by being short sighted. If you're smart about it, what you have on Jan 1 will grow larger by Dec 31, despite taking living expenses out of it. Thats the speedometer you have to live by. If it goes the other way, you're doing it wrong.

Well, I am rich and don't need to work for the rest of my life. My father owned a regional supermarket business, but unfortunately he died very young in his and my life. I inherited most of his stuff and the rest of the family takes care of the business. I might eventually go to work there but it's hard without anyone to motivate you.
My lifestyle is basically neet, only go out for groceries.

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live a little for fucks sake, go to nice restaurants, live in a nice apartment, travel to some nice places, do you even work or just live off the trust fund?

Go away poorfag. Ballers only

Lmfao yeah okay bro still nobody cares and double spacing a sentence doesn't equate to stream of consciousness typing foh micropenis faggot

what do you do?

No. That story is literally the instruction manual for HOW TO BE POOR.

far from it

How old are you?

Man-toys? Is that some rich way of saying you're a faggot who sucks dildos?

China mostly.

lol....no one to motivate you. tgats one of the great secrets of life. only you can do it. tgere is no one else.

I manage government utilities


Similar situation except I haven't had the happy ending yet. Startup company with friend, things go well but I'm lazy as fuck, two years of doing the bare minimum, company grows to 16 employees, I'm borderline retarded so I do the jobs nobody else wants, the boring shit, analyzing data, writing reports, I'm so shit the clients ask that I no longer interact with them.

Cont or no?
>Yeah I'm even too lazy to greentext

No you faggot, why you fags always talking about dildos, i mean drones , cameras, a quad bike, scuba gear, fishing stuff.

Well, in terms of money in the bank, not all that much, I think I have around 55k in savings at the moment. However, in terms of liquid assets, I have well into 3 million. I'm a classic car dealer/restorer. I buy clapped out cars for dirt as long as they're matching numbers, the repair them and sell them for massive profit. I had a guy sell me what he thought was a Lamborghini Countach kit car because he lost the title and bought it that way on bill of sale. Bought it for 13,000 and sold it after about 15,000 in repairs for 760,000. Right now, I have 34 classic European, JDM and USDM cars that I plan on selling and 11 that I will keep until I die. If I sold them all tomorrow, I'd have anywhere between 3 and 5 million.
>pic mildly related.

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That's only half true. I didn't have anyone to look up to while growing up because my dad was dead. I loved him a lot, and not having him to talk really killed my drive to do anything.
Nowadays I don't think there's any point in me working since I'd only get stressed out dealing with the problems and am happy with staying at home.

So while I agree I also disagree, I think.

To all you rich elitist cunts. I cant wait to find one of you stalk you for months, figure out your schedule, find your weaknesses, discover who your wife is, gain trust with your children, and then rob you blind after I rape and decapitate everyone you love in front of you and il leave you crippled so you can sit with your misery until you wither away into nothingness.

I'm not rich, I make $45,000 a year, but I'm getting $40,000 because someone died.

I'm planning to spend $5,000 on some quality of life improvements and stupid shit.

I might talk to the 2 rich family members, see if they can teach me to turn another $5000 into more.

Either way, the remaining 30,000 to 35,000 goes in the bank.

I'd infinitly rather the family not have experienced a tragedy, but these are the cards I've been dealt.

I don't live in a 30sqm, one bedroom, broom-closet with a toilet bowl right in front of my stove. It's a 100sqm, 2 bedroom apartment in a big city in germany. And the kind of vacation I enjoy, hiking through forests, is readily accessible to me in my own country. I work, as I said in a previous post, as an EMT and I'm applying to join the police. I could definitely not keep my life style with my pay as an EMT. I see what they pay me more as a token of appreciation and a judicial obligation

Interesting, you got a pic of some of those cars in a garage? Majorly interested in the JDM stuff.

What movie was that?

My garage has my company logo and banners plastered all over it. Never in my life would I ever risk associating my business with Yas Forums.

Not rich by far but you could retire by 50 at least very comfortably if you play your cards right

Understandable user.

Fake and gay

It's not out yet. It's based on someones life story though.

really edgy boi

lol don't blame you.

can you list some of those cars that you're keeping or what are the most valuable ones?

But as for JDM, I only have 3 cars in at the moment. I have a 1964 honda S600, a 1972 toyota celica and I have a 1973 mazda RX-3

I only collect vw vans , only a couple of lowriders and muscle cars

if you have to ask then don’t

I plan on starting doing something similar, aside from my other activity, I have more or less 40 old cars, someone in bad condition someone not in bad conditions, some with value some not so much, also around 60-80 old motorcycle, all of this stuff is of my father right now, but he is ok with the idea of starting repairing/selling them, any advice?

Do you import from Japan? I have a side hustle just based on Toyota ae86's. Huge money to be made in Europe with them.

eg. Pick up an 86 in Spain for 6k, drive to Ireland and sell for 10k+...it's not amazing but it makes for a fun weekend and it's free.

Why not liquidate your part in the company and buy some real estate to rent?

well hello there, an average Yas Forumstard

The cars I am keeping forever is a 1993 Ford F-350 7.3(first vehicle I ever owned), a 1964 1/2 mustang with a full coyote swap, a 1970 Plymouth barracuda, a 1993 toyota supra, a 2002 mazda RX-7 spirit R, a 1975 mercedes 230(the first car my dad and I restored together), a 1972 BMW 2002 driven by a famous driver(if I listed who, you could figure out who I am), a 1969 camaro RS/SS (my grandpa's 10 second drag monster and two others I wont list because they're the only two know left on earth.

I was forced out...took a years salary, played video games and raced cars all year, now I'm finding it hard to get work again.


Jesus I'm sorry man, didn't know that :( Hey, do you participate n GGG movies at least?

I have 12 million in a bank account
18 million in property and housing
5 million tied up in investments
Ask me anything