Why do i love white blonde girls SO MUCH??
Can't get enough of em they're so hnnng.
Why do i love white blonde girls SO MUCH??
physical proof that white people are better than all other races in every conceivable aspect. everyone believes in white supremacy, they just don’t admit it
theyre the best, and their vaginas have been pumping out the men that created western civilization and democracy. they should be worshiped and maybe even interbred en-mass with non-whites to help diversify and strenghten gene pools worldwide.
Join this discord if you're horny for hot e-girls and traps or just wanna shitpost /J33BVCu have fun!!
grew up around women of dark features but always had a crush on white blondies for some reason.just seems right to date em :)
More of her? Who is she?
blonde and blue eyes
red and green eyes
brunette and green eyes
as long as she is white no prob
there are only dark italian girls where i live
Insta star Annika Boron